Who is the Voice Actor for Harbor in VALORANT?

Written By Eddie Lemon Writer
Last UpdatedSeptember 8, 2023 at 11:33AM
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Harbor is one of the newest agents in the game, and unlike a lot of older agents, he has a lot of great and unique voice lines. This is not only due to the writing of the lines, but the great delivery by VALORANT’s Harbor voice actor - but who is Harbor’s voice actor?

Who is Harbor’s Voice Actor in VALORANT?

Sunil Malhotra Harbor Voice Actor
Sunil Malhotra Harbor Voice Actor

Harbor’s voice actor is Sunil Malhotra, and he gives us some real authenticity to the Controller! The reasoning for this is that Harbor is from India and so is Sunil Malhotra, so the legitimacy of the voice you hear is real!

Whether it is Sunil Malhotra shouting “Let’s turn the tide!” when Harbor uses his ultimate, or “Wave crashing!” when he uses his Cascade, Harbor’s abilities gave Malhotra the perfect opportunity to show of what he can really provide for us!

But one thing you may notice if you have played a few other games is that Harbor and Sunil Malhotra’s voice sounds quite familiar, but where is that from?

Who else has Harbor’s Voice Actor voiced?

Akshan League of Legends
Akshan League of Legends

Sunil Malhotra actually voiced Akshan, the ranged Mid Laner in League of Legends, Riot Games’ MOBA title, as well as Kung Lao from Mortal Kombat 11!

Malhotra is no newbie to the voice acting scene, and whilst Akshan and Harbor are relatively new characters in their respective Riot Games titles, Malhotra has worked on projects as old as Halo: Reach, voicing Jun!

Now as interesting as this is, we are sure not all of you reading are Harbor mains, so we have articles on others agents and their voice actors, such as Viper’s voice actor, Chamber’s voice actor and the newest Duelist agent in the game, Neon’s voice actor!

Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a full-time writer and short-form video editor, with a degree in Esports! My main games are VALORANT and League of Legends, so you could say that I am at the beck and call of Riot Games! I have worked previously for a few different websites, doing various roles, such as writing, editing, and even voiceovers, but here at THESPIKE, I am an out-and-out article writer, so I can really get as much content out as I can! I graduated with my Esports degree with a 2:1, and a desire to keep going, so this was a perfect step for me, but I still can't get enough of League of Legends when I'm free.