
Written By Onur Demirkol Writer
Last UpdatedApril 27, 2020 at 09:00PM
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Omen is one of the oldest and most effective Controller Agents in VALORANT, and their impact is definitely an important factor to think about. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, Omen will always stay relevant, and they will stay a popular pick for ranked games and the professional arena. In this guide, we will talk about everything you need to know about Omen, including their abilities, lore, and more!

Choosing the right agent might make all the difference when it comes to getting an advantage over competitors. Omen, a respected Controller, has gained popularity for their impact on defense and offense. Understanding Omen's smokes and how to use them effectively may rocket your gaming to new heights, whether you're an experienced player or fresh to the world of VALORANT.


Omen skills

Just like any other Agent, Omen has their own skillset too. The Agent goes under the Controllers category and is a great tool for those who need a smoker Agent.

Omen's smokes are more than just clouds of cover; they are precision tools that can carve out pathways to victory. Their signature ability, "Shrouded Step," enables them to place a shadowy orb at a targeted location, from which they can teleport short distances. This grants Omen the freedom to reposition swiftly and catch opponents off-guard. However, that is not the only cool feature this Agent can do. Here are all of the Omen abilities:

  • Paranoia “Q” - INSTANTLY fire a shadow projectile forward, briefly reducing the vision range of all players it touches. This projectile can pass straight through walls.
  • Dark Cover “E” - EQUIP a shadow orb, entering a phased world to place and target the orbs. PRESS the ability key to throw the shadow orb to the marked location, creating a long-lasting shadow sphere that blocks vision. HOLD FIRE while targeting to move the marker further away. HOLD ALT FIRE while targeting to move the marker closer. PRESS RELOAD to toggle normal targeting view.
  • Shrouded Step “C” - EQUIP a shadow walk ability and see its range indicator. FIRE to begin a brief channel, then teleport to the marked location.
  • From The Shadows “X” - EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to begin teleporting to the selected location. While teleporting, Omen will appear as a Shade that can be destroyed by an enemy to cancel his teleport.

Omen lore

Omen is a man-phantom with uncertain origins and multiple identities. They have hazy memories of their past, but they recall being involved in something that caused them to be ripped apart and dead. All they remember of their former self is a place called Point Light, a past friendship with Sabine "Viper" Callas, and emotions of restoration with each kill. Omen would go on to become the VALORANT Protocol's third recruit and one of its more experienced operatives, all while continuing his pursuit for answers about what had occurred to him over a decade earlier.

“A phantom of a memory, Omen hunts in the shadows. He renders enemies blind, teleports across the field, then lets paranoia take hold as his foe scrambles to learn where he might strike next,” Omen’s official description reads.

Where is Omen from?

In a place where we know about most of the Agents' pasts, we don't know where Omen was born. This makes them more mysterious. Omen can control shadows and smoke, but we don't know much about their own past. This makes players wonder who they really are. It's cool to see that while we know where the other Agents are from, we don't know where Omen is from. We can guess they're from Earth.


Omen and Viper

Despite their fearsome character, Omen is kind to Agents they know well, such as Viper, as seen by their ability to call them by their true name despite advising other agents not to. They have been known to knit to help them concentrate. Omen and Viper are well familiar with each other, with the latter referring to Omen as an "old friend."

Omen and Sage

Sage is another Agent Omen knew prior to joining the VALORANT PROTOCOL, and they have a good friendship that extends beyond their in-game pleasantries (as implied by the VERSUS // Omen + Sage player card). Omen appears to better know Sage's talents, commenting on how Sage's presence and healing skills disrupt the 'natural balance' of life and death. Sage sympathizes with Omen and appears to understand what they are going through.


Omen before and after

In Valorant patch 4.10, Riot Games modified Omen's character model to "increase detail and fidelity," thereby giving the mysterious agent a newly washed clothing.

The modifications were validated in the Public Beta Environment (PBE) patch notes. Shiick, a valiant dataminer, revealed the updated Omen character model modifications on Twitter, displaying significantly more complex armor and a splash of color to his characteristic purple cloak. Here is Omen before and after:


What is Omen’s real name in VALORANT

You can find information regarding VALORANT Agent’s real names on the internet, but not Omen. There are slight clues about Omen’s real name, but we are still not sure about the official name. Omen remember an episode in which they have ripped apart and died, a site known as "Point Light," and a past friend in Sabine Callas, who we know as Viper. The degree of Viper's awareness of their history is unknown, however, this comment from Viper indicates that they share some sort of past.

"Joh--I mean, Omen." Keep your cool; you're still required."

We don't know if this is a reference to the incident in which they get "ripped apart." They were never close to knowing the truth since they have asked Cypher to assist them in finding answers, and Cypher says in an in-game conversation that they have the knowledge Omen sought but must first satisfy their price.

Viper was formerly referred to as "Fre-" in an earlier version of the statement above. This version is noted in the update history of the audio file. This was a deliberate modification, as both of these identities were short for two names disclosed by a blackmailer to be affiliated with Omen and multiple other aliases. Despite this, Omen's real name remains unknown.

How to cancel Omen ult

Omen's ultimate ability, "From the Shadows," grants them the power of unparalleled mobility and trickery. However, mastering it also involves understanding how to cancel it to avoid putting yourself at risk. To briefly explain, once you activate "From the Shadows," you have a window of time during which you can cancel the ability by pressing the ability key again. This brings you back to your original position, preserving your safety if you sense danger or if the situation changes.

Omen has the potential to be one of the most powerful Agents in the game if the player works along with their teammates. This appears to be a recurring theme throughout most of the characters in VALORANT. Riot Games appears to want gamers to combine their favorite agents' powers with those of their colleagues. This is fascinating since all the characters may be used in tandem to win the game rather than just one.

Onur Demirkol here, Content Writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.