
Meet the lightning-fast Jett. Tenth agent of VALORANT Protocol, and the universally regarded best Duelist in the game.
Written By Luke Dalton Writer
Last UpdatedApril 20, 2020 at 05:30PM
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Agent Introduction

The Queen of the Winds, Jett’s ninja-like abilities help her stay ahead of other agents. All the places enemies wish they could reach – that’s where you’ll find her. Whether running circles around a skirmish, cutting down enemies before they can blink, taking risks or escaping danger, Jett’s always ahead of the pack.

When it comes to aggressive angles, surprising lurkers, pushing sites, and early picks, Jett is THE Duelist of choice for most VALORANT players. She’s in a league of her own whether fighting face-to-face or avoiding fire.

Simply put, no one can move around the map quite like Jett.

“I'm amped! Let's go! I got things to do.” Han “Jett” Sunwoo

Jett in the Duelists cinematic using Blade Storm mid air

Quick answers

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers…

How old is Jett? Somewhere between 20 and 25 years old.

Where is Jett from? South Korea, possibly Seoul in the Insa-dong neighborhood.

How tall is Jett? She’s around 164 cm tall.

Is Jett dating Phoenix? As far as we know, they’re just good friends.

Why is Jett picked so often? No other agent comes close to matching Jett’s speed and mobility. Plus, her abilities are highly adaptable to any scenario – duels, teamwork, taking space, and even gathering intel.

Is Jett easy to play? Jett’s abilities aren’t complicated, but they’ll take a bit of time to get used to. Even so, beginners should find her an excellent choice, and pros can be utterly unstoppable with her.

Did Jett get nerfed? Heck, we’re still crying ourselves to sleep about it! Yes, in patch 7.04, Tailwind’s windup increased to 1 second, and its window dropped from 12 seconds to 7.5. Cloudburst’s duration dropped from 4.5 to 2.5 seconds, and re-equipping a gun after using the ability takes longer now, too. Updraft’s charges dropped to 1 and Blade Storm’s Ult cost increased to 8.

Why was Jett nerfed? Officially, Riot claims it’s so that players are “more intentional when using Jett’s abilities”, and to mute easy escapes from mistakes. Actions, consequences, yada yada.

THESPIKE Dossier: Jett


VALORANT's Jett promotional poster
Callsign: Jett
Real Name: Han Sunwoo

Age: 20-25
Height: 164 cm
Origin/country: South Korea
Classification: Radiant
Gender: Female

Affiliation(s): VALORANT Protocol
Agent number: 10
Agent type: Duelist

Difficulty level: Medium
Signature weapon: Game Over Sheriff
Basic abilities:
Passive abilities:
Signature ability:
Ultimate ability:•Blade Storm
Ult points: 8

Release date: Beta (8th agent released)
Voice actor: Shannon Arrum Williams
Jett’s playlist

Personality analysis

Callsign Jett tends to lean into her aggressive instincts. She is often sarcastic, antagonistic, and is regularly seen dishing out insulting jabs to other VALORANT agents. Given her history of being on the run, and that the world at large believes her responsible for the Venice Incident, it seems likely that this in-your-face attitude is little more than a defense mechanism.

Her youthfulness and animated spirit support this analysis, and indeed, she drops her guard and adopts a friendlier attitude towards certain teammates, like agent Phoenix.

She can often be heard expressing herself in a way that suggests she cares more deeply for her friends than she knows how to show, which further supports the maturing Jett has yet to do.

Jett posing with one of her knivesHer cheek and childish ways have likely been reinforced by her considerable skill, which has colored her self-confidence with a shade of arrogance. This can come across as a lack of concern for the safety of her allies, however, it’s clear that Jett has learned the value of teamwork (albeit somewhat reluctantly).

Despite the gravity of all that she’s been through, the anchors of youth clearly still have a strong influence over Jett. She is spiritely, and animated in how she deals with other members of VALORANT Protocol.

Her excitement sometimes gets the better of her, especially when she’s keen to share her ideas.

While some might regard her attitude towards others as “toxic”, a more accurate analysis would be to call her “headstrong”.

She is bold enough to stand by her beliefs and challenge authority figures when needs must, even her superiors – as evidenced by her brazenly calling out agent Brimstone on his decision to recruit agent Fade, despite the harm her blackmailing caused VALORANT Protocol.

In this same incident, Jett shows a yearning for more equality within VALORANT, suggesting that recruitment should follow more democratic means and be put to a vote in future.

And she’s proactive enough to trust her gut and make her own missions when needs be. When Jett emailed Brimstone about her plans to investigate the “weird things” spotted near Kingdom’s L.A. facility, she did not ask permission, but rather stated her intentions.

Jett's email to BrimstoneWhile it’s clear she prefers to do things her own way, these traits also indicate the potential for leadership within Jett, if she can master herself, learn to inspire and lead others, and develop patience.

Despite her headstrong ways, she shows deference and respect where it is due – she still refers to Brimstone as “Boss”, and often shows a willingness to open up to others in VALORANT.

Though she often uses her Radiant powers in grand ways such as propelling herself into the air and levitating, she shows a much greater finesse and control over her powers now and then, which seems to reflect her growing as both a person and a member of the team.

Jett still shows a keen fondness for food, despite the Seoul restaurant incident, and enjoys taking risks, as evidenced by her fighting style and her fondness for gambling.

Her gambling is of particular interest, as she was seen losing considerable credits to Yoru in a string of unsuccessful bets while VALORANT agents fought against Max Bot. Most interestingly, each loss came due to Jett’s betting on the success of her fellow agents, despite Max Bot’s repeated successes. This again supports her development as part of the team.

Jett losing another bet to Yoru while other VALORANT agents look at Max Bot


Han Sunwoo, A.K.A. Callsign Jett, hails from South Korea. We know little about her early life, though it is likely she has roots in the Insa-dong neighborhood of Seoul.

In Seoul, she worked in a restaurant as a chef for a time. This was cut short when the restaurant was destroyed in a severe wind storm. It’s unclear whether this “freak storm” was caused by Jett’s Radiant powers or not, though regardless, this was when her life on the run began.

She was the 10th agent recruited to VALORANT Protocol, and remains one of its youngest members.

The Venice Incident

Jett's wanted mugshot after the Venice IncidentWhile running a solo mission for VALORANT in Venice, agent Phoenix was engaged by Omega’s Jett and incapacitated long enough for her to complete her mission and activate her spike.

Unfortunately, Omega Jett was spotted by local surveillance, leading authorities to issue warrants for Alpha Jett’s arrest, blaming her for the resulting damage to Venice.

Naturally, since the existence of Omega Earth is not common knowledge, the world at large has since considered VALORANT Protocol’s Jett a public enemy and a significant threat to their safety.

Only those within VP know the truth – that a Jett from another Earth is really to blame.

The Venice Incident has left our Jett estranged and ostracized from anyone outside of VALORANT, even those once close to her.

Though she now grasps the reality of the situation herself, this incident has undoubtedly left its scars on her; this was proven when agent Fade’s pre-recruitment blackmailing focused on this and the “impact” Jett has had on the world, building on accusations of her involvement in the destruction of the Seoul restaurant.

To the rest of the world, Jett remains one of the most dangerous, vilified Radiants in existence.

(Ω) Omega Jett

While Ω-Jett was directly responsible for the Venice Incident, it’s possible that agent Phoenix might have been better equipped to handle the situation had he been aware of either Jett’s existence, or the reality of the Mirrorverse. This fault lies with VALORANT Protocol’s early focus on solo missions and knowledge gatekeeping.

Garden of Heroes in Omega EarthOmega Jett seems to be a prominent member of their VALORANT Legion. She’s been observed criticizing Ω-Phoenix’s mission failure, and was joined by the Legion’s Ω-Viper and Ω-Cypher during their thwarted mission in Siberia, Russia, where she was dispatched by agent Yoru.

During VALORANT Protocol’s mission to Earth-2, we observe that Ω-Jett seems to have played a major role in defending their Lisbon before the dome was constructed. Clearly revered as a savior to the city, Ω-Jett even has her own memorial statue in their “Garden of Heroes”, alongside statues of Ω-Omen, Ω-Sage, and Ω-Phoenix.

She was last seen joined by VALORANT Legion’s Ω-Fade, Ω-Sage, Ω-Raze, and Ω-Killjoy in combat against VP’s α-Harbor and α-Astra.

“Go to the Wind Warrior's memorial in the Garden of Heroes. Discover her unstoppable battle of the elements, wind against water, fought here on the streets of our city.”

Omega Earth announcement heard near the Garden of Heroes

The Radiant War

Little is known about Jett’s actions during the Radiant War of the future, though it seems likely that this is where α-Jett meets her end. KAY/O has revealed no details of this, however.

VALORANT Protocol relationships

Callsign: Cypher (VP agent 05)

Cypher of VALORANT, headshot Though agents Cypher and Jett are both adept at gathering intelligence, their methods differ drastically.

While Cypher appears to be quite content with their professional relationship, Jett’s impatience and hot-headedness cause her to swiftly reach boiling point when forced to work in close quarters with him.

Callsign: Sage (VP agent 07)

Sage of VALORANT, headshotAgent Sage has not shown much interaction with Jett, though has been heard referring to Jett’s “brief, tragic life” in a way that suggests a level of pity.

Whether there is any personal depth to this or not is unclear, however.

Callsign: Phoenix (VP agent 09)

Phoenix of VALORANT, headshot Agents Phoenix and Jett share an uplifting camaraderie. Both are often seen encouraging each other to be their best through playful banter and light-hearted exchanges.

Jett often refers to Phoenix as having a “pretty face”, hinting at a potential romantic interest from her, though this is little more than interpretation. Phoenix is upfront in believing the two to be an excellent team, going as far as to claim that together, they “never lose”.

Callsign: Raze (VP agent 12)

Raze of VALORANT, headshotThese agents share a close relationship. Jett often calls Raze her “bombshell”, while Raze refers to Jett as her “sister from another mister”.

Their bond is likely strengthened by their similar personalities and aggressive fighting styles. You’ll often hear them complimenting and uplifting each other.

Callsign: Neon (VP agent 19)

Neon of VALORANT, headshotAgents Neon and Jett share a friendly rivalry and respect for one another’s abilities.

Given their similar Radiant powers and closeness of age, it’s easy to view theirs as a kind of sisterly bond, which is reflected in much of their back-and-forth, teasing dialogue.

Callsign: Fade (VP agent 20)

Fade of VALORANT, headshot Agent Jett expressed grave concern over Fade being recruited into VALORANT Protocol, and shows a severe distrust of the mistress of nightmares.

She often refers to Fade as a “weirdo” and warns her to stay out of her head.

Other observations

  • When Jett activates her Radiant powers, glowing blue wisps of wind wrap around her arms.
  • Her Mirrored Edge card and Fade’s blackmailer dossier both hint that she might, in fact, have been responsible for summoning the massive storm over Seoul that destroyed her former restaurant.
  • We can imply that she is a casualty of the Radiant War through the symbolic image on the VERSUS // KAY/O + Brimstone Card, which shows her Kunai buried in the dirt.

Jett looks on in shock alongside other agents of VALORANT

Gamer’s Jett guide

VALORANT’s Duelists are best suited to aggressive gameplay. They’re here to get in first and fast – clear space and frag face.

Since the game first launched, Jett has not only been widely considered the best Duelist in VALORANT, but one of the best agents in the entire roster, period. Despite cry-worthy August 2023 nerfs, she can still do things other agents can only dream of.

In this guide section, we’ll show you how to play Jett like a pro and maximize the effectiveness of her abilities with some choice setups. So stop wondering how to get better or what’s the best way to play Jett, ‘cause here’s all you need to know…

Quick-hitting advice

Before we dive into Jett’s kit and comb through her abilities in more detail, here are some of the best strategies to help you play this Duelist like a pro.

🎯 Creating space for your team is your number one job – getting loads of kills isn’t, but getting the first kill is. You’re here to open up the map for your team to push or retake sites and gain map control.

🎯 Combining Jett’s abilities is an absolute must.

🎯 Use the “smoke-dash” entry – it’s the best way to execute a site as it creates an immediate threat for your enemies to deal with. This makes it a million times safer for your team to enter without getting mowed down while funnelling in through a choke point.

  • To “smoke-dash”, throw a smoke when entering a site, then dash into it.
  • While dashing in, swing your camera left and right – any enemy agents in Jett’s line of sight will appear on the map for your team to clear out more easily.

🎯 Level up your “smoke-dash” skills

  • Avoid being predictable at all costs – variety is vital to any successful smoke-dash strategy.
  • Options include waiting for your team to catch up, or peeking either side of the smoke for easy picks.
  • Throw the smoke high and combo your dash with an Updraft to score high off-angles.
  • Pair a smoke-dash with a Sova dart, a Fade eye or a flash for a super easy go of things.
  • Keep finding new ways to use it to enter a site, divert enemy attention from choke points, clear as many angles and get as many picks as you can.

🎯 Combine the Operator sniper with Tailwind and Updraft

  • Jett’s mobility skills can give you some stupidly unexpected off-angles and aggressive peeking opportunities – use them to pick enemies apart with the Op and get out of dodge fast if things go pear-shaped.
  • The Op is Jett’s best friend, especially on defense.

🎯 Don’t get reckless – just because you can go fast, doesn’t mean you always should. Even Jett should walk to limit sound now and then.

🎯 Play aggressively, not scared

  • Hunt down early engagements and play to off-angles – especially when on defense.
  • Aim to get early frags by peeking Mid or rushing a site.
  • Don’t give enemies time to rotate!

🎯 Prep Tailwind wisely – a safety net that isn’t ready to use won’t exactly serve you well! Activate it before any risky engagement.

🎯 Combo Tailwind and Updraft – it’s tough for enemies to adjust the angle they’re holding to deal with your aerial attack.

  • Activate Tailwind, then Updraft around a corner and take any fight you can get


Jett running, arms lighting up as she uses her powersJett’s abilities are absolutely beastly for aggressive plays and rapid, unpredictable mobility. She might lack the utility of other agents, but her swiftness more than makes up for it.

Even with recent nerfs, Jett’s still a clutch-grabbing machine capable of things other agents would cry themselves to sleep over. As deadly in 1 vs. 1 duels as when she’s outnumbered, let’s take a look at Jett’s kit and what makes it so effective…


Jett’s one of a select handful of VALORANT agents to have a passive ability, and it’s part of what makes her so effective.

Any time you’re in the air, holding jump will reduce your fall speed – instead of falling, Jett will gently glide down to the ground.

While drifting…

  • You won’t take any fall damage.
  • You can use your weapons and other abilities.
  • You can reach objects you wouldn’t be able to reach otherwise.

Drift even works if you’re suppressed by a KAY/O knife.

Pro tip: Use Drift to get on top of boxes during Buy Rounds without wasting an Updraft.

Full ability description:
Holding the jump button while falling allows you to glide through the air.

Jett using her drift ability during a cinematic

E - Tailwind

Dash forward a short distance.

  • Ability type: Signature
  • Activation windup: 1 second
  • Duration: 7.5 seconds (when charged), 0.45 seconds (dash)
  • Cost: Free
  • Max charges: 1 (recharges after 2 frags)

Tailwind has two activations – the first one primes the ability, the second uses the ability to dash in the direction you’re moving/facing.

If you want to play Jett right, you’ll need to master your timing with this ability – you only have 7.5 seconds after Tailwind’s first activation to actually use the dash.

Setups and use guide:
Tailwind is your “get out of jail free” card – it’ll help you instantly escape almost any situation you can think of if you time it right. It’s also a nifty trick for entering an area too.

The trick to Tailwind is planning how and where you want to use it. Because it needs to charge before you use the dash, you need to activate it before you actually need to use it to escape (or enter).

Activate Tailwind before any fight or potentially dangerous situation and you’re solid. Combo this with strong off-angles and a cheeky Cloudburst to isolate fights and you're golden.

This is the ability that ties Jett’s whole kit together. Arguably, Tailwind is the main reason Jett’s considered so strong, even after her August 2023 nerf.

Jett using Tailwind in VALORANT

Since it reduces the risk of peeking dangerous angles, Tailwind pairs really well with the Operator.

It’s a great way to push a site and play aggressively, while safeguarding your a$%.

Tailwind will move you in whatever direction you’re holding when you activate it. If used without a direction, Jett will propel forward – be sure to get your direction right or what should be a rapid getaway could land you in a world of trouble instead.

After a dash, you’ll need to draw your weapon again – plan for this slight delay to avoid leaving yourself vulnerable. It’s also worth dashing towards any cover or hard-to-hit spot whenever you can, to offset the time it takes to re-draw your weapon after Tailwind.

If you combo a Tailwind peek with a teammate’s blind you can score some dead easy picks on blinded enemies –just don’t get greedy when hunting early kills like this, get one and get out.

Full ability description:
ACTIVATE to prepare a gust of wind for a limited time.

RE-USE the wind to propel Jett in the direction she is moving. If Jett is standing still, she propels forward.

Tailwind charge resets every two kills.

Q - Updraft

Launch yourself high into the air.

  • Ability type: Basic
  • Duration: 0.6 seconds
  • Cost: 150 creds
  • Max charges: 1

Updraft is an epic way to throw in a lot of unpredictability to your movements.

Jett using Updraft ability in VALORANT

Setups and use guide:
Most Jett players use it to boost themselves on top of objects and attack enemies from those always-tasty unexpected off-angles.

But Updraft can also be used in a more directly offensive way – if you have a dash prepped and you Updraft/drift around a corner, you can rain hell down on unsuspecting enemies and force them to abandon their angles to save themselves.

If that sounds tempting, it should! – It’s a deadly tactic, but only if you use the right weapons.

Even though you can shoot during Updraft, it’s only worth it with guns that stay accurate in mid-air, like the Judge or Shorty. Anything that needs more accuracy, like a Vandal, will be far less effective.

Since Blade Storm’s single fire is 100% accurate, this ability combos perfectly with Updraft.

You can gain extra height on an Updraft if you jump and activate it at the same time. And, while it’s not worth doing all the time, a double Updraft can be a super satisfying way to score some dead easy kills.

Full ability description:
INSTANTLY propel Jett high into the air.

C - Cloudburst

Hurl a projectile that creates a foggy cloud on impact and obscures vision.

  • Ability type: Basic
  • Smoke duration: 2.5 seconds
  • Cost: 200 creds
  • Max charges: 2

A.K.A. the Jett smoke – arguably Jett’s most versatile ability.

Use Cloudburst to throw a smoke at wherever you’re aiming. Press once to throw, hold down to bend the trajectory of the smoke to follow your crosshair.

Jett throwing a smoke with Cloudburst ability in VALORANT

Setups and use guide:
It may not last as long as smokes from other agents, but Jett’s Cloudburst is still a fiercely useful ability.

Since it’s got such a short lifespan, this smoke is definitely more of one to set yourself up, rather than your teammates. You’ll need to act immediately to take full advantage of Cloudburst’s cover.

Combo Cloudburst with Jett’s other abilities to help you create space for your team and you’ll be maximizing this ability’s usefulness tenfold.

Here are some pro ways you can use Cloudburst…

  • Create a one-way on any angle – throw the smoke at a wall above where enemy agents will peek so you can see their legs and feet when they peek the angle.
  • Isolate gunfights by cutting one enemy off – works great in any duel where you’re outnumbered. Having 2 Cloudbursts per round is crucial for this and gives Jett a lot of versatility.
  • Hurl a smoke through any door as it opens or you go through – this can instantly give you some free lines-of-sight and easy picks. It’s a strong tactic for catching enemies off-guard.
  • Toss a smoke over a Sova dart to stop it scanning – the dart will still show to the Sova player as if it’s working, so they’ll think that line of sight is clear, even when it’s not. This only works if Sova doesn’t hear your smoke go off though.
  • Use it to conceal yourself from a Sova dart – if you don’t know where the dart is, smoke your feet to shield you from the scan.
  • Use to cover you while you defuse the spike.

Jett using Cloudburst ability in VALORANT

Full ability description:
INSTANTLY throw a projectile that expands into a brief vision-blocking cloud on impact with a surface.

HOLD the ability key to curve the smoke in the direction of your crosshair.

X - Blade Storm

Summon and fire five flying knives at enemy agents, singularly or all at once. Only single knife kills restore throwing knives to extend the duration.

  • Ability type: Ultimate
  • Duration: until all Jett’s knives are gone
  • Ultimate cost: 8


  • Head: 150
  • Body: 50
  • Legs: 42

Left-click fires single knives – use this one wisely and often, since each single-knife kill restores ALL of your knives.

Right-click fires all your knives – use it only in desperate times or if the enemy is right up in your face.

Try it out in the Range so you can nail your crosshair placement and get the hang of staying mobile while hurling those knives.

Jett using Blade Storm in VALORANT

Setups and use guide:
Kicking butt with Blade Storm is all about the single-knife fire, playing to the ability’s 100% accuracy and potentially limitless duration. Once activated, it’ll only run out when your knives run out, or you die.

Since single-knife fire is always accurate, it pairs well with abilities like Updraft or Tailwind, or even a run-and-gun gameplay style.

Stay mobile – there’s no reason not to (unless your crosshair placement sucks).

Popping your Ult and standing still is a huge mistake with Jett. Instead, you want to strafe left and right, jump, Updraft, or dash constantly. Enemies won’t be ready for it, but you will.

Assuming enemies have full shields, it’ll take 4 knives to the legs to kill, 3 to the chest, and 1 to the head.

When it comes to right-click fire, here’s all you need to know…

  • Only use it for super close-range combat or as a last resort.
  • You won’t get any knives back when you use it, no matter what – firing all your knives ends your Ult.
  • Right-click fire does less damage, too – it’ll only do 100 damage with a headshot instead of the 150 from a single knife shot.
  • For best results when using this Blade Storm alt-fire, always aim for the enemy body at close range.

Damage-wise, Jett’s Blade Storm is easily as powerful as rifles like the Vandal or Phantom.

Pro tip: Since this Ult only runs out when you’re out of knives and replenishes ALL your knives with any left-click kill, it’s a top-tier ability for eco rounds when you’re going for a Thrifty.

Full ability description:
EQUIP a set of highly accurate throwing knives.

FIRE to throw a single knife and recharge knives on a kill.

ALT FIRE to throw all remaining daggers but does not recharge on a kill.

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Luke has been a professional writer since 2016, beginning as a technical author for a POS company. He journeyed from there deeper into the world of content creation for software companies, while writing his debut fiction novel, which he self-published in early 2019.

He has since spent many years weaving words as a freelance writer for a smorgasbord of industries, honing razor-sharp SEO skills, exploring the persuasion psychology behind copywriting, and dabbling on different social media platforms.

Most recently, Luke’s writing journey has involved ghostwriting for various personalities and writing riveting content for THESPIKE that hits page 1 in Google time after time.