Harbor’s abilities in VALORANT

Written By Eddie Lemon Writer
Last UpdatedAugust 16, 2023 at 10:15AM
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Harbor, the first VALORANT Agent from India, was the game's premiere Controller Agent. His kit revolves around water-based abilities, wielding a mystical gauntlet. Being a Controller, Harbor plays completely different to the other agents in his class! He is the first agent to have two walling abilities in his kit, and the first since Astra to have an ability to block bullets.

What do all of Harbor’s abilities actually do though? Well you’re here to find out everything you need to know about the Indian agent’s abilities and whole kit.

Harbor’s Abilities in VALORANT


Harbor Cascade VALORANT

Harbor’s first ability is Cascade, which allows the Controller to push a wave of water forward. As the player, you can stop this wherever you want it to, and did we mention it can go through walls?

Well, the best way to use Harbor’s Cascade is to fire it down a channel, to stop an enemy push, as it slows all players hit by 30%! Be careful, however, as it can slow your allies too!

It has two charges, meaning you can use it early on in a round, and then still have another when defending in a post-plant situation on attack, or in a retake situation when playing defense!


Harbor Cove VALORANT

This is Harbor’s most unique ability, as it allows him to throw or underhand throw a large sphere of water, that blocks all bullets fired at it! It can be destroyed as it has 500hp, but it makes defusing or planting the Spike an absolute game changer.

We recommend throwing down a Cove, getting inside of it, and having one of your allies covering you when interacting with the Spike, as players can walk into it and kill you!

350 credits for 15s of a shield is a great bargain, so we’d suggest you get it whenever you can!

High Tide

Harbor High Tide VALORANT

Harbor’s signature ability is his second wave, which is very similar to Viper’s Toxic Screen, but also Phoenix’s Blaze! He can throw a wall similar to Viper’s in length, but like the Duelist from Peckham, he can bend the wall to his every whim!

This allows Harbor to cover large areas and any angle or chokepoint he wants, meaning those harder sites to push, such as B Site on Pearl, become much easier.

There is a 40s cooldown, but the ability lasts 15s, so really it is only 25s without the ability! Similarly to his Cascade, Harbor’s High Tide hits all players with a 30% slow when they come in contact with it, so be careful when pushing through it!


Harbor Ultimate Ability, Reckoning

Harbor’s ultimate ability is one of the most creative and best all-round. It allows him to summon a massive pool of geysers, which concusses enemies that stand in them! They randomly pop up, causing enemies to play hot potato, and essentially be the moles in whack-a-mole! Additionally, Harbor and his teammates can see sparks from the skies, pointing towards where the enemies are located.

Reckoning lasts for 9s and when a concussion hits an enemy, they are in this state for 2s! We recommend using this when you are pushing onto a Spike site, whether it be as an attacker, or playing retake as a defender!

What Role is Harbor in VALORANT?

Harbor is a Controller in VALORANT, but when attacking, he can play almost like an Initiator! This is because with his abilities being able to be used offensively, Harbor can force his way onto a site by walling off areas and concussing enemies with his ultimate!

Sometimes you can play Harbor like an Initiator, starting off fights and pushes with his aggressive vision-blocking abilities, meaning you can run in, wall of entryways and chokepoints and then get your team onto a Spike site!

He plays a lot more aggressive than Controllers such as Astra and Viper, so if this is your playstyle, then look no further!

After being released in Patch 5.08, Harbor was the fifth Controller to join the VALORANT Protocol’s roster, and he certainly shook up the Controller Meta, with all of his AOE abilities, so hopefully you can use them to dominate after this article!

Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a full-time writer and short-form video editor, with a degree in Esports! My main games are VALORANT and League of Legends, so you could say that I am at the beck and call of Riot Games! I have worked previously for a few different websites, doing various roles, such as writing, editing, and even voiceovers, but here at THESPIKE, I am an out-and-out article writer, so I can really get as much content out as I can! I graduated with my Esports degree with a 2:1, and a desire to keep going, so this was a perfect step for me, but I still can't get enough of League of Legends when I'm free.