
Written By Onur Demirkol Writer
Last UpdatedJune 30, 2023 at 12:51PM
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We'll offer you a quick rundown of Pearl VALORANT map structure, its key components and callouts, as well as some pointers and advice to help you master it. We will also suggest a few agents who, given their skills and playstyles, are a good fit for the Pearl map in VALORANT. Whether you are an attacker or on defense, this information will be helpful to you as a player.

Pearl VALORANT: Everything you need to know

One of the newest maps in VALORANT is Pearl as it was included with version 5.0. This double-site map takes place in a bustling underwater metropolis on Omega Earth. No ropes, teleporters, or doors may be used in Pearl because it is a geo-driven map without mechanisms. Instead, The map uses its distinctive shape and design to develop creative possibilities.

Pearl map VALORANT: Best Agents

The Pearl layout encourages movement and long-range interactions. Therefore, agents that can offer vision, cover, and movement are particularly helpful on this map. Here is the Pearl VALORANT Agent tier list::

  1. Jett
  2. Skye
  3. Killjoy
  4. Harbor
  5. Astra

Jett is a Duelist Agent who can use her Updraft and Tailwind to move around the map and take high-ground positions quickly. Jett can also use their Cloudbursts and Blade Storm to create cover and eliminate enemies. Jett is a great agent to use on Pearl because she can exploit the verticality of the map and surprise enemies with mobility and accuracy.

Skye is an Initiator Agent that can use their Trailblazer, Guiding Light, and Seekers to scout, blind, and track enemies. Skye can also use her Regrowth ability to heal her allies. She is a formidable agent to use on Pearl due to the mixed ability of supporting teammates and disrupting enemies.

Killjoy is a Sentinel Agent that can use her Alarmbot, Turret, Nanoswarm, and Lockdown to set up traps, deal damage, and detain enemies. Killjoy is a good Agent to use on Pearl because they can use her abilities to defend key areas of the map and prevent enemy pushes.

Astra is a Controller Agent that can use her Astral Form to place Stars which can then be turned into three separate abilities. Astra can use her Gravity Well, Nova Pulse, and Nebula to pull, stun, and smoke-off enemies. Astra can also use her Ultimate, Cosmic Divide, to create a huge wall that blocks vision and sound. She is a powerful agent to use on Pearl due to her ability to manipulate the map and create advantageous situations for her team.

Harbor is a versatile and powerful agent who can control the map with his water-themed abilities. They are especially effective on Pearl, where he can use his kit to his advantage. Harbor is a great addition to any team composition and can provide cover for himself and teammates.

Though you may certainly experiment with different agents, these are some of the finest to use on Pearl. The most crucial thing is to react to the circumstance and communicate with your team. The Pearl map in VALORANT is dynamic and entertaining, providing many playstyles and strategy opportunities.

Pearl is one of the most entertaining maps to see post-plant scenarios due to its angles. Credit: Riot Games

We had plenty of time to observe teams participate in VALORANT on Pearl. Teams continued to choose the map in international competitions in 2023. With the VCT 2023 LOCK/IN that kicked off the 2023 season in Brazil, you could be in for some shocks. Here are the most-picked Agents on Pearl in VCT//2023 LOCK IN:

  1. Astra - 75%
  2. Jett - 71.88%
  3. Killjoy - 68.75%
  4. KAY/O - 50%
  5. Viper - 46.88%

Related: Fracture map guide for VALORANT

The list changed a lot compared to the initial tournament that kicked off in Brazil. Here are the most-picked agents on Pearl in Tokyo:

  1. Jett - 100%
  2. Killjoy - 92.86%
  3. Skye - 92.86%
  4. Viper - 78.57%
  5. Harbor - 78.57

Who is the best Agent for Pearl in VALORANT?

According to the data we have provided above, it looks like Jett is the best Agent for Pearl VALORANT. Pick rates may differ from professional esports matches to ranked games but Jett is a fairly popular pick for both types of players.

You may sneak out quickly with Jett's Tailwind at angles like B Ramp. Her smokes can temporarily cover up spots, and you can use the Updraft to carry yourself to a higher location, like Generator. In addition to this, Jett's Ultimate may be deadly in the proper hands and, with enough skill, you can eliminate opponents rapidly.

Jett is the best Agent for Pearl VALORANT according to the stats based on VCT 2023 Tokyo Masters. Credit: Riot Games

Who is the best Controller for Pearl VALORANT?

Harbor has gradually risen to prominence in both pro play and competitive meta, most notably as a secondary controller to Viper. Simply said, Harbor has all the tools he needs to smoke or wall off angles, which makes it easier for his offensive-minded colleagues to take up space. His kit basically serves as a deterrent for the defense.

On Pearl, Harbor is just as viable as on any other map. Given the length and width of the B main corridor, they are most effective while taking B, as they can use their orbs and walls to cover and execute completely.

What is the best Pearl team comp in VALORANT?

  • Jett
  • Harbor
  • Viper
  • Killjoy
  • Skye

Viper is an excellent agent to bring along because she has one of the strongest vision-denying skills with their long-range Toxic Screen. With so many various angles at their disposal. She will be one of the most helpful characters for quick entrance to sites as players learn how to utilize her Poison Cloud smokes since she can block vision while her squad swarms into locations.

If you pick Viper and Harbor together, you will even benefit more both on attack and defense. These two Agents will help you restrict your enemies’ vision, so you will be able to execute your strategies easier.

Jett is one of the best Dueslists in the game, and the Agent has a solid pick rate almost in every map. Skye’s ability to get intel and flash enemies will make the duo even scarier. Lastly, you can add Killjoy to form the best Pearl team comp in VALORANT.

Related: Haven VALORANT Map Guide

The designers made many chances on Pearl's B Site in Patch 6.11. Credit: Riot Games

Best team for Pearl VALORANT on the professional scene?

In the last 90 days, Pearl VALORANT was played 1395 times with a pick rate of 13.14%, according to our map stats page. During VCT 2023 Tokyo Masters, Pearl was picked 7 times, and the most successful on the map was NRG Esports. NRG played the map twice and won both games to show their dominance.

VALORANT Pearl changes

VALORANT's Pearl map originally had a different layout, but the VALORANT creators chose to change it. “We've felt that Pearl's B Site has been problematic due to how difficult the site is to hold as a defender in conjunction with the amount of strong post-plant options available to attackers. With that in mind, we wanted to get a smaller scale update out before Champions to address those concerns,” Riot said in the official announcement.

The locations in Pearl that have changed as a result of Patch 6.11 are listed below:

  • B Ramp: The Screen on B Ramp was providing a lot of mix-up pressure and had proven hard to deal with on retakes. Riot have made the Screen shorter and replaced the ramp with a jump-up. This should make the position more committal and more predictable to deal with.
  • B Ramp: They have also removed the attacker Ramp cubby as well. This reduces the number of positions to hold the long plant from and makes this space more vulnerable to flanks.
  • B Site: They have adjusted B Site Screen to give more options to defenders. They have extended the screen to create a larger pocket to play from, added a non-pennable section, added a stack of crates to give defenders a new mix-up option and moved everything closer to B Ramp to allow more utility to fit there (Smokes, Sage Wall, etc).
  • B Site: Adjusted the size of the B Site Pillar to give you a little bit more room to work with. This should also reduce the likelihood of getting spammed.
  • B Hall: The new cubby gives defenders another position to play from. This provides extra space for defenders to reposition against incoming utility, and it creates new angles to contest B Link or the common Long plant spot.

Where is Pearl located in VALORANT?

The Omega Earth universe, a parallel realm to the VALORANT universe, is where Pearl is located. A specific location on the map is close to Lisbon, Portugal.

VALORANT Pearl map layout

People have been searching on the internet about Pearl VALORANT map layout, because most people find it pretty interesting and different compared to other maps. There are some places to know if you want to master the map. Here is the VALORANT Pearl map layout:

Here are all the Pearl callouts. (In-game screenshot)

As seen above in the image, Pearl VALORANT callouts are pretty easy to remember. Moreover, if you launch the game and see the places yourself, you will remember all of the names above even better.

Is Pearl in competitive VALORANT?

Yes, Pearl is in competitive VALORANT at the time of writing. It joined the pool when it was first released. This came after Episode 5, which introduced Pearl into the game.

Pearl release date

One of the newest VALORANT maps, Pearl, was released at the beginning of Episode 5, which began on June 22, 2022. It was revealed on June 16, 2022, by Riot Games in an official announcement.

Related: Split VALORANT map guide

How to play Pearl: VALORANT guide

Because there are so many angles and paths to cover, Pearl is a map that needs a lot of cooperation and communication between teammates. Pearl has an environment that encourages innovation and adaptation since you can use a variety of skills and weapons to seize chances and defeat opponents. Let’s take a look at how to play Pearl in VALORANT both for attackers and defenders!

Pearl tips for attackers

As an attacker on Pearl, your main objective is to plant the Spike on one of the two Spike sites: A or B. To do so, you will need to clear the defenders from the site and secure it for your team. Here are some tips on how to play Pearl VALORANT as an attacker:

Use your skills carefully. On the Pearl map, there are several open areas and extensive sightlines, making it simple for the defenders to detect you. You can prevent this by using your talents to summon smokes, flashes, barriers, or additional distractions that will allow you to advance or hide your movements.

Mid is the central area of the map. It is a large and open area that is connected to both A Site and B Site. Mid is a key area of the map, and whoever controls it has a significant advantage. If you can take down the defender on Mid, you can attack any site you want or even go to your enemies’ spawn to surprise your opponents.

Harbor has become one of the most important picks on Pearl VALORANT thanks to their skill set. Harbor can play with waves, and their abilities are perfect for the map. You can use his wave to enter Spike sites and also their Ultimate is very useful as there is no outplay to it and it forces the enemy team to leave sites for your team to plant the bomb.

Think about rotating quickly during a gunfight in A-Main by leveraging the centre column. Quick-footed Duelists may be able to outrun and outmaneuver opponents if this is done rather than having a direct shootout.

Despite losing their initial fame, Astra is still a popular pick on Pearl. Credit: Riot Games

Pearl tips for defenders

As a defender on Pearl, your main objective is to prevent the attackers from planting the spike on one of the two bomb sites: A or B. To do so, you will need to hold the sites and stop the attackers from advancing or rotating. Here are some tips on how to play Pearl VALORANT as a defender:

  • There are several open areas and clear sightlines on the map Pearl, allowing you to use your specializations to stall, prevent, or even damage the enemies. You can use Killjoy's Nanoswarm or Cypher's Trapwire, for instance, to protect choke points or entrances and warn you of any threat. You may use Brimstone's Orbital Strike or Viper's Toxic Screen to block or zone out the attackers from the locations.

  • Use a high area. On the Pearl map, you may get an advantage over your rivals by taking use of the high-ground positions. Especially if you are covering the B Spike site for the round and if the enemy is pushing Long, you can use B Tower to kill them as they will probably check the lower angles first. However, be careful not to stay too long in one spot or get flanked by the enemies.

  • One of the spaces may be completely sealed off if you have a Sage on your squad. Either Secret or A Link are the ideal locations to shut off on A. But if you predict a flank, A-Main can also be blocked. Similar to how Defender Spawn may be completely dealt with by Killjoy's turret, doing so will let you know if anybody is approaching from that direction.

Here are more VALORANT guides for you to take a look at:

Onur Demirkol here, Content Writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.