Is Rocket League on Steam?

Rocket League is the quintessential vehicular football game, but can players on Steam get in on the action? Yes and no. Let us explain.
Is Rocket League on Steam?
Written By Michael Hassall

(Evergreen Content Writer)

Reviewed by: Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJuly 4, 2024 at 11:36AM
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Rocket League, everyone’s favorite vehicular football game, is almost a decade old but is still as popular as ever, attracting hundreds of thousands of players the world over. After initially releasing just on PlayStation 4 and Windows in 2015, Rocket League has been released on a half-dozen platforms over the years. But is Steam, Valve’s incredibly popular publishing platform one of them?

Is Rocket League on Steam?

The short answer to "Is Rocket League on Steam?" is unfortunately, not anymore. If you’re looking to download and play Rocket League on Steam today for the first time, that’s not possible. The game went free-to-play in 2020, and with it, was moved wholly and fully to the Epic Games Launcher, thanks to new owners Epic Games.

Why is Rocket League not on Steam?

Today, Rocket League is an Epic Games Store exclusive, and you’ll have to download it through there to play the game on PC.

However, if you previously owned Rocket League on Steam prior to its 2020 removal, you’ll still be able to download and enjoy the game on Steam. This means if you’ve ever owned Rocket League on Steam, there’s nothing to worry about.

Additionally, you can still add, launch, and play Rocket League through Steam by adding it manually to your Steam Library.

Is it possible to get Rocket League on Steam?

To add Rocket League to Steam post its removal in 2020, all you have to do is open up your Steam, and navigate to the “Games” tab at the top left. Scroll to the “Add a Non-Steam game to My Library” and select it. From the new tab, brown to your Epic Games Launcher games folder, and select Rocket League. This will allow you to launch the game through Steam, however, you’ll still need the Epic Games Launcher installed and running to do so.

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After giving up a career in marketing to write about esports, Michael has worked in the esports and gaming space for over five years as an journalist, guide writer, interviewer, editor, manager, and more. A professional writer for almost a decade, and a life-long gamer, writing about games is is one true calling, and when he's not glued to the screen playing games, he's writing about them, and never touching grass...

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