
Which cars are the best in Rocket League? While Rocket League's cars don't have stats or provide an inherent advantage, the shape of the car may matter. We give you an overview of which cars are best to use.
Written By Michael Hassall

(Evergreen Content Writer)

Reviewed by: Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJuly 3, 2024 at 02:36PM
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Rocket League, the genre-defining vehicular soccer game gives players a plethora of customization options, from decals, color schemes, and the car they control. But functionally, are the cars that much different from each other? Ultimately, that depends on who you ask. While technically, none of the cars have different statistics (the top speed, turning, acceleration, etc. are the same) there’s definitely some changes in hit box and ability to play the ball. So let's run down which the best cars in Rocket League are.

Rocket League’s Best Cars

As mentioned, none of the cars have direct performance differences in Rocket League. Their acceleration, top speed, turning, handling, etc. are functionally the same. That said, not all car’s hit boxes are made equal, and as a result this means some cars just play the ball better, and are easier to pull off the volleys and shots you need. Here’s a list of the best cars in Rocket League.

5. Mantis

Low-profile, sleek, and great for volleying, the Mantis is the first car you’ll see where the unique shape makes it better for handling the ball. The flat lines and low maximum height means you can volley comfortably off this vehicle on the ground or in the air. It can sometimes struggle with shooting and attacking due to this low profile, but more than makes up with it as a passing and defending vehicle.

4. Fennec

Blocky but with great angles, the Fennec is fantastic for a wide-variety of playstyles, despite seemingly looking a little too high-profile for subtle ball control. The Fennec’s large side and high-rise hood and roof allow for some great maneuvers to be performed, both on the ground and in the air.

3. Batmobile (2016)

The Batmobile (2016) is perhaps the car with the lowest profile of all vehicles in the game. Original just known as the Batmobile, the addition of the Tumbler and the classic Batmobile facilitated a name change. As mentioned, having one of the lowest profiles in the game makes the Batmobile ideal for getting up under the ball and volleying or striking with it. The unique shape is perfect for ball control and if you can find a way to obtain this legacy vehicle, you should.

2. Dominus

The Dominus is an early unlock in the game but its low profile and wide base make it an essential vehicle to put into your arsenal. It’s also one of those cars that almost makes you think that there are differences in performance, just because of how this muscle-car inspired vehicle moves around the field. However, there aren’t, but the Dominus’ shape and size make it perfect for defending and attacking.

1. Rocket League’s Best Car: The Octane

The Octane is the number one favorite car of almost all players, and the only reason that's surprising is that it's one of the very first you’ll unlock. The hitbox remains perfect for volleying, attacking, defending, or really any style or position of play. And, being one of the early options, it’s also one with seemingly the most number of cosmetics and visual options for altering your vehicle.

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After giving up a career in marketing to write about esports, Michael has worked in the esports and gaming space for over five years as an journalist, guide writer, interviewer, editor, manager, and more. A professional writer for almost a decade, and a life-long gamer, writing about games is is one true calling, and when he's not glued to the screen playing games, he's writing about them, and never touching grass...

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