Beginner Guides

Rocket League can be challenging for beginners but in this guide, we covered all the basics you need to be careful with!
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJuly 5, 2024 at 01:49PM
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Rocket League is a popular game, and even after years of its release, there are still many people who are still beginners and even see the game for the first time. If you are not familiar with Rocket League or trying to get better at it, you need to keep reading this guide. We will talk about the basics of the game and give you a couple of beginner tips that will eventually make you a better player. Here are beginner tips and tricks for new and old Rocket League players!

Best tips for Rocket League players

Rocket League is a fun game where you play soccer with cars that have rocket boosters. You aim to hit a big ball into your opponent’s goal to score. You can play alone or on teams of up to four players. The game takes place in arenas where you can drive on walls and ceilings, making it unique. It's easy to start playing but has lots of room to get better. You can also customize your car to make it look cool. Teamwork is very important in the Rocket League, but you need to have a certain amount of talent to climb the ranking ladder.

The journey to becoming a proficient Rocket League player is filled with learning and improvement. It begins with mastering the basics: camera settings, boost management, positioning, controls, kick-offs, defending the back post, utilizing training packs, being strategic as the last car back, and much more. Each game aspect offers unique challenges and opportunities to enhance your play.  To improve, practice driving and hitting the ball, teamwork, and deciding when to attack or defend. It takes time to get better, so keep playing and learning from each game. And remember, the most important thing is to have fun. Below you will find tips and tricks for beginners. Use them in your games and see the difference!

Credit: Rocket League
Credit: Rocket League

Camera settings

In Rocket League, seeing everything around you is super important. You can change the game's camera settings to help with this. Make the camera view wider so you can see more of the field. This makes it easier to know what's going on and react to it. Also, turn off the setting that makes your screen shake. This can help you keep your focus better when things get hectic. Play around with the other camera settings, like how high or far back the camera is, until it feels just right for you.


Boost is what makes your car go fast. But, you've got to be smart about using it. Don't just use it all the time. Save it for when you really need to speed up, like when you're going back to defend or trying to get to the ball first. Remember, you don't always need to be at full boost to make a play. Sometimes, just a little bit of boost can make a big difference. Keep an eye on the little boost pads too, so you're never completely out.


Knowing where to be on the field is really important. If you're playing with teammates, you'll want to take turns attacking and defending. This is called rotating. If one player goes up to attack, someone else should be getting ready to defend. This way, your team is always prepared, no matter what happens.

Credit: Rocket League
Credit: Rocket League


The way your controls are set up can really change how well you play. You might find that the game's default settings aren't the best for you. For example, changing the buttons for certain moves, like air rolls, can make those moves easier to do. Don't be afraid to change your controls to whatever makes you play better.


Kick-offs start the game and can really set the tone. If you're closest to the ball, go for it! Use your boost and try to hit the ball right in the middle. This can stop the other team from getting an easy goal. As you get better, you can learn more advanced kick-off moves, but starting with a strong, simple kick-off is always good.

Back post

When you're defending, try to position yourself near the back post of your goal. This is a good spot because it lets you see the whole field and get to any part of the goal quickly if you need to block a shot. It also makes it easier for your team to know where you are and what you're doing, which helps everyone work together better.

Credit: Rocket League
Credit: Rocket League

Training Packs

Rocket League has lots of training packs that can help you practice different parts of the game. Start with the ones made by the game developers to get the basics down. Then, you can try ones made by other players that focus on more specific skills. Watching tutorials on YouTube can also help you learn how to do cool moves.

Last car

If you're the last person back on your team, you're the last line of defense. It might be tempting to rush forward and join the action, but it's usually better to stay back and make sure the other team doesn't score. Wait until you're sure it's safe to move up. This can help your team avoid giving up easy goals.

To wrap things up, Rocket League is a great mix of car racing and soccer, perfect for anyone looking to have a good time. However, this is not only about enjoying the game but also getting better at it. Sometimes your competitive side may overcome enjoyment. Remember, doing well in Rocket League is all about working well with others, getting better through practice, and, most of all, enjoying yourself. 

We have many Rocket League guides for you to check out. similar to this beginners' guide, you will find very important information to become a better player in the game. Here is a list of some of the most important Rocket League guides you can check out on THESPIKE:

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Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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