VALORANT Economy Guide - How to Manage Your Credits

Written By Onur Demirkol Writer
Last UpdatedSeptember 12, 2024 at 12:41PM
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Economy is a very important thing to know in VALORANT because if you can’t manage your economy well, your enemy will always have the upper hand in terms of weaponry. If you are having issues adjusting your money and don’t know what to buy in certain rounds, this guide is meant just for you! Below we explain everything you need to know about the economy management in VALORANT, starting with the basics to details!

The basics of economy in VALORANT

Let’s start with the very basics of economy in VALORANT. The game uses a currency called Creds to buy weapons, abilities, and shields. How you manage these Creds can greatly affect your game.

At the start of each half of the match, every player begins with 800 Creds. Managing these initial funds wisely is key to getting a good start. As you play, you can earn more Creds in several ways:

  • Each kill gets you 200 Creds.
  • Planting the Spike as an attacker grants 300 Creds to each team member.
  • Winning a round gives each player 3,000 Creds, which can boost your team’s ability to buy better gear.

Losing rounds affects your Creds differently:

  • Losing one round gets you 1,900 Creds.
  • If you lose two rounds in a row, you get 2,400 Creds.
  • Losing three or more consecutive rounds gives you 2,900 Creds.
  • If you survive a round that your team loses, you only get 1,000 Creds, unless you’re carrying less valuable equipment.

Different buy types

There are four different buy types in VALORANT, excluding the pistol round in which you can spend your money on a weapon or skills, depending on your and your team’s strategy. Pistol rounds are the first rounds of a match as well as after the side switch. If we break down buy types in VALORANT, we get four results; eco round, force buy, half buy, and full buy. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

Eco Round

During an Eco Round, players spend very little to save for future rounds. The main goal is to manage your Creds well enough to afford better equipment later. Players usually buy cheap pistols and use minimal abilities. Winning an Eco Round can upset the enemy's economy. Sometimes players try out different tactics like buying shotguns and trying to camp close to enemies or stacking up on one site to make a difference with more manpower.

Sheriff is a popular weapon in eco rounds
Sheriff is a popular weapon in eco rounds

Force Buy

A Force Buy is when a team decides to spend all their Creds, even if they can't afford full gear. This risky move can lead to a big payoff if you win, boosting your team’s morale and economy. However, losing a Force Buy can be costly, often leading to needing an Eco Round next.

Half Buy

A Half Buy, or Light Buy, is a strategy where you spend some Creds but save enough for future rounds. This method allows you to compete in the current round without risking your future buying power. Players usually buy less expensive weapons and partial gear.

Full Buy

A Full Buy round is when players can afford their best weapons, full equipment, and all abilities. This setup gives your team the highest chance of winning the round. However, losing a Full Buy can hurt your team’s economy, possibly leading to weaker buys in the following rounds.

How to manage your economy in VALORANT

Managing your economy in VALORANT is key to winning. Here’s how you can handle your funds through the game:

Early Game

At each half's start, you get 800 Creds. What you buy now can set the tone for early rounds.

  • Pistol Choices: You might buy a Sheriff for its strong damage or a Ghost for better accuracy. Pairing these with abilities or light armor can boost your early game without using all your Creds.
  • Focus on Abilities: Sometimes, spending on abilities rather than weapons can give you an advantage, depending on the agent you play.


Your choices should change as the game moves on.

  • Request Weapons: If you're short on Creds, ask a teammate to buy you a weapon through the Buy Menu.
  • Check Future Creds: Always look at the "MIN NEXT ROUND" in the Buy Menu to see the least amount of Creds you’ll have next round. This helps decide if you should save or spend now.

Saving Rounds

  • Knowing when to save is crucial.
  • Eco Rounds: If money is tight, buy only cheap items to save for later rounds.
  • Half-Buy Rounds: If you can’t afford full gear but have some money, buy cheaper weapons and some gear. This lets you compete without wasting all your resources.
  • Check your minimum credits for the next round: Luckily, you can check the minimum amount you will have for the coming round. Go to the buy screen and check the amount as shown below:
Focus on the highlighted area
Focus on the highlighted area

Late Game

Make smart choices to keep up the pressure or prepare for a comeback.

  • Full Buys: Buy full gear when your team has enough Creds (about 4,400 or more per player). This maximizes your team's fighting capability.
  • Assess Risks: Consider if a Force Buy could change the game in crucial rounds. This risky move can either save you or cost you more, depending on both teams' economic states.

What is ECON rating in VALORANT?

The ECON Rating in VALORANT measures how effectively you use your Creds. It calculates the damage you do for every 1,000 Creds spent. To find your ECON Rating, divide the damage you deal by the amount you spend, then multiply by 1,000. For example, if you spend 5,000 Creds and deal 1,000 damage, your ECON Rating would be 2.

A high ECON Rating means you are getting more out of the money you spend. It shows that you are not only playing well but also managing your resources efficiently.

What is a good ECON rating in VALORANT?

A good ECON Rating varies, but generally:

  • An ECON Rating between 55-75 suggests you are doing well, dealing decent damage for the money spent.
  • A rating of 100 or more is excellent, indicating you are maximizing your resources effectively.

Do you get more credits when you die in VALORANT?

In VALORANT, how many credits you earn each round can vary. If you win a round, you always get 3,000 credits, whether you survive or not.

If you lose, the credits you get are different. Normally, if your team loses a round, each player gets 1,900 credits. If your team loses two rounds in a row, the amount increases to 2,400 credits. For three or more consecutive losses, it goes up to 2,900 credits. But there are two situations where you only get 1,000 credits if you lose but survive the round:

  • If you are defending and you stay alive after the spike has exploded.
  • If you are attacking and you stay alive without having planted the spike.

For example, if you're defending and the enemy plants the spike, you have two choices. You can either run away and survive, saving your pistol and ending up with 1,000 credits, or you can run in and die from the spike. If you choose to die, you get 1,900 credits, which might allow you to buy better equipment in the next round even though you lose your pistol. Think wisely before your move, dieing can be the better strategy!

VALORANT buy page on consoles
VALORANT buy page on consoles

How to properly eco in Valorant

Eco rounds in VALORANT are about making the most of limited resources. Players usually choose cheaper weapons like pistols and SMGs during these rounds. The Sheriff is a popular choice because it can kill with one headshot and does high damage. This makes it great for players who can aim well. SMGs, such as the Spectre, are also good for eco rounds because they let you move fast and shoot accurately while moving. This is helpful in close fights.

It's easy to think that eco rounds are all about shooting, but using your abilities wisely is also important. Abilities can help you gain an advantage, even when you don’t have much money for weapons. Agents with abilities that can control areas or disrupt the enemy are especially useful in eco rounds. Don't forget that you need at least 4,400 credits to make a full buy in your games.

Don’t forget to check out our other VALORANT guides:

Onur Demirkol here, Content Writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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