

Dmitri Kurõšin
Estonia Estonia
  • 1.00
  • 193.0
  • 0.99
  • 124.5
  • 0.68
  • 0.32
  • 0.69
  • 20.5%
  • 164
  • 3356
  • 0.07
  • 46%
Dmitri 'Snaz' Kurõšin is a VALORANT esports player from Estonia who is currently a free agent. Snaz previously played for Geekz Energy and their most recent match was against Entropy Gaming on July 15, 2023. Snaz total winnings currently stand at $448.20. Snaz has a current rating of 1.00 from a total 3356 rounds played. Other statistics include 193.0 Average Combat Score (ACS), 124.5 Average Damage Per Round (ADR) and an 72.2% Kill, Assist, Survival & Trading (KAST) percentage. Snaz also boasts a first blood success rate of 46% followed by a 20.5% headshot percentage.

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