

North America North America
  • 1.03
  • 204.8
  • 0.99
  • 133.9
  • 0.72
  • 0.33
  • 0.73
  • 28.6%
  • 30
  • 600
  • 0.09
  • 52%
Ronan is a VALORANT esports player who is currently playing for Pasqually Pizza Posse. Ronan previously played for Tempest Gaming and their most recent match was against QoR on April 25, 2023. Ronan has a current rating of 1.03 from a total 600 rounds played. Other statistics include 204.8 Average Combat Score (ACS), 133.9 Average Damage Per Round (ADR) and an 75.3% Kill, Assist, Survival & Trading (KAST) percentage. Ronan also boasts a first blood success rate of 52% followed by a 28.6% headshot percentage.

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