Mertkani Kaya
- 0.94
- 186.4
- 0.95
- 129.1
- 0.67
- 0.24
- 0.71
- 23.6%
- 32
- 661
- 0.08
- 47%
Mertkani 'b4b4yega' Kaya is a VALORANT esports player from Netherlands who is currently a free agent. b4b4yega previously played for Team 7AM and their most recent match was against Pereo on April 3, 2022. b4b4yega has a current rating of 0.94 from a total 661 rounds played. Other statistics include 186.4 Average Combat Score (ACS), 129.1 Average Damage Per Round (ADR) and an 66.7% Kill, Assist, Survival & Trading (KAST) percentage. b4b4yega also boasts a first blood success rate of 47% followed by a 23.6% headshot percentage.
b4b4yega Statistics
3 months
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