Is VALORANT Coming to Xbox?

Written By Eddie Lemon Writer
Last UpdatedMay 30, 2023 at 12:09PM
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Riot Games don’t just make VALORANT, they have League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra, and League of Legends: Wild Rift, and three of those are available on other platforms that aren’t PC.

Those are Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra, and League of Legends: Wild Rift, which are all available on mobile. As you might have noticed, this does not include VALORANT or the original League of Legends title.

Is VALORANT exclusive to PC?

VALORANT Xbox Game Pass Collaboration
VALORANT Xbox Game Pass Collaboration

At the moment, yes. VALORANT is a PC exclusive game, much like its older brother in League of Legends. Whilst a lot of potential players will be gutted to find this out, we believe that Riot Games keeping the game exclusively PC-based means the game keeps a lot of its integrity and what makes it the FPS game we love to scream at daily.

For all of you wondering as well, this does mean that VALORANT isn’t available on other consoles, such as Playstation, Nintendo, or even the Steam Deck.

Why isn’t VALORANT on Xbox?

To put it simply, VALORANT is a very high-tempo and fast-paced game, which requires precision and tiny movements can change the game, which is designed for PC, and more specifically, keyboard and mouse.

There is no denying that you can be infinitely more precise with keyboard and mouse over using a controller, after all, imagine trying to hit shots across Bind with a Vandal, or run around using Neon’s abilities using a controller!

This means that there is no VALORANT on the Xbox game pass, but that does not mean you shouldn’t hold out hope.

Is VALORANT coming to the Xbox game pass?

Riot Games Xbox Game Pass Collaboration
Riot Games Xbox Game Pass Collaboration

Whilst we have had no official release, announcement, or even hint towards this being the case, Riot Games and Microsoft have worked together in the past to bring us some awesome stuff in a collaboration.

Whilst this sadly is not the titular game, it does include benefits for all five of the Riot Games titles. This could mean that in the future, if Riot Games and Xbox continue their relationship, that one day we could see Jett dashing, Omen teleporting, and Neon sprinting around on our Xbox consoles.

In terms of VALORANT, for connecting your Xbox Game Pass and your Riot Games account, these are all of the rewards:

  • All current Agents
  • Day-one access to every new Agent as they’re released
  • 20% Match XP boost applied to the Battle Pass and Event content

What other Riot Games titles are on the Xbox Game Pass?

Riot Games Xbox Game Pass
Riot Games Xbox Game Pass

As we mentioned, by linking your Riot Games account and your Xbox Game Pass, you get a lot of awesome stuff for every single one of Riot Games’ titles. This includes, League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, League of Legends: Wild Rift, and Legends of Runeterra.

League of Legends: All 160+ champions Day-one access to every new champion as it’s released 20% XP boost

Teamfight Tactics: 1-Star Rare Little Legend Tacticians 1 skin on a monthly rotation

League of Legends: Wild Rift: All 80+ champions Day-one access to every new champion as it’s released 20% XP boost Legends of Runeterra: All cards in Foundations Set

Here are some other VALORANT guides that you can take a look at if you want to know more about the Riot Games title:

Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a full-time writer and short-form video editor, with a degree in Esports! My main games are VALORANT and League of Legends, so you could say that I am at the beck and call of Riot Games! I have worked previously for a few different websites, doing various roles, such as writing, editing, and even voiceovers, but here at THESPIKE, I am an out-and-out article writer, so I can really get as much content out as I can! I graduated with my Esports degree with a 2:1, and a desire to keep going, so this was a perfect step for me, but I still can't get enough of League of Legends when I'm free.

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