How to Mute Yourself in League of Legends?

Wanting to mute yourself? Here's a guide on how to do just that in LoL.
How to Mute Yourself in League of Legends?
Written By Yousef A. Zain

(Evergreen Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJuly 2, 2024 at 12:08PM
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One of the worse and more infamous aspects about League of Legends is its player base. Sometimes the in-game chatter can get a bit too much, leading you and the other players to either seek refuge in the quiet corners of the Summoner’s Rift or the Howling Abyss or engage back in toxic behavior that is very likely to get you penalized.

However, this problem doesn’t go unsolved. If you've ever found yourself yearning for a quieter gaming experience, it's time to get to know the mute button better in League of Legends…

Why mute yourself or others in League of Legends?

Before we dive into the how-to, let's first explain why muting can be a game-changer. League of Legends is a team-based game where effective communication is key, but not every conversation is exactly worth participating in. Anything ranging from unpleasant taunting and excessive pings to verbal abuse, hate-speech, and actual cybercrimes can hinder your focus and enjoyment. Muting yourself will help you not get banned at times when you’re most tilted.

On the other hand, muting other players will keep you from tilting. Believe me, muting toxic players can and will positively improve your in-game performance, and keep whatever is left of your sanity intact.

How to mute yourself in League of Legends

Muting yourself might seem counterintuitive, but there are situations where it can be beneficial. Sometimes, you are your worst opponent. Anger issues? Yeah, we understand, but you’ll have to be a bit quieter regardless. If you want to save your team (and you) a couple of brain cells, you can mute yourself in two different methods.

The first is using the in-game commands by entering them through the chat. Type: “/muteself” in the in-game chat, and voila! You can type the same command again to unmute yourself. The second method is even simpler. You can hold “Tab” and navigate the in-game menu to your own champion’s icon, on either of its sides you’ll find some icons. Toggle these icons to mute yourself.

How to mute other players in League of Legends

Now, let's get to the more common scenario: muting other players. Whether it's someone spamming pings or a keyboard warrior flooding the chat with annoying and distracting taunts or less-than-friendly remarks, muting is your go-to solution (coupled with reporting that player, of course).

Similar to muting yourself, you can use the in-game chat to type in a command. However, in this case, you’ll have to type in the command: “/mute [player name]”. It may be obvious, but it’s important to note that the player name should be entered without the brackets. Alternatively, hold “Tab” and navigate to the target player’s champion icon and toggle on the desired muting options.

For those times when you just want to play in your own little bubble without any outside interference, there's the "Mute All" option. By typing: "/mute all" into the chat, you instantly mute everyone in the game. It's the “nuclear” option of muting, and while it may go against one of League of Legends’ top premises (cooperation and communication), it sometimes guarantees the peace you’ve been looking for.

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Yousef, Evergreen Content Writer for THESPIKE.GG, is a seasoned content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative stories on the ever-evolving gaming industry. He boasts a wealth of experience in the field, having worked as a Features Writer at DualShockers, Freelance Features Writer at WhatIfGaming, and Freelance Writer at KeenGamer, among many other gaming and entertainment outlets.

Currently, Yousef continues his pursuit to hone his craft and share his insights with a broader demographic—targeting League of Legends and VALORANT (his most played online games) and the vaster audience of eSports this time.

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