Beginner Guides

Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Last UpdatedFebruary 5, 2024 at 12:36AM
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Welcome to League of Legends! If the world of champions, lanes, and strategies seems a bit overwhelming, don't worry. This guide is here to make things simple and help you find your way to success. Whether you're brand new or looking to improve your skills, join us as we explore the lanes and roles of Summoner's Rift together. Get ready to jump into the adventure of League of Legends – it's time to start your journey!

League of Legends tips and tricks for each role

Let’s start our guide with small tips and tricks for each role. Remember the game is a lot more  complicated, but if you want to grasp the basics, check these tips out:

Top Lane

Top Lane is a solo adventure where champions focus on endurance in 1v1 duels. Master split-pushing, tanky initiation, and self-sufficiency. Teleport aids teammates and enhances map presence.


Junglers balance farming, strategic ganking, and comprehensive map control. From securing objectives like Baron and Dragon to influencing the entire map, junglers play a pivotal role. Jungle strategies revolve around a delicate dance between farming, ganking, and maintaining vigilant map awareness.

Mid Lane

The Mid Lane, known for its impact, thrusts champions into the heart of the action. Mid laners, bearers of significant damage, control the map's central area. With the ability to roam and deal sustained or burst damage, mastering wave clear is crucial for maintaining lane pressure. Mid laners shine brightest prioritizing team fights, strategic roams, and vigilant vision control.

Bot Lane (Support and AD Carry)

Bot Lane's duo, Support and AD Carry, dominates the bottom map. Supports focus on vision, utility, and crowd control, ensuring teammates' safety. AD Carries, late-game powerhouses, deal ranged damage. The strategy involves securing Dragon, effective trading, and diligent farming. The support shields the AD Carry, steering the duo to victory.

League of Legends build guides for each role

It certainly changes a lot, as there are plenty of different agents suitable for different comps and builds always change according to the meta. However, there are certain builds that go well with these roles, even though the meta changes completely. Here is a breakdown:

Top Lane

In the top lane, champions often prioritize items that enhance their survivability and sustain, as they are typically melee and engage in prolonged trades. Core items may include those that provide bonus health, resistances, and sustain through lifesteal or health regeneration. 

Tanky top laners might focus on items that grant crowd control, while bruisers could lean towards a mix of offensive and defensive options. It's common for top laners to build at least one damage item to remain relevant in team fights. Adaptations can be made based on the specific needs of the match, incorporating armor penetration or magic resistance as required.


Junglers have a versatile role, and their itemization often depends on their champion's playstyle and whether they lean towards tankiness, damage, or utility. Items that increase jungle clear speed and sustain are crucial early on. Additionally, vision control is vital, so some junglers invest in items that enhance their ability to control and clear vision. Many junglers opt for items that grant a combination of health, resistances, and damage. 

Mobility-enhancing items are also popular for better map control and ganking potential. The specific choice of items can vary widely, with some junglers opting for specialized items to counter specific threats or capitalize on their champion's strengths. Building adaptively based on the state of the game is a key aspect of successful jungle itemization.

Mid Lane

Mid laners, often mages or assassins, prioritize items that amplify their burst damage and utility. Ability power (AP) items are essential for mages, enhancing their spells' damage output. For assassins, items that provide lethality or cooldown reduction (CDR) are common choices. 

Mid laners also benefit from items that enhance their survivability, such as Zhonya's Hourglass, which provides a stasis effect. Vision control is crucial, so mid laners may invest in items that grant vision wards or enhance their vision denial capabilities. Boots with specific enchantments, such as magic penetration or cooldown reduction, are commonly purchased to complement their playstyle.

AD Carry (Bot Lane)

AD Carries in the bot lane focus on building items that enhance their attack damage, attack speed, and critical strike chance. Core items often include those that provide a balance between damage and sustain, helping them thrive in extended team fights. The purchase of lifesteal items is common to improve survivability. 

Additionally, defensive items like Guardian Angel may be prioritized to offer a second chance in team fights. AD Carries also consider items that provide bonus movement speed or utility, offering them better positioning and kiting abilities. Item builds may vary based on the specific AD Carry's strengths and the composition of the opposing team.


Supports typically prioritize items that enhance their utility and provide crowd control. Sightstone or its upgraded versions are crucial for vision control, allowing supports to place wards strategically across the map. Support items that generate gold income, such as those with a gold-per-10-seconds component, help supports stay relevant in terms of items even with fewer minions to farm. 

Defensive items, such as those offering bonus health and resistances, are common to increase survivability. Support items with active effects, like Redemption or Mikael's Crucible, are valued for their ability to turn the tide of team fights or protect allies. Boots with mobility enhancements are often chosen to allow supports to roam the map efficiently and provide assistance wherever needed. Item builds for supports can be highly situational, adapting to the needs of the team and the threats posed by the enemy.

League of Legends noob guide: Which champion to pick?

Are you a beginner, looking to make a slow start to League of Legends? We know just the champions to play at early stages, before you figure out how to play the game. Here is the list:

Garen (Top Lane)

Garen is an ideal champion for beginners due to his straightforward mechanics and durable nature. His passive ability, Perseverance, naturally restores his health over time, allowing newcomers to focus on learning the basics of laning without worrying too much about sustain. 

Garen's Q ability, Decisive Strike, provides a silence and a speed boost, making trades simpler for beginners. The lack of mana costs on most of his abilities simplifies resource management, allowing new players to focus on map awareness and other fundamental aspects of the game. Garen's ultimate, Demacian Justice, is a point-and-click execution ability, making it easy for beginners to secure kills.

Amumu (Jungle)

Amumu is an excellent choice for novice junglers because of his forgiving mechanics and impactful crowd control. His passive, Cursed Touch, reduces enemies' magic resist, making his ganks more potent. Amumu's Q ability, Bandage Toss, is a straightforward skillshot that can initiate fights or catch enemies. 

His W, Despair, provides consistent damage in team fights, and his E, Tantrum, offers natural tankiness. The ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, is a powerful AoE stun, making team fights more accessible for beginners. Amumu's kit encourages new players to understand the importance of positioning and initiation without overwhelming them with complex mechanics.

Annie (Mid Lane)

Annie is a beginner-friendly mage known for her simplicity and burst damage. Her Q ability, Disintegrate, is a point-and-click spell that refunds mana on killing the target, allowing beginners to focus on last-hitting minions. Annie's passive, Pyromania, stuns enemies after casting spells, making it easier for newcomers to engage and trade effectively. 

Her W ability, Incinerate, provides area-of-effect damage, and her E, Molten Shield, enhances her survivability. Annie's ultimate, Summon: Tibbers, is a straightforward AoE damage ability that can turn the tide in team fights, making her impactful without requiring intricate combos.

Ashe (AD Carry - Bot Lane)

Ashe is an excellent marksman for beginners due to her long-range attacks and utility-focused kit. Her passive, Frost Shot, slows enemies, making kiting and positioning more forgiving for new players. Ashe's Q ability, Ranger's Focus, enhances her damage output, and her W, Volley, provides additional crowd control and poke potential. 

Her E ability, Hawkshot, grants vision and helps with map awareness. Ashe's ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, is a global stun that can be a game-changer in team fights. Ashe's straightforward mechanics allow beginners to focus on basic positioning and decision-making in the bot lane.

Sona (Support)

Sona is an ideal support for beginners due to her simple yet effective utility-focused kit. Her Q ability, Hymn of Valor, provides poke damage, her W, Aria of Perseverance, heals allies, and her E, Song of Celerity, grants bonus movement speed. Sona's ultimate, Crescendo, is a powerful AoE stun that can turn the tide of team fights. 

Her passive, Power Chord, adds a layer of strategic decision-making to her basic abilities. Sona's easy-to-understand mechanics make her a great choice for new support players, allowing them to focus on vision control, map awareness, and overall game dynamics.

Best League of Legends one trick champions

Not everyone enjoys playing all these chamöpions in different roles. Some players prefer mastering only one champion and climbing their way up to the top of the ranked ladder. If you are looking to master a single champion, we have got you covered! Here are five of the best one-trick champions you can pick in League of Legends:


Yasuo's popularity as a one-trick champion stems from his high skill ceiling and potential for flashy plays. His mobility, crowd control, and the ability to negate projectiles with Wind Wall make him an attractive choice for those seeking a champion that rewards mechanical prowess. Yasuo one-tricks often relish the challenge of mastering intricate combos, such as the "Airblade" and "Keyblade," and showcasing their creativity in both duels and team fights.


Riven has long been a favorite among one-trick players due to her complex mechanics and outplay potential. Her kit involves animation canceling and fast combos, making her an engaging choice for those who enjoy mechanical champions. 

Skilled Riven players can dominate in the top lane, pulling off rapid combos with Broken Wings and Ki Burst while effectively utilizing her mobility with Valor to outmaneuver opponents.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin's popularity among one-trick players is attributed to his versatility, high skill cap, and the potential for impactful plays. His mobility, ability to ward jump, and the versatility of his Sonic Wave and Dragon's Rage make Lee Sin a thrilling pick for those who enjoy making flashy and decisive plays. Lee Sin one-tricks often showcase exceptional map control, early game aggression, and the ability to create opportunities for their team through well-executed plays.


Zed's allure as a one-trick champion lies in his assassin playstyle and the potential for stylish outplays. With high burst damage and the ability to switch positions with his shadows, Zed rewards players who master precise combos and have a deep understanding of positioning. 

Zed one-tricks often revel in the art of assassination, using Death Mark to eliminate priority targets and showcasing their ability to outmaneuver opponents with Living Shadow.


Thresh stands out among support champions and is popular among one-tricks due to his unique kit that revolves around crowd control and utility. His Death Sentence (hook) provides engage potential, and the Dark Passage (lantern) allows for life-saving plays. Thresh one-tricks are often recognized for their accuracy with skill shots, strategic use of lanterns, and game-changing engages. The versatility of Thresh's kit makes him appealing to those who enjoy setting up plays for their team and exerting control over the game's tempo from the support role.

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Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.