League of Legends: Items newly added & removed in 2024
2024 saw a huge rework to items available in League of Legends. A lot were altered and some new ones were added. Here is what the patch altered and changed.ON THIS PAGE:

The 2024 season of League of Legends introduces an exciting array of changes to the game's item pool, influencing gameplay and strategy significantly. If you haven't played the game for a while, you will most likely be shocked at all these new items. Moreover, the items that you had built in the previous seasons have changed too. Don’t worry, we have everything covered in this long guide. Here are all the new, changed and removed League of Legends items in 2024!
All new League items in 2024
As mentioned, you will see a lot of new items when you open the game, and you might be dazzled by what to build for our favorite champion. Just find the item on our list and decide if you should buy it or not!
World Atlas
- Cost: 400 gold
- Stats: Offers health and helps regenerate mana and health.
- Gold Generation: Players earn gold through interactions with champions and minions.
- Upgrade: Transforms into Runic Compass after earning 500 gold.
The World Atlas encourages active gameplay, rewarding players with gold for engaging with opponents and assisting in minion kills. When players earn enough gold, it upgrades to the Runic Compass.
Runic Compass
- Upgrade Cost: 500 gold from World Atlas earnings.
- Stats: Increases health and regeneration rates further.
- Gold Generation: Continues to offer gold for the same interactions as World Atlas.
The Runic Compass builds on the foundation of the World Atlas, providing stronger stats and continued benefits from active lane engagement.
Bounty of Worlds
- Upgrade Cost: 1,000 gold from Runic Compass.
- Stats: Maintains the same stats as Runic Compass.
- Transition: Prepares the player for a final upgrade to a more powerful item.
Bounty of Worlds serves as a bridge item, carrying over the benefits of the Runic Compass and setting the stage for the next tier of support items.
Celestial Opposition
- Stats: Increases health and mana regeneration significantly.
- Passive – Blessing of the Mountain: Reduces damage from attacks and releases a slowing shockwave after taking champion hits.
Celestial Opposition is a defensive item designed for those in the thick of battle, reducing incoming damage and countering with a slow to disrupt enemies.
Solstice Sleigh
- Passive: Grants health and a speed boost when slowing or immobilizing enemies.
Solstice Sleigh rewards players for controlling their opponents, offering boosts that can turn the tide in team fights.
- Passive – Spellblade: Enhances the next attack with extra damage following ability use and increases the damage enemies take.
Bloodsong suits aggressive players who weave spells into their attacks, boosting their damage and weakening their targets temporarily.
Dream Maker
- Passive: Creates bubbles that protect allies or boost their damage when healing or shielding them.
Dream Maker enhances team support by providing bubbles that either shield allies or amplify their damage, ideal for roles focused on aiding teammates.
Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike
- Passive – Void Explosion: Causes an explosion that deals magic damage at the target’s location upon dealing ability damage.
Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike is perfect for mages looking to maximize area damage, disrupting enemy groups with powerful explosions.

Glowing Mote
- Cost: 250 gold.
- Stats: Boosts ability haste.
Glowing Mote is a cost-effective way for spell-casters to cast more frequently, enhancing their ability to engage or defend in quick succession.
- Total Cost: 2,700 gold.
- Stats: Increases ability power, ability haste, and mana regeneration.
- Passive: Boosts healing and shielding power.
Dawncore is tailored for support roles, enhancing their ability to heal and shield allies, thus prolonging their team's presence in fights.
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Stats: Alternates on-hit effects between enhancing attack and defense.
Terminus offers versatility, adjusting to offensive or defensive needs based on the situation, making it unique for adaptive combat strategies.
- Total Cost: 2,800 gold.
- Passive: Boosts ultimate ability power and creates a damaging area on the ground when using ultimate abilities.
Malignance is essential for champions reliant on their ultimate abilities, adding extra effects that enhance their impact in battles.
Caster’s Companion
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Stats: Provides a significant boost to ability power and mana.
- Load and Fire: Amplifies damage of abilities through stored charges.
Caster’s Companion is designed for burst scenarios, where maximizing spell impact in a short time can decisively impact skirmishes.
- Total Cost: 2,900 gold.
- Passive: Deals damage based on the target's maximum health and increases the user's movement speed temporarily.
Stormsurge is ideal for targeting high-health opponents, dealing substantial damage and providing a temporary speed boost to reposition or chase down other targets.
Haunting Guise
- Total Cost: 1,300 gold.
- Stats: Increases damage output the longer you engage in combat.
Haunting Guise rewards endurance in battle, making it more effective the longer you fight, suited for drawn-out clashes.

- Total Cost: 2,850 gold.
- Passive – Life From Death: Heals allies and damages enemies around the takedown location of an enemy champion.
Cryptbloom shines in team fights, where taking down opponents can heal your team and harm your enemies simultaneously, tipping scales in your favor.
Luden’s Companion
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Load and Fire: Uses charges to massively increase damage output of spells.
Luden’s Companion boosts the potency of spell casts, turning regular abilities into devastating attacks that can catch opponents off guard.
Voltaic Cyclosword
- Total Cost: 2,900 gold.
- Passive – Energized: Speeds up movement and attacks, enhancing mobility and strike capability.
Voltaic Cyclosword is for players who value agility and quick hits, offering enhancements that make moving and attacking more effective.
Profane Hydra
- Total Cost: 3,400 gold.
- Active – Heretical Slash: Deals damage to nearby enemies, increasing against those with low health.
Profane Hydra excels in close combat, dealing more damage to weaker foes nearby, ideal for finishing off stragglers after a skirmish.
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Passive – Eminence: Increases attack damage temporarily after defeating an enemy champion.
Hubris rewards aggressive play, boosting your damage after a takedown to make you even more formidable in ongoing fights.
- Total Cost: 2,700 gold.
- Passive – Murderspeed: Grants a speed boost after damaging a champion, aiding in either pursuing further attacks or making a swift retreat.
Opportunity is perfect for hit-and-run tactics, providing a burst of speed that can help in chasing down an enemy or escaping a tight spot.
- Total Cost: 900 gold.
- Stats: Enhances movement and provides a slight attack bonus.
Rectrix is an entry-level item that offers a mix of mobility and offensive capability, suitable for early game skirmishes.
The Brutalizer
- Total Cost: 1,337 gold.
- Stats: Provides attack damage and lethality.
The Brutalizer is straightforward: it boosts your damage output and helps penetrate armor, making it valuable for taking down tougher opponents.
Hollow Radiance
- Total Cost: 2,800 gold.
- Passive – Immolate: Causes damage to nearby enemies after taking or dealing damage.
Hollow Radiance is useful for those in the midst of the fight, dealing continuous damage to nearby enemies, enhancing your threat during sustained encounters.
Unending Despair
- Total Cost: 2,800 gold.
- Passive – Anguish: Damages nearby enemies while healing the user based on the damage dealt.
Unending Despair is designed for survival, turning the tide of battle by damaging foes while restoring your health, keeping you fighting longer.
Kaenic Rookern
- Total Cost: 2,900 gold.
- Passive – Magebane: Provides a magic shield after not taking champion damage for a period.
Kaenic Rookern is a defensive tool that offers a magic shield, making it easier to survive against burst magic attacks in skirmishes.
- Total Cost: 2,400 gold.
- Passive – Lead the Way: Boosts your movement speed and affects allies, enhancing team mobility.
Trailblazer enhances your movement capabilities, affecting not just you but also boosting your allies' speed, great for coordinated team movements.
Sundered Sky
- Total Cost: 3,100 gold.
- Passive – Lightshield Strike: Ensures the first attack against a champion critically strikes and heals you.
Sundered Sky is a powerful item for initial engagements, ensuring your first hit packs a significant punch and heals you, setting a strong tone for the fight.
Nitro Hexaegis
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Passive: Boosts ultimate ability speed and enhances movement and attack speed after using your ultimate.
Nitro Hexaegis is ideal for those who rely heavily on their ultimate abilities, giving them a crucial boost in speed and power following their use.
- Total Cost: 1,100 gold.
- Stats: Basic item that provides a foundation for building more complex items.
Tunneler is a starting point for several builds, offering basic attack and health benefits as players plan their item paths.

Changed items in 2024
You may see some of your favorite items changed drastically, here is a list of all:
Echoes of Helia
- Total Cost: 2,200 gold.
- Changes: Added Soul Siphon passive, removed Dissonance passive.
Staff of Flowing Water
- Total Cost: 2,300 gold.
- Changes: No significant changes; maintains beneficial passives for healing and shielding.
Ardent Censer
- Total Cost: 2,300 gold.
- Changes: No major formula changes; continues to enhance heal and shield effects.
Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Removed critical strike conversion; added Seething Strike for attack speed stacking.
Infinity Edge
- Total Cost: 3,300 gold.
- Changes: Increased focus on enhancing critical strike damage.
Guardian Angel
- Total Cost: 3,200 gold.
- Changes: Stopwatch removed from recipe; adjusted Rebirth passive.
Immortal Shieldbow
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Removed attack speed bonus on Lifeline; added health shield focus.
Lord Dominik’s Regards
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced Giant Slayer passive for better performance against high-health champions.
Rapid Firecannon
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Stats and abilities unchanged; still enhances attack speed and critical strike chance.
Statikk Shiv
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Focused on Energized and Electroshock passives for increased attack dynamics.
- Total Cost: 3,100 gold.
- Changes: No changes to abilities; remains a critical strike and attack speed booster.
The Collector
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Abilities unchanged; continues to offer lethality and critical strike benefits.
Essence Reaver
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Maintains its core abilities without changes; focuses on critical strike and cooldown reduction.

Phantom Dancer
- Total Cost: 2,800 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced Spectral Waltz for on-attack speed benefits.
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Modified Omnivamp attributes; added health-to-ability power conversion.
Liandry’s Torment
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted damage cap to monsters; maintained damage amplification features.
Horizon Focus
- Total Cost: 2,700 gold.
- Changes: Added Focus passive to enhance the Hypershot passive’s reveal effect.
Seeker’s Armguard
- Total Cost: 1,600 gold.
- Changes: Introduced one-time Stasis active with a transformation into Shattered Armguard.
- Total Cost: 3,200 gold.
- Changes: Added Cinderbloom passive for critical strikes on low-health targets.
Cosmic Drive
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Spelldance passive adjusted to provide movement speed on ability hits.
Rod of Ages
- Total Cost: 2,600 gold.
- Changes: Updated stacking mechanics and removed movement speed bonus on Eternity passive.
Hextech Rocketbelt
- Total Cost: 2,500 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted Supersonic active for directional dashing and magic missile deployment.
Hextech Alternator
- Total Cost: 1,100 gold.
- Changes: Modified Revved passive to trigger additional magic damage.
Banshee’s Veil
- Total Cost: 3,100 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted Annul passive to reset on taking damage from champions.
Archangel’s Staff
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Mana Charge to transform into Seraph’s Embrace; adjusted Awe passive.
Seraph’s Embrace
- Changes: Adjusted Awe and Lifeline passives for enhanced mana to ability power conversion.
Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Total Cost: 3,600 gold.
- Changes: Increased ability power boost from Magical Opus passive.
Void Staff
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Unchanged; continues to offer significant magic penetration.
Catalyst of Aeons
- Total Cost: 1,300 gold.
- Changes: Eternity passive adjusted for mana and health restoration mechanics.
Lich Bane
- Total Cost: 3,100 gold.
- Changes: Added attack speed bonus to Spellblade passive.
Nashor’s Tooth
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Icathian Bite passive remains a core feature with high attack speed and ability power.
- Total Cost: 2,200 gold.
- Changes: Focused on Affliction passive; health and magic penetration stats removed.
Serylda’s Grudge
- Total Cost: 3,200 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted Rancor and Bitter Cold passives for enhanced armor penetration and slowing effects.
Youmuu’s Ghostblade
- Total Cost: 2,700 gold.
- Changes: Removed ability haste; introduced Wraith Step active and adjusted Haunt passive.

Axiom Arc
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Flux passive adjusted for ultimate cooldown refund on champion takedowns.
Umbral Glaive
- Total Cost: 2,600 gold.
- Changes: Focused on ward detection and disabling; Rancor passive introduced.
Serpent’s Fang
- Total Cost: 2,500 gold.
- Changes: Abilities remain unchanged; continues to offer attack damage and ability haste.
Jak’Sho the Protean
- Total Cost: 3,200 gold.
- Changes: Introduced Voidborn Resilience passive for stacking defensive bonuses in combat.
Dead Man’s Plate
- Total Cost: 2,900 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted Shipwrecker and Unsinkable passives for enhanced movement and damage mechanics.
Randuin’s Omen
- Total Cost: 2,700 gold.
- Changes: Focused on reducing damage from critical strikes and basic attacks with Rock Solid and Critical Resilience passives.
Force of Nature
- Total Cost: 2,800 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced Absorb and Dissipate passives for improved magic resistance and movement mechanics.
Iceborn Gauntlet
- Total Cost: 2,600 gold.
- Changes: Spellblade passive now creates a frost field, enhancing crowd control capabilities.
Winter’s Approach / Fimbulwinter
- Total Cost: 2,400 gold.
- Changes: Core stats and passive effects remain unchanged; focuses on health and mana synergies.
Sunfire Aegis
- Total Cost: 2,700 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced Immolate passive for increased damage output in prolonged engagements.
Knight’s Vow
- Total Cost: 2,200 gold.
- Changes: Removed base health regeneration; abilities otherwise unchanged.
Frozen Heart
- Total Cost: 2,300 gold.
- Changes: Abilities remain focused on providing high armor and ability haste.
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Introduced Colossal Consumption for damage-based health gains and Goliath for size increase based on health.
Zeke’s Convergence
- Total Cost: 2,200 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted Convergence passive for enhanced area-of-effect damage and crowd control during ultimate use.
Locket of Iron Solari
- Total Cost: 2,200 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced Devotion active for scaling shield protection; removed passive armor and magic resistance grants.
Warmog’s Armor
- Total Cost: 3,100 gold.
- Changes: Focused on health regeneration and movement speed boosts with Warmog’s Heart passive.
- Total Cost: 1,200 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted Cleave and Crescent for targeted and area damage.
Ravenous Hydra
- Total Cost: 3,300 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced lifesteal and area damage capabilities with Ravenous Crescent and Cleave

Titanic Hydra
- Total Cost: 3,300 gold.
- Changes: Increased health-based damage with Colossus and Crescent passives.
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Introduced Skipper and Boarding Party for enhanced damage and minion support mechanics.
- Total Cost: 3,100 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted Breaking Shockwave for mobility and crowd control; introduced Temper for speed boosts.
Wit’s End
- Total Cost: 2,800 gold.
- Changes: Focused on magic resistance and attack speed with Fray for enhanced on-hit damage.
Spear of Shojin
- Total Cost: 3,100 gold.
- Changes: Introduced Dragonforce for ability haste and Focused Will for damage stacking on spell hits.
- Total Cost: 1,100 gold.
- Changes: Simplified to provide movement speed on attacks with Rage passive.
Steel Sigil
- Total Cost: 1,200 gold.
- Changes: Maintains attack damage and armor stats; no significant passive changes.
Blade of the Ruined King
- Total Cost: 3,200 gold.
- Changes: Focused on on-hit health-based damage and crowd control with Mist’s Edge and Clawing Shadows.
- Total Cost: 2,800 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced damage and shielding mechanics with Ever Rising Moon for burst scenarios.
Hearthbound Axe
- Total Cost: 1,200 gold.
- Changes: Maintains attack speed and damage; no significant passive changes.
Experimental Hexplate
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Introduced Passive for ultimate ability haste and post-ultimate mobility and attack speed boosts.
Trinity Force
- Total Cost: 3,333 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced Spellblade passive; introduced Quicken for movement speed boosts, removed Threefold Strikes.
Black Cleaver
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Enhanced Carve for armor reduction and simplified Rage for consistent movement speed boosts.
Sterak’s Gage
- Total Cost: 3,000 gold.
- Changes: Adjusted passives for damage resilience and emergency shielding, emphasizing survivability in close combat.
Doran’s Blade
- Changes: Removed omnivamp, focusing solely on lifesteal for early game sustain.
Doran’s Ring
- Changes: Adjusted mana and health restoration mechanics to better suit early game mage needs.

LOL removed items in 2024
The 2024 season has brought major changes to the item options in League of Legends, including the removal of several items. Here's a brief overview of the key items that are no longer available and the impact these changes may have on the game.
Mythic Items
A number of Mythic items have been removed, affecting how players strategize:
- Crown of the Shattered Queen
- Duskblade of Draktharr
- Divine Sunderer
- Evenshroud
- Everfrost
- Galeforce
- Goredrinker
- Luden’s Tempest
- Night Harvester
- Radiant Virtue
The absence of popular items like Galeforce and Duskblade of Draktharr might force players to find new strategies and item builds.
Legendary Items
The game also saw the removal of these Legendary items:
- Demonic Embrace
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Gargoyle’s Stoneplate
- Prowler’s Claw
- Turbo Chemtank
- Silvermere Dawn
Removing items such as Gargoyle’s Stoneplate and Prowler’s Claw could change how some champions are played, affecting which ones are popular or strong.
Component Items
Several component items that were part of many builds have been removed:
- Aegis of the Legion
- Chalice of Harmony
- Ironspike Whip
- Leeching Leer
- Lifewell Pendant
- Rageknife
- Stopwatch (including the Perfect Timing rune)