How long are League of Legends games?

Mythmaker Gwen — League of Legnds
Written By Yousef A. Zain

(Evergreen Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedFebruary 2, 2024 at 01:46PM
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League of Legends is a game that fundamentally demands two elements to play: teamwork and time (also, an internet connection, but that’s irrelevant to this article). You’ve probably run through the situation where you’re bound by time to do something, but you wanted to play one more match before calling it a day. In this situation, the only question in your mind among the math is, “How long is a League of Legends match?”

It’s safe to assume that you’ve played the game enough at this point to realize that the answer is very dynamic and subject to change based on many unpredictable factors. However, for some perspective, a League of Legends game can last anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour. But how long is an average game of League of Legends? In this article, we’ll examine the average game length for game mode, other factors that influence game length, and finally, tips on how to finish the game faster.

How long does a League of Legends game last

The biggest and most important factor that influences time in League of Legends is game mode. The game mode of your choice will directly affect the length of your next match, as Summoner’s Rift and ARAM (All Random All Mid) are very different in pacing. An average Summoner’s Rift game could probably run for around 25-45 minutes. On the contrary, an average ARAM game could wrap up in just 15-20 minutes.

So, from the get-go, if you’re tight on time and want to play a little bit of League, ARAM should always be your go-to choice. If you have more than 30 minutes to spare, then you could possibly start to feel more comfortable playing Summoner’s Rift if you want. 

However, there’s plenty more factors that influence match length beyond game mode…

What influences League of Legends game duration

One of the other factors influencing game duration is the skill level of the players. In professional esports, where players demonstrate exceptional coordination and strategic skills, games tend to be shorter because of their ability to take decisive actions. On the other hand, in casual or lower-ranked matches, players may stall and take longer to make strategic decisions, leading to extended game times.

Champion composition also plays a significant role in determining the pacing of a League of Legends game. For example, teams with champions that excel in early-game aggression may secure a quick advantage by racking up kills or farming efficiently, leading to a faster victory. Conversely, teams with late-game scaling champions might aim to prolong the match as much as they can, giving their champions enough time to reach their full potential. The flow of power between early, mid, and late-game champions contributes to the already dynamic nature of game duration.

Furthermore, objectives, such as towers, inhibitors, and monsters like the Rift Herald, Baron Nashor, and the Dragons, also play a crucial role in determining the length of a League of Legends game. Those who get these objectives secure an advantageous position over their adversaries by providing their own team with helpful buffs to their armor, damage, or ability haste, effectively bringing the conclusion of the match closer. On the contrary, a resilient defense or strategic counter-play can and will elongate the game.

Another significant contributor to the game length is team fights. The pace of the game can shift dramatically during team fights. A well-executed and coordinated team fight can quickly turn the tide in favor of one team, potentially leading to a faster victory or a hasty defeat. However, if teams are matched evenly in terms of skills, they may engage in extended clashes, resulting in a way longer and more intense battle for supremacy. The frequency and outcome of team fights, coupled with their struggle to assume control over map objectives, influence the overall tempo of the game.

The final influence that we’d like to mention is the meta. League of Legends' evolving meta and balance changes introduced by Riot Games also impact game duration. Shifts in the strength of certain champions, items, or strategies can influence the pace at which matches unfold. A meta favoring early-game aggression may lead to shorter games, while a more defensive meta may result in lengthier matches.

How to end games faster in League of Legends?

By analyzing the influencing factors in the past section of the article, we can deduce multiple points that can help you end your games way faster than usual. Understanding these points and applying them for your next games, no matter the game mode will probably yield better results over time. See the following points:

  • Choose better team compositions: As we’ve mentioned in the very beginning of this article, League of Legends demands teamwork and time. Part of ending matches faster starts in the Champion Selection screen. Widening your champion pool and choosing a champion that could possibly make a great combo with one or more of your teammates is always favorable and is sure to hasten your way to victory.
  • Make quicker decisions: It can be especially hard to do so in low-elo, but quick decision-making, although common in higher-elos, isn’t exclusive to them. Making quicker and more effective decisions is sure to give you a competitive edge in the game and help you bring that victory screen closer than it was before.
  • Assume early control over objectives: Objectives are one of the most important things in completing a game Summoner’s Rift, as the game makes it pretty difficult for the team that ignored objectives for the entirety of the game to win. Our advice? Don’t be the team that ignores objectives, and go for that early dragon. Go for that early Rift Herald, and don’t hesitate to damage enemy towers whenever you can—beware of the Jungle ganks, though.
  • Know when to engage in team fights: Not every team fight is a good team fight—the objective is to ponder and decide which is which. Know when and when not to engage in team fights. Risk is pretty lucrative, but you’re prone to losing it all or winning it all. Either way, you’re multiple steps closer to ending that game.

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Yousef, Evergreen Content Writer for THESPIKE.GG, is a seasoned content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative stories on the ever-evolving gaming industry. He boasts a wealth of experience in the field, having worked as a Features Writer at DualShockers, Freelance Features Writer at WhatIfGaming, and Freelance Writer at KeenGamer, among many other gaming and entertainment outlets.

Currently, Yousef continues his pursuit to hone his craft and share his insights with a broader demographic—targeting League of Legends and VALORANT (his most played online games) and the vaster audience of eSports this time.