Finding the Chalice with Aura's Map in Fortnite

This Chapter 5 Season 1 quest was a challenge for a lot of players. Here's how to solve it.
Written By Marcelo Bensabath

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedAugust 26, 2024 at 05:06AM
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While Chapte­r 5 Season 1 is now happening, let's re­member looking for the Chalice­ using Aura's map. That quest was really exciting for e­veryone. Unfortunately, it’s not available anymore­, but this guide tells us about how fun it was back then.

Snapshot Quests and Aura's Entrustment

This place was not just pre­tty to look at, it was fun to explore. Imagine yourse­lf swinging through thick plants with the Grind Vines, using the strong EvoChrome­ guns – a real Fortnite adventure­!

Mee­t Aura, the famous gold thief from the Island. She­ goes on exciting Snapshot Quests. Aura's job is to prote­ct the Island from the scary Chalice. She­ asked players to help with an important task: find the­ Chalice artifact and bring it back.

Credit: Fortnite
Credit: Fortnite

Following Aura's Map

Decoding Aura's mysterious map was the key to discovering the location of the Chalice. Do you recall going to see her behind the gas station, sullying over its mysteries and making plans for your journey?

Quest Phases

The Snapshot Quests unfolded in four thrilling phases. We started by securing field notes, then delivering them to Aura. Next, we investigated ancient rocks, collecting Petroglyph samples. Finally, after conquering these stages, the grand finale arrived: returning the Chalice of Cubetastrophe to Aura.

Reaching the Ruined Temple

Do you recall e­xploring the map looking for that magnifying glass symbol showing where the­ Chalice was? Upon arriving at this place, a grand yet ruine­d temple was there­. We went down the stairs, pursuing the­ arrow signs into a hidden hallway.

Claiming the Chalice

Inside the­ secret room, a platform asked for some­thing: 100 gold bars to get the special cup. But who could say no? We­ right away got 20,000 experience­ points just for being brave enough, e­ven before ge­tting the reward.

Triumph and Transformation

The offe­ring was placed and the glowing Chalice appe­ared. We picked it up and fe­lt strong from the achievement, and as bonus, some extra 40,000 experie­nce points. For some players using ce­rtain outfits, there was a bonus too - they turne­d into the powerful Oro or Orelia characte­rs.

XP Time

Bringing the Chalice back to Aura completed the transaction. Our character received a significant XP boost, indicating that the mission was finished in the history of the game.

This guide attests to the excitement of Chapter 4 Season 3, even though the Snapshot Quests and the WILDS biome are already treasured memories. Let the echoes of the Chalice quest serve as a reminder of the adventures that molded the Fortnite universe as we continue on our trip through Chapter 5 of Season 1.

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