Is Fortnite Reload a permanent game mode?

Kind of like OG Fortnite. But is it here to stay in the game?
Written By Eray Eliaçık

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedSeptember 19, 2024 at 11:17AM
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Is Fortnite Reload a permanent game mode? It’s a popular question after the release of the mode on June 22 brought with it a wave of nostalgia and excitement, especially for long-time players of the game.

This new game mode, designed to capture the essence of OG Fortnite, quickly became a hit among fans. With familiar locations like Tilted Towers and old-school weapons returning, players have flocked to this mode, many wondering—is Fortnite Reload a permanent addition to the game?

Is Fortnite Reload a permanent game mode?

So far, Epic Games has not officially confirmed whether Fortnite Reload will remain a permanent game mode. Based on their announcements, the mode will be part of the game’s rotation until the end of Chapter 5, Season 3. Beyond that, there is no clear answer.

There have been rumors that Fortnite Reload could stick around longer, but none of the trusted leakers or sources have provided solid information. It seems like Epic Games is waiting to see how players react before making a final decision.

Here is why there is hope

There are a few strong reasons why Epic Games might make Fortnite Reload a permanent game mode:

  • Popular among players: Since its release, Fortnite Reload has been incredibly popular. As of June 24, it had more players than the regular Battle Royale mode. The nostalgia it brings has been a big hit, and the game mode has continued to attract both older players and newer ones.
  • Nostalgia for OG Fortnite: For years, players have been asking for a return to the original Fortnite experience. Fortnite Reload brings back those old memories with familiar locations and weapons, making it a dream come true for many fans.
  • Epic’s investment: Epic Games has spent time marketing and updating Fortnite Reload, even adding Duos in a recent patch. This level of effort suggests that they see potential in the mode, which could mean they’re thinking about keeping it around for a while.
Credit: Fortnite
Credit: Fortnite

On the other hand, there are a few reasons why Fortnite Reload might not last forever:

  • Limited-time modes: Fortnite is known for rotating Limited-Time Modes (LTMs). These modes are fun, but they don’t always stick around. Fortnite Reload might be part of this rotation, meaning it could leave and come back later.
  • Focus on new content: Fortnite is always evolving, with new seasons and chapters. Epic might decide to focus more on future updates and fresh gameplay, rather than keeping an old version of the game around permanently.
  • Nostalgia could fade: Right now, players are excited to relive the OG Fortnite experience. But over time, some players might get tired of it and want new content. If this happens, Epic might feel it’s better to move on from Reload.

What’s next?

While it’s clear that Fortnite Reload is popular, we don’t know for sure if it will be a permanent part of the game. Epic Games has put a lot of effort into the mode, but their history of rotating game modes means we can’t be sure it will stick around.

If player interest stays high, there’s a good chance Epic will consider keeping it, either as a permanent game mode or something they bring back from time to time. For now, enjoy Fortnite Reload while it lasts and keep an eye out for any official updates from Epic Games.

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Meet Eray, a tech enthusiast passionate about AI, crypto, gaming, and more. Eray is always looking into new developments, exploring unique topics, and keeping up with the latest trends in the tech industry, and gaming is the sweetest spot.

Eray has been rocking it as a news manager and content creator at spots like, TechBriefly, Gamelevate, Softonic, and various tech realms. Crafting over 2k tech articles, Eray captivated millions of readers for over three years.

Now, over at THESPIKE, Eray is a content writer, blending the love for spinning stories and helpful guides for all-things gaming.

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