Is Breaking Bad in Fortnite? Fans want Walter White, Gus Fring, and Saul Goodman on the island

With so many collaborations with Fortnite, Breaking Bad fans are eager to know if Breaking Bad is making its way to Fortnite.
Is Breaking Bad in Fortnite? Fans want Walter White, Gus Fring, and Saul Goodman on the island
Written By Eray Eliaçık

Reviewed by: Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedFebruary 21, 2024 at 12:07PM
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Is Breaking Bad in Fortnite? Fortnite, the immensely popular battle royale game, is no stranger to exciting collaborations with various pop culture franchises. Over the years, we've witnessed crossovers with Marvel, DC Comics, Star Wars, and many others. With just that much to go on, fans are already starting to let their hopes soar, and certain clues are fueling their optimism further.

Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for a possible crossover that could forever change the landscape of Fortnite: Breaking Bad may be making its way to the island! In this article, we'll explore the tantalizing hints, clues, and speculations surrounding this unexpected partnership. It's time to cook up some theories and uncover the potential chemistry of this electrifying crossover.

Is Breaking Bad in Fortnite?

In brief, there hasn't been an official confirmation of "Breaking Bad" being integrated into Fortnite as of now. Nevertheless, there are hints, speculations, and clues that hint at the possibility of a Fortnite Breaking Bad collaboration in the future.

Fortnite is known for its epic crossovers with famous pop culture icons so a Fortnite x Breaking Bad collaboration is not a long shot!

While the Fortnite Breaking Bad collaboration hasn't been confirmed, do you know that Fortnite secretly asks players’ opinions about the series?

Fortnite Gus Fring survey: Do you know who is Gustavo Fring?

One of the key hints suggesting a "Breaking Bad" presence in Fortnite is the inclusion of Gustavo Fring in a recent Fortnite survey. 

Image credit: Reddit
Image credit: Reddit

Gustavo Fring, portrayed by Giancarlo Esposito, is a central character in the "Breaking Bad" series. He is a complex and charismatic figure known for his dual identity as a seemingly legitimate entrepreneur and a ruthless drug lord. However, he is not the only character if the Fortnite Breaking Bad collaboration happens one day.

A Fortnite Breaking Bad collaboration may bring lots of items that fans will love

In addition to Gustavo Fring, the Fortnite community and fans of the series have speculated about the possibility of other "Breaking Bad" characters making their way into the game. This could include characters like Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Saul Goodman, and more.

The Fortnite Breaking Bad crossover, if it were to happen, would likely involve character skins, in-game items, and potentially locations inspired by the series. Epic Games has previously used these elements to bring pop culture references into Fortnite.

Fortnite Walter White: Is Walter White in Fortnite?

Walter White, the iconic character from the television series "Breaking Bad," was not officially featured in Fortnite. Fortnite is known for its crossovers with various collabs, but there has been no confirmation of a crossover featuring Walter White so far. However, if you're curious, here's how AI envisions the portrayal of Fortnite Walter White.

However, Fortnite has continued to expand its roster of collaborations with different franchises and characters, so it's always possible that Walter White or other characters from Breaking Bad may be considered for inclusion in the game.

Fortnite Better Call Saul: Fans also want Fortnite Saul Goodman 

"Better Call Saul" and the character Saul Goodman were not officially confirmed to be directly integrated into Fortnite. This prequel series is intricately connected to the critically acclaimed show "Breaking Bad" and delves into the evolution of Jimmy McGill into the morally adaptable lawyer known as Saul Goodman.

Could we spot Saul Goodman in Fortnite someday? Why not! But there's no official word on it just yet. Stay tuned! 

Breaking Bad Fortnite map: A fan found a sweet spot

Fortnite fans have been abuzz with excitement and speculation due to a discovery made by some keen-eyed players. They believe they've stumbled upon a reference to the popular TV series "Breaking Bad" within the game's map and shared on Reddit.

Here's why they think they've found such a reference:

  • Visual clues: Fortnite players come across a specific location on the in-game map that closely resembles a scene from "Breaking Bad." The presence of visual elements and details within this location strongly alludes to the iconic TV series.


Image credit: Reddit
Image credit: Reddit
  • Iconic setting: The location in question mirrors the desert-like setting seen in the first episode of "Breaking Bad." This striking similarity to a significant moment from the series immediately caught the attention of fans.
  • Familiar items: Inside the in-game trailer at this location, players discovered items that are reminiscent of scenes from "Breaking Bad." This includes two beds and two sofas, which are key elements of settings from the show. These familiar items suggest a connection to the series.
  • Fan speculation: Fortnite has a history of collaborating with various pop culture franchises, so when fans notice references like these, it naturally fuels their speculation about potential crossovers. The discovery has generated excitement and discussion within the Fortnite community.

So, is Breaking Bad in Fortnite? Well, it's not happening just yet, but Epic Games is already making surveys about the possible collab. In the meantime, one thing is sure, the game will introduce some other beloved and iconic characters for you to enjoy. Get ready!

Biggest Fornite collaborations

Fortnite merges iconic franchises with the battle royale experience, creating unforgettable moments for gamers.

Star Wars: Fortnite's collaboration with Star Wars introduced lightsabers and iconic characters, making it a galactic experience. Star Wars Day now marks an annual celebration, reminding the connection between two iconic worlds.

Marvel: Marvel superheroes like Iron Man and Thor graced Fortnite, blurring the lines between comics and gaming. These characters not only offered unique powers but also influenced the game's narrative.

John Wick: The John Wick collaboration added the iconic hitman, complete with his trademark style and arsenal, injecting excitement and authenticity into the game.

Naruto: Naruto's entrance thrilled fans, allowing them to play as beloved manga characters. The success of this partnership hints at more exciting crossovers in the future.

These collaborations have elevated Fortnite beyond a mere game, establishing it as a cultural phenomenon that bridges gaming and pop culture. Gamers eagerly anticipate the next groundbreaking collaboration that will continue to redefine the gaming landscape.

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Meet Eray, a tech enthusiast passionate about AI, crypto, gaming, and more. Eray is always looking into new developments, exploring unique topics, and keeping up with the latest trends in the tech industry, and gaming is the sweetest spot.

Eray has been rocking it as a news manager and content creator at spots like, TechBriefly, Gamelevate, Softonic, and various tech realms. Crafting over 2k tech articles, Eray captivated millions of readers for over three years.

Now, over at THESPIKE, Eray is a content writer, blending the love for spinning stories and helpful guides for all-things gaming.

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