All about Fortnite Ballistic: Weapons, gadgets, map, modes & more

We would have thought we'd get a 5v5 FPS in Fortnite. Fortnite Ballistic brings just that.
Written By Eray Eliaçık

Reviewed by: Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedDecember 17, 2024 at 04:43PM
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If you’re ready to try something new in Fortnite, Fortnite Ballistic is here to shake things up. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know before jumping into a match—from the gameplay basics and maps to weapons, gadgets, and game modes. Does it remind you of CS2? Here are all the answers to your questions.

What is Fortnite Ballistic?

Fortnite Ballistic is a 5v5, first-person (FPS), team-based game mode that's very different from Fortnite's usual OG Battle Royale by Epic Games. Instead of surviving in an open world, you’ll play tactical rounds with specific objectives like planting bombs or defending areas.

In Ballistic, players split into two teams:

  • Attackers: Their job is to plant a special bomb called the Rift Point Device at one of two sites and protect it until it explodes.ü
  • Defenders: Their goal is to stop the Attackers from planting the device or defuse it if it’s planted.

A team can also win a round by eliminating all players on the other team.

Screenshot by TheSpike
Screenshot by TheSpike
  • Each match has up to 13 rounds, and the first team to win 7 rounds wins the game.
  • Teams switch roles (Attackers/Defenders) after 6 rounds.

4 things you should know before playing Fortnite Ballistic

  • No respawns: If you get eliminated in a round, you’ll have to wait until the next one to play again. However, you can spectate your teammates while you waiting. 
  • Rift Point Device (The Bomb):
    • The Attackers plant this at one of two spots (Site A or Site B).
    • Once planted, it takes 45 seconds to explode.
    • Defenders can defuse it before it explodes to win the round.
    • If it explodes, the Attackers win the round.
Screenshot by TheSpike
Screenshot by TheSpike
  • No building: Ballistic is a no-build mode—you can’t use materials to make walls, ramps, or other structures. However, you can still use your Fortnite outfits, emotes, and back blings.
  • The buy phase: At the start of each round, there’s a Buy Phase where you can purchase weapons, shields, and gadgets using Credits (a type of in-game money). You will have 25 seconds
Screenshot by TheSpike
Screenshot by TheSpike

You start the match with 800 Credits and earn more during gameplay for:

  • Eliminations.
  • Planting or defusing the Rift Point Device.
  • Surviving a round.
  • Winning or losing rounds.

Fortnite Ballistic game modes

You can play Ballistic in two ways:

  • Unranked Mode: For casual play. If someone leaves the game, a new player can take their spot.
  • Ranked Mode: For competitive play. No replacements if someone leaves, and leaving applies a penalty, meaning you won’t be able to play another ranked match for a while.

In Ranked Mode, your performance—like how many rounds you win or how many eliminations you get—affects your rank.

How to play Fortnite Ballistic Island

Here’s how to play a specific Fortnite Creative Island like Ballistic:

  • If you don’t already have it, download Fortnite for free and open the game.
  • Go to the "Island Code" section and search for the Fortnite Ballistic Island using its code or name. The one with the Epic Games logo is the one you're looking for. You can also choose ranked or unranked here.
Screenshot by TheSpike
Screenshot by TheSpike

Fortnite Ballistic map: Skyline 10

Currently, Ballistic has just one map called Skyline 10, set in an urban environment with key areas like:

  • A-Site: Narrow and harder to attack but easier to defend.
  • B-Site: More open with plenty of cover spots like crates.
  • Mid: The center of the map, often a hotspot for fights.
  • Parking and Drywall: Other areas you’ll need to learn for strategic play.
Screenshot by TheSpike
Screenshot by TheSpike

Each location has nicknames (e.g., “Hotdog” or “Sushi”) to help teammates communicate.

Fortnite Ballistic weapons and gadgets

Fortnite Ballistic has a variety of weapons and gadgets to match your playstyle, whether you like close combat, mid-range fights, or long-distance sniping. You earn points during the match by getting eliminations, planting the Rift Point Device, and winning rounds. Use these points to buy weapons and gadgets, but only at the start of a round, so spend wisely.

Fortnite Ballistic weapons 

There are 9 weapons available in the game. You’ll likely recognize many of them from Fortnite’s battle royale mode. Each weapon has its price, so choose the one that suits your strategy.

Weapon Name

Cost (Points)


Frenzy Auto Shotgun


Fast-firing shotgun, excellent for close-range fights.

Hammer Pump Shotgun


Strong shotgun with high damage per shot but slower fire rate.

Thunder Burst SMG


Fires in bursts, ideal for quick and precise damage in close or mid-range.

Hyper SMG


Fully automatic SMG with a very fast fire rate for aggressive players.

Nemesis AR


Balanced assault rifle good for all ranges, with reliable damage and accuracy.

Enforcer AR


High-damage assault rifle designed for mid-range power.

Striker AR


Highly accurate assault rifle, better for precision-based gameplay.

Hand Cannon


A powerful pistol with heavy damage, great for skilled players who aim well.

Reaper Sniper Rifle


Long-range sniper rifle that can eliminate opponents in one shot.

You can also find weapons in the Fortnite Ballistic map.

Screenshot by TheSpike
Screenshot by TheSpike

Fortnite Ballistic gadgets 

Gadgets, like shields, grenades, or traps, give you extra tools during the match. There are 8 gadgets to choose from so far, and you buy them with points just like weapons.

Gadget Name

Cost (Points)


Instant Shield


Quickly adds shield protection during a fight.



Temporarily blinds and disorients enemies, making it easier to attack them.

Smoke Grenade


Creates a smoke screen, giving you cover or a chance to surprise enemies.

Recon Grenade


Reveals enemy locations in the area where it lands.

Proximity Mine


Explodes when enemies come close, perfect for setting traps.

Bubble Shield


Deploys a shield dome that blocks bullets but lets players move freely inside.

Frag Grenade


Explodes and damages enemies in its blast radius, great for clearing groups.

Impulse Grenade


Knocks back players and yourself. Use it to disrupt enemies or for fast movement.

What you should know about Fortnite Ballistic Gadgets

  • Flex Gadgets: Five of these gadgets (Proximity Mine, Bubble Shield, Frag Grenade, Impulse Grenade, and Recon Grenade) are flex gadgets. You pick one flex gadget at the start of the match, and it doesn’t count toward the gadgets you can buy during rounds.
Screenshot by TheSpike
Screenshot by TheSpike
  • Replenishing Gadgets: Gadgets don’t refill automatically in new rounds. If you used one, you’ll need to repurchase it.

That's it! Play strategically, use your points wisely, and aim for victory!

Meet Eray, a tech enthusiast passionate about AI, crypto, gaming, and more. Eray is always looking into new developments, exploring unique topics, and keeping up with the latest trends in the tech industry, and gaming is the sweetest spot.

Eray has been rocking it as a news manager and content creator at spots like, TechBriefly, Gamelevate, Softonic, and various tech realms. Crafting over 2k tech articles, Eray captivated millions of readers for over three years.

Now, over at THESPIKE, Eray is a content writer, blending the love for spinning stories and helpful guides for all-things gaming.