Best Apex Legends Tier List, Ranked

There are many characters in Apex Legends and it might be hard to choose one to fit your playstyle. Here is everything you need to know about Legends in the game including a tier list and our recommendations for beginners.
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedAugust 1, 2024 at 11:32AM
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There are many characters to choose from in Apex Legends and sometimes it can be hard to decide. Metas come and go and they change the majority of gameplay. In this guide, we will give you a tier list of all the best Apex Legends and also update you about the meta. If you are a beginner and don’t know where to start, we have got your back too! 

Here is everything you need to know about the current state of Apex Legends!

Apex Legends characters tier list

This tier list ranks each Legend based on how often top players choose them, their recent performances, and overall effectiveness in the game. The list is divided into four tiers: S, A, B, and C. This helps you understand which Legends are the best choices for your strategies and the current game meta.

S Tier Legends

  • Bloodhound: Bloodhound is at the top of the S tier. Their ability to track enemies and reveal their locations is invaluable. This makes them a crucial part of any team, providing essential information during fights.
  • Horizon: Horizon has been a strong pick since her introduction. Her Gravity Lift lets players gain a height advantage quickly, making her very effective in battle. Despite some balance adjustments, Horizon remains a powerful choice for gaining tactical advantages.

A Tier Legends

  • Caustic: Caustic has settled into the A tier thanks to his ability to control the battlefield with gas traps. These traps can block enemy movements and defend key locations, making him great for controlling space.
  • Wraith: Wraith has always been a favorite for her ability to dodge damage and move quickly through danger. Her skills make her perfect for aggressive plays and repositioning during fights.
  • Valkyrie: Valkyrie's jetpacks offer incredible mobility, allowing her and her team to move quickly across the map. Her skills in gathering information about enemy positions make her a valuable asset in any match.
  • Revenant: Recent improvements to Revenant have boosted his abilities, making him a tough opponent. His new skills help him move fast and protect himself in fights, making him more dangerous than ever.
  • Gibraltar: Known as "Gibby," Gibraltar is essential for team support. His skills in protecting teammates with his shield abilities are vital during intense firefights.
  • Lifeline: Lifeline shines in her role as a medic. Her quick revival skills are crucial, allowing her to bring teammates back into the fight while she continues to battle.
  • Loba: Loba is great for quickly accessing valuable equipment. Her abilities allow her team to get the gear they need swiftly, which can be a game-changer.

B Tier Legends

  • Bangalore: Bangalore is good at creating smoke screens for cover. However, her abilities are sometimes less effective against Legends that can see through smoke.
  • Wattson: Wattson is excellent at setting up defenses. Her electric fences can secure areas, making it hard for enemies to surprise her team.
  • Ash, Pathfinder, Octane, Fuse, Mirage, Vantage: These Legends have unique skills that can be very effective in the right situations. However, they need specific strategies to really shine, and their performance can vary greatly depending on the player's skill and team setup.

C Tier Legends

  • Rampart and Crypto: Rampart and Crypto are more specialized and work best in certain scenarios. Rampart is great at setting up defenses, and Crypto excels in gathering intelligence. However, they are less flexible than other Legends and require careful strategic use to be effective.

Best legends for ranked in Apex

Here are five Legends that are especially good for ranked play because of their unique skills and how they help the team.


  • Gathering Info: Bloodhound can track enemies, showing where they are. This is very helpful for making smart moves and avoiding traps.
  • Helps the Whole Team: The information Bloodhound provides benefits everyone on the team, not just one player. This is very important in ranked games where teamwork matters a lot.
  • Powerful Ultimate: Bloodhound's ultimate ability makes them faster and better at finding enemies, which can change the outcome of fights.


  • Protects the Team: Gibraltar can create a shield that protects the team during fights. This can save the team in crucial moments.
  • Controls the Area: His ultimate ability forces enemies to move out of their positions, which can give your team an advantage.
  • Tough to Beat: Gibraltar's personal shield makes him harder to knock down in fights.


  • Escape and Mobility: Wraith can become invincible for a short time, allowing her to escape or move quickly through dangerous areas.
  • Creates Safe Paths: Her ultimate ability lets her create a portal that her team can use to move safely through risky areas.
  • Hard to Hit: Wraith is small and tough to hit, which helps her survive longer in battles.


  • Quick Movement: Horizon’s tool can lift her and her teammates to higher ground quickly, which is great for taking control of the battlefield.
  • Good in Fights: Her abilities allow her to be aggressive and can disrupt what the enemy team is trying to do.
  • Still Strong: Despite some reductions in her abilities, Horizon remains effective and is a favorite among high-level players.


  • Great Recon: Valkyrie can see enemy movements from high up when she uses her ultimate, which helps the team know where the enemies are.
  • Moves the Team: Her ultimate can also quickly move her team across the map, which can be used to escape or to attack from a better position.
  • Balanced Fighter: Valkyrie is good in both offense and defense, making her useful in different situations.

Apex Legends meta

Metas change, so you need to keep up with the latest trends to have the upper hand against your opponents. Below you will find the top five characters currently favored in Apex Legends, based on stats from "Apex Legends Status.”

1. Pathfinder

Win Rate: 51.6% | Pick Rate: 24.8% | Total Games: 53,091

Pathfinder is great for teams that need to move quickly and smartly around the map. His Grappling Hook lets him reposition swiftly, which is very useful in fast-paced matches. This ability helps explain why he's the most chosen character right now.

2. Revenant

Win Rate: 51.2% | Pick Rate: 24% | Total Games: 51,372

Revenant is a powerful choice because he can stop enemies from using their abilities with his Silence skill. His Death Totem also gives his team a unique edge by allowing them to fight without fear of getting knocked down right away. These abilities make him very popular in the game.

3. Lifeline

Win Rate: 51.1% | Pick Rate: 17.1% | Total Games: 36,698

Lifeline is essential for keeping teammates alive thanks to her fast healing skills and protective revive shield. Her ability to quickly heal and revive teammates makes her a frequent pick for players who focus on teamwork.

4. Horizon

Win Rate: 45.7% | Pick Rate: 6.9% | Total Games: 14,790

Horizon can manipulate gravity, allowing her and her team to reach high places quickly. Her ultimate ability, which draws enemies into one spot, is great for setting up attacks. Despite a slightly lower win rate, her unique skills keep her in frequent use.

5. Bangalore

Win Rate: 45.8% | Pick Rate: 6.5% | Total Games: 13,864

Bangalore helps her team by creating smoke screens that provide cover and confusion in battles. Her airstrike ability also helps control large areas during fights. Her mix of offensive and defensive skills makes her a steady choice in many games.

Best Apex Legends characters for beginners

For new players, picking the right character can make learning Apex Legends much easier. While some characters might be tricky to master right away, others are simpler and very effective. Here are some of the best characters for beginners:

  1. Bloodhound: Their ability to track enemies helps beginners make better decisions by understanding where opponents are.
  2. Lifeline: As a healer, Lifeline can revive teammates quickly, making her a helpful addition to any team.
  3. Octane: Known for his speed and ability to heal himself, Octane is great for beginners who need to move fast and stay out of trouble.
  4. Loba: Loba can teleport and find valuable items easily, which is great for new players trying to get better gear quickly.
  5. Wraith: Her skills allow her to avoid damage and move her team safely, giving beginners a way to escape danger and learn the game.

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Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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