NRG ardiis: "...the main reason why I don’t value this event is because even if you win, you don’t get into Tokyo. And that’s just not good. "
On the inaugural day of VCT 2023 - LOCK//IN, we saw NRG and Giants move on to the quarter finals of the Alpha bracket. Following the conclusion of NRG vs. KOI, we managed to get to chat with Ardis "ardiis" Svarenieks, NRG's European import, most known for his time at FunPlus Phoenix and G2 Esports before the emergence of the VCT International Leagues in 2023.
ardiis had a lot to say about NRG's agent picks against KOI, the facilities and the format of the VCT LOCK IN event in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and shared his opinion on the event overall and the reward for lifting the trophy.
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NRG Esports ardiis on VCT LOCK IN event format and facilities, agent selection, and more
THESPIKE: First of all, congratulations on your opening matchup. You guys stay alive in this gruelling single elimination bracket. How'd it feel to be back on stage competing?
ardiis: It feels good as the break between events was so long. I think we didn’t play for 6 months and I didn’t practice for 3 months. It has been such a big gap between Champions and this event and I’m happy to be playing again.
THESPIKE: I wanted to ask about that comp on Icebox. Lots of people were certainly shocked to see you on a non-Duelist agent, on Sage. How much did you enjoy playing Sage on Icebox and it would be nice if you could tell us a bit about the philosophy of that comp on Icebox?
ardiis: I don’t like Sage on Icebox to be completely honest. But it’s what the team needs. Honestly, I like the comp overall. But whoever plays that role is not going to like that role. It’s just something you have to do. But you’ll see me on a lot of agents, not just Sage, so expect that in the future I guess.
THESPIKE: On the next map, Haven, you picked up Jett, an agent you are more known for playing. How did you enjoy playing Jett compared to Sage?
ardiis: It’s two different playstyles. I think with the Sage, your job is more to plant the bomb, wall, heal. You're more of a support. With Jett you can just run around, obviously in a structured way. I think, for the roster, whatever we need for the team, everyone is flexible. It’s like FPX, where everyone could play every agent and I think this is what you need to do to be a T1 team (tier 1).
THESPIKE: What was your guys’ mindset coming into VCT LOCK IN. There’s obviously been quite a lot of comments about the single elim, only fighting for prize pool, spot for the winning team’s region in Tokyo, etc. What’s your take on the VCT LOCK IN event?
ardiis: I think this event doesn’t matter at all. Whoever wins this event, it doesn’t prove anything, doesn’t do anything. A lot of teams in the past who have won the event have been knocked down in the first round. Look at OpTic, look at FPX. A lot of teams have lost the first or second game at the event and then gone on to win this event.
I also think the prize at the event is not that good. One spot for your region is nice to have but at the end of the day, if you win the event, you should have a spot guaranteed at Masters Tokyo. I feel like that would’ve been a much better prize.
And the prize pool, obviously it’s over 30 teams here so it’s split between all of them. But the main reason why I don’t value this event is because even if you win, you don’t get into Tokyo. And that’s just not good.
THESPIKE: This was your first official match on an NA team. How difficult was the decision for you to leave Europe and join NRG for this VCT 2023 season?
ardiis: It was quite an easy decision to be honest. You understand that OpTic and FPX were two of the best teams from last season. The whole year FPX was the most consistent and OpTic were the best team in the world consistency-wise. So when they asked if I want to join, it was a no-brainer to be honest.
THESPIKE: From the viewers’ perspective on stream it kind of looked slightly empty. So what’s the atmosphere like in the arena? Is it loud, quiet? What’s it like?
ardiis: It was a bit empty, but I think that’s guaranteed. There’s 20 days that we’re going to be playing for so you can’t expect a full, sold-out crowd for every game. I think there’s going to be a lot more fans when Brazilian teams (mibr, LOUD, and FURIA) play. I think they’re going to show a lot more support for them.
But overall, the stadium is fine. We definitely heard some noise when we won rounds. But I expect the fans to fill up more in the future when they’re own Brazilians play and later on in the event.
THESPIKE: I’m sure you guys are making a lot of noise. It must be fun for those few fans sitting there, seeing you guys screaming...
ardiis: laughs yeah. I’m happy they changed the layout. Before it was the same stage for the whole of last year. I like this one a lot more than what we had in the past.
THESPIKE: Since we’re talking about that. How happy are you with the facilities at the event. Anything that you’d like to praise, anything that should be executed better?
ardiis: I definitely don’t like the facilities compared to last year’s events. I feel like the fact that we have to shuttle to venues and back to pracc is no good, but it’s what we have to deal with unfortunately. I think last year’s events had better structure and facilities overall. But I guess that’s what we have to deal with when there’s over 30 teams going to one event.
THESPIKE: Don’t take this last question too seriously. You’ve got quite a heavy English accent. When you moved to the US, did your teammates or anyone there find it hard to communicate or was it not a problem whatsoever?
ardiis: I think maybe the first few days they kind of laughed, had little problems here and there laughs. But over time they got used to it. I think if Russians can get used to my accent then Americans can get used to it as well.
THESPIKE: That’s a fair point yeah! Thank you for your time ardiis.
ardiis: No worries, God bless brother, have a nice day.
THESPIKE: God bless as always.
*Note: the interview may have been slightly edited for the sake of clarity and or fluency.
Featured image photo credit: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games
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