"I did not perform at my best today. From tomorrow, you should see the regular Shao return." - Interview with Shao following victory against KRU

Written By Aashir Ahmed Writer
Last UpdatedSeptember 3, 2022 at 07:22PM
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Following the conclusion of FunPlus Phoenix’s win against KRÜ Esports, we interviewed the series MVP, Andrey "Shao" Kiprsky, to get his thoughts on the team’s performance in the matchup, and the pressure they face after winning VCT 2022 - Stage 2 - Masters Copenhagen. Without further ado, let’s dive right into the questions.

THESPIKE.GG: Congratulations! How are the team’s spirits after the early win?

Shao: We came into this matchup considering it as a warmup game before we move further in the tournament and so we weren’t too worried about it. We wanted to come on stage and absorb the vibe of the event and enjoy competing.

**THESPIKE.GG: FPX started off considerably slow on Icebox with KRU taking a 9-3 lead going into the second half. What do you think went wrong in the early stages of the map? **

Shao: I believe we lost four rounds at the start, and their Attack was quite good so we discussed amongst each other and let them reach 9-3 so the curse could activate and let us comeback in the next half.

THESPIKE.GG: At halftime on Icebox, what aspects of the team’s gameplay did FPX decide to alter to launch a comeback?

Shao: Nothing was different really. We had almost a month of practice and scrims to prepare and it felt like we executed everything we had prepared. The 9-3 curse worked, and we won.

**THESPIKE.GG: FPX came into the tournament after a spectacular win on Copenhagen. Does having a recent win in your record add to the pressure of competing? **

Shao: I can’t speak for my teammates, but personally I did not experience any pressure of sorts while competing in today’s matchup. It’s just that I have experienced symptoms of food poisoning recently, which is why I am a little weak at the moment.

FPX Roster celebrating their win against KRU Esports. Credit: Riot Games

THESPIKE.GG: Despite being under the weather, your performance still seems up to the mark. What is the secret behind the consistency you enjoy?

Shao: It’s because I don’t experience any pressure while competing. My entire focus is dedicated towards winning the next round instead of worrying about the consequence of what-if scenarios. I hit good shots sometimes, and sometimes I miss. It’s how the game works. I did not perform at my best today. From tomorrow, you should see the regular Shao return.

THESPIKE.GG: In the 24th round, you executed a much-needed clutch to force Overtime. Had you failed, the match would’ve gone to decider. After such insane plays, does the team rejoice or simply direct their attention to the next round?

Shao: It’s no big deal really. My teammates have enough faith in me to take care of 1v3 and 1v4 scenarios that me winning that round was considered normal and we moved on to focus on the next round.

THESPIKE.GG: You mentioned earlier that the match against KRU was more of a warm-up game. Do you believe that the purpose has been achieved or will it take you more time?

Shao: You saw it in the match. First half, we were down by 9-3 and then we came back and closed out the map. I feel like we’ve reached that level and are ready to take any team on.

THESPIKE.GG: XSET had a good showing in the matchup against XERXIA earlier today. What are your thoughts on having them as the opponents in tomorrow’s game?

Shao: I was unable to watch the match, but I know that they won 2-0 and Zekken played really well. I am also aware of Cryo being a decent Chamber, so we’ll definitely have to be on the lookout for both of them. The matchup is going to be interesting, but I have high hopes for our team to win.

THESPIKE.GG: After losing to FPX, KRU will be facing off against XERXIA in the elimination matchup. Which team do you think will stay in the tournament?

Shao: Both teams have a similar playstyle and are very competent so the Series will be an extremely close one. I believe that the result will probably be decided on the third map and if you want my prediction, I’d say 55% KRU wins and 45% for XERXIA.

As a dedicated Behavioral Neuroscience student, I have immersed myself in the world of esports writing for the past five years. My journey began with a deep-seated fascination for the inherent dynamics of esports, coupled with a burning passion for professional writing. From humble beginnings crafting small blogs dedicated to League of Legends, I gradually expanded my horizons to cover diverse realms, including CSGO and Minecraft guides, and staying on top of Fortnite updates.

Throughout this adventure, my evolving interests ultimately converged on the captivating world of VALORANT of esports and embracing this challenge wholeheartedly, I've strived to provide comprehensive coverage at the highest level, delving into the intricate nuances of the game.

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