How to get the smiley face crosshair in VALORANT
When it comes to crosshairs in VALORANT, users have been finding some funky designs and shapes to amuse themselves while playing the game along with adding a certain level of difficulty in the case of some crosshairs. One such crosshair is the smiley face crosshair in VALORANT.
However, we have witnessed a lot of wholesome crosshairs make their way into VALORANT, with users going for the heart crosshair, the flower crosshair, the nerd glasses crosshair and more!
The smiley face crosshair makes the list as it converts your crosshair into a square crosshair with a round smiley face at the center of it. Alternatively, if you have Outer Lines turned off, you can have just the smiley face as your crosshair. A happy face crosshair in VALORANT is sure to brighten up your day.

How to get the smiley face crosshair in VALORANT through the in game settings
Smiley face crosshair VALORANT settings
- Color : Yellow or Green
- Outlines: On
- Outline Opacity: 1
- Outline Thickness: 2
- Center Dot : On
- Center Dot Opacity : 0
- Center Dot Thickness: 3
Inner Lines
- Show Inner Lines: On
- Inner Line Opacity: 1
- Inner Line Length: 2
- Inner Line Thickness: 10
- Inner Line Offset: 2
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
Outer lines
- Outer Lines: Off

VALORANT smiley face crosshair code
The import code for a smiley face crosshair in VALORANT is: 0;P;c;4;t;2;o;1;d;1;z;3;a;0;f;0;0t;10;0l;2;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0
Once you obtain the smiley face Crosshair import code, create it in VALORANT by following the steps listed below:
- Open Settings in VALORANT, and move to the Crosshair section
- On Crosshair Profile, you will find a download icon that says Import Profile Code
- Copy and paste the smiley face crosshair code in the Import Profile pop-up
- Click Import to add the crosshair to your profile