Dajon Lopez
- 0.98
- 208.8
- 1.09
- 137.3
- 0.72
- 0.25
- 0.66
- 24.8%
- 340
- 6973
- 0.12
- 53%
Dajon 'chase' Lopez is a VALORANT esports player from United States who is currently a free agent. chase previously played for Stasis and their most recent match was against Teal Seam on June 27, 2022. chase total winnings currently stand at $3,336.91. chase has a current rating of 0.98 from a total 6973 rounds played. Other statistics include 208.8 Average Combat Score (ACS), 137.3 Average Damage Per Round (ADR) and an 72.4% Kill, Assist, Survival & Trading (KAST) percentage. chase also boasts a first blood success rate of 53% followed by a 24.8% headshot percentage.
chase Statistics
3 months
No statistics found with the selected filters
chase Teams
chase Matches
Player Team
K - D
June 27, 2022
Stasis (8)
Teal Seam (13)
17 - 16 (+1)
June 27, 2022
Stasis (9)
Teal Seam (13)
15 - 14 (+1)
chase Events
chase News
- Ghost Gaming part ways with ryannGhost Gaming have announced today that ryann has left the team.
almost 3 years ago
- Knights Arena VALORAMPAGE: Gen.G, NRG, Luminosity Gaming & Ghost Gaming previewAs you might be aware after reading THESPIKE.GG’s previous articles, the countdown to Knights Arena VALORAMPAGE has begun. It has been less than a week sinc...
about 3 years ago
- Ghost Gaming release HUYNH & chaseGhost Gaming have announced today the departure of HUYNH and chase. Through their Twitter statements, both players revealed they are now out of contract and...
about 3 years ago
- Ghost Gaming sign Project !With the VALORANT Champions Tour on the horizon, several organizations have squeezed their way into a crowded North American competitive landscape to try an...
about 4 years ago
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