An In-depth Guide on Using Utilities Perfectly in Valorant

Written By Staff Writer Staff Writer
Last UpdatedDecember 20, 2022 at 01:05AM
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Using Utilities in Valorant is a vital aspect of winning your matches. Most times, players focus on killing important enemy agents or securing sites using their weapons which are also important. However, knowing how to use your utility will make executing plays on sites and enemies much easier. Here are some guides on using your utility and picking your agents for play.

Using your utility as an intel-gathering tool

Players sometimes underestimate the importance of information in the game. By grabbing the positioning of certain agents, you can change the course of the game entirely.

For example, having a Sova in your team is an absolute step up to controlling the game. Using his Sova dart, you can immediately gain information from a popular area like Mid or sites. You can also use other agents like KAY/0, as his Knife suppresses and also gives information on the people he has suppressed. With that information, you can make informed plays and eliminate top fraggers in the opposing team.

Source: Riot Games' Valorant

This is one of the reasons Agent line-ups are vital in any Valorant game. Getting good line-ups as a Sova main will make you unstoppable in gathering information. In this regard, Skye’s Dog and Bird are also great for finding out enemies and putting pressure on them.

Preparing your utility

A lot of new players pick other Valorant Sentinels compared to Cypher because of how useless they think he is on the battlefield. However, this is because they are playing him wrong. Cypher is a perfect counter to overconfident duelists, especially lurkers. By planning ahead and setting up his trip lines and camera, you can turn an entry into a site into a home-alone prank. Always ensure the type of utility you want to use can help you counter your opponents perfectly and keep you two steps ahead.

Source: Riot Games' Valorant

Get your timing right

It’s not every time you see enemies huddled close that you pull out your Brimstone Ultimate. Make sure to time your smokes or ult with your teammates’ movement. Some terrible Phoneix players end up blinding their teammates with their flashes or Sages using their walls to make it harder for entry. Timing is everything when using utilities in Valorant. By communicating with your teammates, you can allow duelists to play off your utility as support. Constant practice in Spike rush can help you navigate your timing.

Source: Riot Games' Valorant

Use your utility for maximum damage

There is no right time for causing damage to the enemy. As Brimstone, if you notice you can kill two enemies with your ult, make use of it. This is better than waiting for a better clutch moment and failing. Even if two seem too small, you are taking away the value of two potential threats to the game later in the round. Additionally, making use of your shock darts as a Sova can help you clutch the match as support, and studying Line-ups from pro players can help you utilize your kit for maximum damage.

Source: Riot Games' Valorant

The Best Utilities for Valorant Players looking to Dominate

  • Brimstone's Ultimate: This allows him to make use of his orbital laser and cast an area-of-effect shot that pulverizes opponents in the area. This ability is perfect for post-plants and cleaning up sites.
  • Raze's Paint Shells: This utility is versatile as it allows you to attack a large number of enemies if you throw it in the right trajectory. The aftershock after the first explosion also makes it harder for enemies to dodge.
  • Reyna's Devour: Reyna is completely broken in any good player’s hands because of this utility. She can heal herself by consuming orbs from fallen enemies without needing help from other support Agents.
  • Killjoy's Turret: Imagine getting into site and your health is suddenly cut down by a hidden turret. By placing this turret in the right places, you can cause trade-offs for overconfident duelists.
  • KAY/0’s ZERO/Point is also perfect for stopping powerful utilities like Raze’s annoying Ultimate. He can shut any ability down and give additional information on locations.

Perfecting your timing and constant practice can help you make better use of your utility. By applying everything here, you can win more games in Valorant and top frag, even as a support agent. You can also learn how to secure high ACS points and dominate skirmishes in Valorant to become the ultimate Valorant player.

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