Zilean Abilities, Build, Runes & Guides in LOL

Zilean is a champion you can play in mid-lane and support. Here is everything you need to know about this champion in League of Legends!
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by: Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJune 24, 2024 at 10:32AM
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Zilean stands out with his time-managing skills. This champion has a unique way of helping his team and causing trouble for the enemy with his time tricks. Playing Zilean is fun and different because he can do things like speed up his friends or make sure his enemies can't move as fast. Here is everything you need to know about Zilean in League of Legends!

Zilean abilities in League of Legends

Zilean, the Chronokeeper, manipulates time itself, supporting allies and hindering enemies with its unpredictable flow. Here are all of the Zilean abilities in League of Legends, their official descriptions, and what they are:


Zilean stores time as Experience and can grant it to his allies. When he has enough Experience to finish an ally's level up, he can right-click them to impart it. Zilean receives as much Experience as he gives.

Every time Zilean gains experience, he stores some for an ally. Once they're close enough, he can right-click them to grant the stored experience, leveling them up and gaining some himself. Use this to strategically accelerate your allies' power spikes and snowball their impact.

Zilean passive
Zilean passive


Tosses a bomb to target area that sticks to units that come near it (prioritizes Champions). It detonates after 3 seconds, dealing area of effect damage. If a Time Bomb is detonated early by another Time Bomb, it also stuns enemies.

This is Zilean's main attack. He throws a bomb that sticks to the first thing it hits, and after a bit, it explodes, hurting and possibly stunning enemies if he does it right. It's great for keeping enemies away and setting up big plays.

Zilean Q
Zilean Q


Zilean can prepare himself for future confrontations, reducing the cooldowns of his other basic abilities.

Zilean uses this to get his other skills ready to use again faster. It's perfect for throwing more bombs or speeding things up without waiting too long.

Zilean W
Zilean W


Zilean bends time around any unit, decreasing an enemy's Move Speed or increasing an ally's Move Speed for a short time.

With this, Zilean can make someone move faster or slower. It's super useful for helping a teammate catch up to an enemy or escaping from a tricky situation.

Zilean E
Zilean E


Zilean places a protective time rune on an allied champion, teleporting the champion back in time if they take lethal damage.

This ultimate move is a game-changer. Zilean can protect a teammate from dying by bringing them back to life if they get knocked out. It's a big deal and can really turn a fight around, but it needs good timing.

Zilean R
Zilean R

Zilean mid build tips and tricks

When you're playing Zilean in the middle of the map, it's all about using your bombs smartly. You want to throw your bombs where the enemy minions are so you can hit them and the enemy champ at the same time. If you're having a hard time hitting an enemy with your bomb, slow them down first with your Time Warp, then throw your bomb. And remember, your ultimate is super powerful but save it for saving someone important on your team.

For a strong Zilean mid-lane setup, pick Exhaust and Flash for your spells. Go for runes that help with your magic power and make sure your items boost your ability to cast spells quickly and support your team. The most popular items to start with are Solstice Sleigh and Ionian Boots of Lucidity.

Zilean support build tips and tricks

As a support, your job is to make sure your ADC (the main attacker you're supporting) can do their job safely and effectively. Use your bombs to keep enemies away and your speed-up/slow-down skills to control the pace of the fight. Always be ready to use your ultimate to save your most valuable teammate. Against certain enemies like Taric, Zyra, or Senna, you'll need to adjust your playstyle since they can counter what Zilean does best. But against champs like Seraphine, Leona, or Pyke, Zilean can really shine and help his team win.

Here are the items that you can go for:

  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Shurelya’s Battlesong
  • Imperial Mandate
  • Cryptobloom
  • Morellonomicon

More tips and tricks for you as a support:

  • Adapt your playstyle: Choose between aggressive support with Time Bombs and Time Warps, or scaling enchanter with Chronoshift and experience buffs.
  • Manage your cooldowns: Prioritize using Rewind when you need specific abilities quickly, like double-bomb stuns or an immediate Chronoshift.
  • Communicate with your team: Coordinate Chronoshift usage and experience sharing for maximum impact.
  • Be creative: Explore unconventional uses of your abilities, like slowing multiple enemies with Time Warp's AoE effect or using Chronoshift on yourself for tactical resets.

With practice and a strategic understanding of time itself, you'll be manipulating the battlefield like a true Chronokeeper in no time.

Zilean voice lines

Zilean's voice lines add a lot of character to him, with funny and wise sayings that fit his time-traveling theme. Lines like "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like banana" show off his quirky sense of humor and deep understanding of time. Here are some of the voice lines:

  • "I knew you would do that... "
  • "The way is always the same."
  • “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like banana."
  • "The way is always the same."
  • "I feel like I've done this before."
  • “Hmmm, if I remember correctly, we'll win the next one."

Zilean is a really unique champion in League of Legends, blending strategy, support, and a bit of humor with his time-themed abilities. Whether you're pushing the middle lane or helping out as a support, getting to know how to use Zilean's abilities will make your games a lot more fun. With the right approach, Zilean can be a powerful ally for your team and a big problem for your enemies.

Zilean voice actor

Unfortunately, the voice of Zilean decided to remain anonymous, and they are withheld. However, the actor who voices Zilean does a fantastic job of making him sound wise and a bit mysterious, which fits his character perfectly. This adds a lot to the game, making Zilean not just fun to play but also interesting to listen to.

Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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