Xin Zhao

Meet Xin Zhao, a trusted jungler in the game of League of Legends. Here is everything you need to know about him!
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedMarch 15, 2024 at 12:17PM
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Welcome to our guide on Xin Zhao, a strong champion in League of Legends known for his bold fighting style and ability to heal while attacking. This guide is perfect for both new and experienced players looking to get better with Xin Zhao. We'll cover everything from his key abilities, how to play him in the jungle, to choosing the best gear for victory. Ready to learn how to make the most of this Demacian champion? Here is everything you need to know about Xin Zhao in League of Legends!

Xin Zhao abilities in League of Legends

Here are all of the Xin Zhao abilities in League of Legends:


Every third attack deals bonus damage and heals Xin Zhao.

Every third basic attack deals bonus physical damage and heals Xin Zhao. Embrace the conqueror's spirit! Weave auto-attacks between abilities to maximize healing and damage.

Xin Zhao Passive
Xin Zhao Passive


Xin Zhao's next 3 standard attacks deal increased damage with the third attack knocking an opponent into the air.

Your next 3 basic attacks deal increased damage, with the third knocking an enemy up. Unleash a flurry of strikes! Use this to harass enemies, secure last hits, or set up devastating knock-ups for yourself and your team.

Xin Zhao Q
Xin Zhao Q


Xin Zhao slashes in front of himself with his spear, then thrusts it forward, slowing affected enemies and marking them as Challenged.

Slash in front of you, slowing and marking enemies as "Challenged." Become a storm of steel! Use this to initiate fights, peel for allies, and maximize damage with subsequent attacks on marked enemies.

Xin Zhao W
Xin Zhao W


Xin Zhao charges to an enemy, gaining increased Attack Speed and dealing damage to all enemies in the area, slowing them briefly. Audacious Charge gains increased range against Challenged targets.

Charge to an enemy, gaining attack speed and damaging all enemies in the area. Channel your Demacian courage! Use this to gap-close quickly, initiate ganks, or reposition in fights. Remember, the attack speed buff can amplify your damage output significantly.

Xin Zhao E
Xin Zhao E


Xin Zhao challenges an enemy he damaged recently. Xin Zhao deals damage to nearby enemies based on their current Health and knocks non-challenged targets back, becoming impervious to damage dealt by champions outside of the circle created.

Challenge an enemy you recently damaged, becoming immune to damage and redirecting their basic attacks for a duration. Embrace the warrior's oath! Use this to shut down enemy carries, disrupt teamfights, or survive crucial moments. Remember, it only works against recently damaged enemies.

Xin Zhao R
Xin Zhao R

Xin Zhao guide in jungle

Xin Zhao, the Demacian champion, embodies unwavering loyalty and raw strength. He thrives in the jungle, pressuring lanes and controlling objectives through early skirmishes. If you seek to unleash the Seneschal's full potential, dive into this guide:

Early Game

  • Jungle Clear: Focus on a healthy clear. Start at your buff, smite the first camp for bonus healing, and weave auto-attacks between abilities to optimize clear speed.
  • Ganking Powerhouse: Look for opportunities to gank with E "Audacious Charge." Use W "Wind Becomes Lightning" to slow enemies and mark them for bonus damage with your passive and Q "Three Talon Strike." Remember, your ultimate, R "Crescent Guard," can shut down enemy carries during ganks.
  • Objective Control: Secure Scuttle Crabs for vision and objective control. Don't hesitate to contest Rift Herald or Dragon if the opportunity arises.

Mid-Game Skirmishing

  • Teamfight Presence: Transition into a frontline bruiser, disrupting enemy formations with W and peeling for your carries with R.
  • Tanky Build: Adapt your build based on team needs. Consider items like Black Cleaver and Sterak's Gage for survivability and damage.
  • Combo Mastery: Practice the Q-W-E combo for maximum burst. Use E to gap close, W to mark, and Q for bonus damage and a potential knock-up.

Late-Game Impact

  • Flanking Maneuvers: Use your mobility to flank enemies and disable key targets. Remember, R can turn the tide of a fight by shutting down carries.
  • Objective Focus: Prioritize securing Baron Nashor or Elder Dragon for your team's late-game power spike.
  • Adaptive Tactics: Don't be afraid to adjust your playstyle based on the game state. Sometimes, peeling for your carries takes priority over aggressive plays.

Build for Xin Zhao

Choosing the right build and runes is crucial for maximizing Xin Zhao's effectiveness. "Lethal Tempo" is preferred for its early game power, allowing Xin Zhao to dominate skirmishes and snowball into a lead. "Triumph" and "Legend: Alacrity" further enhance his survivability and damage output. However, "Legend: Tenacity" can be a valuable choice against teams with heavy crowd control.

A classic build for Xin Zhao might include:

  • Boots
  • Titanic Hydra
  • Wit’s End
  • Frozen Heart
  • Sterak's Gage
  • Sundered Sky

This build balances damage, attack speed, and survivability, making Xin Zhao a versatile threat in various game stages.

Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao

Xin Zhao voice lines

Xin Zhao's voice lines in League of Legends are designed to reflect his warrior spirit and unwavering loyalty. Here are some of the popular ones:

  • "My king commands."
  • "It shall be done!"
  • "I may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against me!"
  • "Find me an immovable object, and I'll put this question to rest!"
  • “Here's a tip, and a spear behind it!"
  • "True warriors are born on the battlefield!"

Who is Xin Zhao’s voice actor?

Richard Epcar /  Image Credit: IMDB
Richard Epcar / Image Credit: IMDB

Richard Epcar is the talented voice actor behind Xin Zhao. Epcar's extensive experience and ability to convey strength and determination make him the perfect fit for bringing Xin Zhao's character to life in the game.

Who is Xin Zhao based on?

Xin Zhao's character draws inspiration from historical and mythical sources. While his name resembles that of a Xiongnu general who defected to Han Chinese forces, his character is more closely related to the legendary Chinese general Zhao Yun. This blend of historical and mythical influences adds a rich layer of depth to Xin Zhao's backstory.

What is Xin Zhao's other name?

Before rising to fame in the arenas, Xin Zhao was known as "Viscero." This name became synonymous with his success and fear among his opponents. However, his fortune in the arenas was only a chapter in his life, leading to his eventual recognition as a celebrated champion in the League of Legends universe.

Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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