Volibear Abilities, Builds, Runes & Guide in LOL

Volibear is one of the champions that received a big rework and it is scarier than before. Here is everything you need to know about Volibear in League of Legends!
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by: Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJune 24, 2024 at 12:14PM
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Volibear, a giant bear from the game League of Legends, is one of the favorite champions among players. He's big, powerful, and can control storms. When you play as Volibear, you get to charge into battles, shock your enemies, and show off your strength. He's the type of character who can do a bit of everything—fight, protect himself, and help his team win. Here is everything you need to know about Volibear in League of Legends!

Volibear abilities in League of Legends

Volibear has a unique skill set that makes him a tank and a threat in 1v1s. Here are all of his abilities:


Volibear's Attacks and abilities grant Attack Speed, and eventually cause his Attacks to deal bonus magic damage to nearby enemies.

Volibear gets faster and his attacks can hit many enemies at once.

Volibear Passive
Volibear Passive


Volibear gains speed towards enemies, Stunning and damaging the first one he Attacks.

Increases speed towards enemies, stunning and damaging the first one attacked, embodying his fearsome charge.

Volibear Q
Volibear Q


Volibear damages an enemy, applying on-hit effects and marking them. Casting this ability again on the same target deals bonus damage and Heals Volibear.

Deals damage and marks enemies, with a second cast increasing damage and healing Volibear, reflecting his predatory nature.

Volibear W
Volibear W


Volibear summons a lightning bolt at a location, dealing damage and Slowing enemies while granting Volibear a Shield if he's inside the blast radius.

Calls down a lightning bolt, damaging and slowing enemies while shielding Volibear, symbolizing his command over the storm.

Volibear E
Volibear E


Volibear leaps to a target location, Slowing and damaging enemies beneath him while gaining bonus Health. Enemy towers near his landing location become temporarily disabled.

Volibear jumps far, slows and hurts enemies where he lands, and can disable enemy towers for a bit.

Volibear R
Volibear R

Best Volibear Build in League of Legends

For the most common way to gear up Volibear in the jungle, start with Iceborn Gauntlet for its cool effects, then get boots called Ionian Boots of Lucidity and Dead Man's Plate for moving fast and being tough. After that, go for Force of Nature, Thornmail, and Frozen Heart to be even tougher against enemy attacks. When choosing skills, upgrade Q, then W, then E.

Another way to build him includes starting with Nashor's Tooth and Riftmaker for more damage, then getting Plated Steelcaps for defense. Add Spirit Visage and Dead Man's Plate later for even more toughness and mobility. However, the second build is really an alternative way to go. If you want to use Voli’s powers at their finest, we recommend the first one.

How to play Volibear jungle

When playing as Volibear in the jungle, timing, and teamwork are key. Use his Q move to rush at enemies quickly, but make sure you're close enough so it doesn't wear off too soon. His ultimate move, Stormbringer, is great for surprising enemies under their towers, but check that your teammates are ready to back you up. Volibear is great at moving through the jungle quickly and fighting for control over important spots on the map because of his speed and strength.

Volibear counters

Volibear is a strong champion, but other champions can turn the map into hell for him. Here they are:


Rek’Sai can surprise you by coming out of the ground. Use wards in your jungle to see her coming. When she does, use your Q to stun her and disrupt her plan. Fighting Rek'Sai in her tunnels can be tricky. Try to fight her where you have more room to maneuver.



Nocturne likes to jump on isolated targets. Stick with your team so you can support each other if he dives in. When Nocturne uses his ultimate, be ready to counter-attack with your own abilities. Using your E for the shield can reduce the damage you take.



Kindred relies on keeping distance and dodging to win fights. Use your Q to close the gap quickly and prevent them from kiting you. Pay attention to Kindred's ultimate, which can save her from death. Time your abilities to hit right after her ultimate ends for maximum impact.


Each counter requires a different approach, but the key to overcoming them is to play smart, use Volibear's strengths to your advantage, and work closely with your team.

Volibear voice lines

Volibear's voice lines make him sound majestic and wild. These lines help players feel like they're really a part of the game's world. Here are some of the popular ones:

  • "The land will exist far longer than warm-bloods."
  • "The land belongs to the wild. Today, we reclaim it with tooth and claw."
  • “Their bones are ash and soil. Mine rumble with wild thunder."
  • "Follow me and we will bring down sky!"
  • "We are all blood of the wild."
  • "Men speak in small words. I speak in thunder!"
  • "To destroy is to free."
  • "What happens when old wounds heal?"
  • "I will roar the world into stillness... so must it be."
  • "Let the storm follow in my wake."
  • "Once, history was writ by tooth and claw."
  • "The creations of mortals fail. The wild remains."
  • "The soil hungers for blood."
  • "Hirnvel are sacred. Tree, soil, beast, blood!"
  • "My thunder shakes the foundations of the world!"

Volibear voice actor

David Sobolov is the talented voice actor behind Volibear. He has voiced other cool characters in TV shows and movies, making Volibear sound as powerful and commanding as he looks.

Volibear release date

Volibear first appeared in League of Legends on November 29th, 2011. He's been around for a while, but players still love him because he's always a strong pick, no matter how the game changes.

Volibear's story is about strength, bravery, and the wild spirit of nature. Whether you're leading your team into battle or defending your territory, playing as Volibear is about showing the power of the storm. With each game, players can dive into the role of this mighty bear, facing off against enemies and proving why Volibear remains a beloved champion in League of Legends.

Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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