Twitch abilities, build, runes & guides in LOL

One of the strongest late-game carries in the game. Here is everything you need to know about Twitch in League of Legends!
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJune 26, 2024 at 11:58AM
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Twitch is a sneaky rat character with special moves that let him poison enemies, hide, and attack from a distance. The champion holds one of the biggest carry potential in the game but it is really hard to play in the early game. Here is everything you need to know about Twitch in League of Legends!

Twitch abilities in League of Legends

Here are all of the abilities of Twitch in the game:


Twitch's basic attacks infect the target, dealing true damage each second.

When Twitch attacks, he poisons his enemies, hurting them over time.

Twitch Passive
Twitch Passive


Twitch becomes Camouflaged for a short duration and gains Move Speed. When leaving Camouflage, Twitch gains Attack Speed for a short duration. When an enemy champion with Deadly Venom dies, Ambush's cooldown is reset.

Twitch can turn invisible for a bit, moving faster. When he shows up again, he attacks faster for a short time.

Twitch Q
Twitch Q


Twitch hurls a cask of venom that explodes in an area, slowing targets and applying deadly venom to the target.

He throws a bottle that explodes, slows down enemies, and poisons them.

Twitch W
Twitch W


Twitch wreaks further havoc on poisoned enemies with a blast of his vile diseases.

Twitch releases a burst of poison, damaging all nearby enemies with poison stacks.

Twitch E
Twitch E


Twitch unleashes the full power of his crossbow, shooting bolts over a great distance that pierce all enemies caught in their path.

His big move lets him shoot arrows that go through all enemies in a line, great for hitting many targets at once.

Twitch R
Twitch R

Best Twitch build in League of Legends

To excel as Twitch, your setup should enhance his stealth, attack speed, and damage output. Here's a deeper look into the recommended Twitch build:

  • Summoner Spells: Flash is essential for quickly repositioning or escaping tight situations. Ghost complements Twitch's stealthy playstyle, offering a significant speed boost to either chase down enemies or flee from danger.
  • Runes:
    • Lethal Tempo: This keystone rune is perfect for Twitch as it significantly increases his attack speed after engaging in combat, allowing him to quickly stack his Deadly Venom on multiple targets.
    • Presence of Mind: Each takedown refreshes a portion of Twitch's mana, ensuring he can continue using his abilities in prolonged fights.
    • Legend: Alacrity: Boosts Twitch's attack speed even further, making him a formidable foe in the late game.
    • Coup de Grace: Increases damage to low-health targets, helping Twitch finish off poisoned enemies.
    • Taste of Blood: Provides extra sustain, giving Twitch a better chance to survive in lane and skirmishes.
    • Treasure Hunter: Offers additional gold for champion takedowns, accelerating Twitch's item build progression.
  • Items:
    • Blade of The Ruined King: Serves as a perfect first item for Twitch, offering attack damage, attack speed, and life steal. Its passive also deals a percentage of the target's current health as bonus damage, which synergizes well with Twitch's need to quickly whittle down opponents.
    • Berserker's Greaves: Increases attack speed, allowing Twitch to apply his passive more frequently.
    • Runaan's Hurricane: Essential for team fights as it enables Twitch's attacks to hit multiple enemies, spreading his Deadly Venom.
    • Infinity Edge: Significantly increases Twitch's damage output, especially when paired with his critical strikes.
    • Lord Dominik's Regards: Offers armor penetration and additional damage against health-stacked opponents, ensuring Twitch remains a threat to tanks and bruisers.
    • Guardian Angel: Provides a safety net with its resurrection passive, allowing Twitch to take risky plays or survive focus fire in late-game team fights.

How to play Twitch bot

Twitch is all about getting stronger for late-game fights, surprising enemies, and dealing damage to many targets:

  • Strengths: He becomes very powerful later, can surprise enemies by turning invisible, clears minion waves quickly, and his ultimate can hit many enemies at once.
  • Weaknesses: He’s not very strong at the start, doesn’t move fast without his invisibility, uses a lot of mana, and depends a lot on his team, especially his support.

To do well with Twitch, stay safe and farm early on, pick fights, where you can use your poison over time, and use your ultimate in big team, fights to hit as many enemies as possible.

Twitch counters


Ashe's long-range Volley and Enchanted Crystal Arrow can harass Twitch from a safe distance and even catch him out of stealth. Her Frost Shot passive slows Twitch, making it hard for him to escape or chase.



Vayne excels in single combat thanks to her Silver Bolts, dealing significant true damage to Twitch regardless of his items. Her Tumble and Condemn can disrupt Twitch's positioning, and her Final Hour grants invisibility, countering Twitch's stealth advantage.


Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune can use her Make It Rain to slow Twitch and reveal his position if he tries to sneak up. Her Bullet Time can devastate Twitch in team fights before he gets a chance to position properly for Spray and Pray. Plus, her passive, Love Tap, allows her to trade effectively with Twitch in lane.

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

Twitch voice lines

Twitch has a lot of funny and weird things to say, showing off his personality as a sneaky and sometimes gross rat. His lines add fun to playing him. Here are some of the most memorable ones:

  • "Hey, what did I step in?"
  • "From out of the sewers comes... doom."
  • "Who let all these plants survive?"
  • "Ohoho, yes, yes..."
  • "What's 'sharing'?"
  • "Don't trust any liquid that you can see through."
  • "It's sticky so you don't drop it."
  • "Ugh, I can't even taste the air up here, bleugh."
  • "They're planning something, I know it."
  • "I'm on to you!"
  • "All pipes lead to home."
  • "Rust is like more delicious mold."

Twitch voice actor

Doug Boyd was the original voice of Twitch, bringing his sneaky, playful side to life. In newer versions, like Wild Rift Chat shorts, a new but unknown actor has taken over.

Doug Boyd
Doug Boyd

Twitch release date

Twitch has been around since May 1, 2009. Over the years, he’s changed a bit but has always kept his sneaky, poisonous play style, making him a unique choice for players who like to surprise their enemies.

Remember, the journey to becoming a great Twitch player is not just about mastering his mechanics but also about understanding the flow of the game, positioning, and timing. Paying attention to the details of each matchup and adapting your approach based on your enemies will set you apart from the average player. 

Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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