Everything You Need to Know About Trundle in League of Legends

The big troll of League of Legends. As Trundle you can either play jungle or split push in the top side. Here is everything you need to know about Trundle in League of Legends!
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJune 26, 2024 at 12:26PM
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Trundle, known as the Troll King, is a powerhouse in the game, especially when playing in the jungle. Trundle's skills let him control the game map and be a big threat in fights. Let's take a closer look at what makes Trundle a champion you'd want to get good at, from his powers to tips on playing him, and even some cool background info. Here is everything you need to know about Trundle in League of Legends!

Trundle abilities in League of Legends

Trundle's abilities help him stay strong, control his enemies, and fight one-on-one really well. Here are all of his abilities in LoL:


When an enemy unit dies near Trundle, he heals for a percent of its maximum Health.

His Passive, King's Tribute, heals him when nearby enemies die, which means he can keep going longer in fights or while farming.



Trundle bites his opponent, dealing damage, briefly slowing and sapping some of their Attack Damage.

His main attack, Chomp (Q), not only hurts but also slows the enemy and makes them weaker in attack, giving Trundle an advantage.

Trundle Q
Trundle Q


Trundle turns target location into his domain, gaining Attack Speed, Move Speed, and increased healing from all sources while on it.

Frozen Domain (W) boosts Trundle's speed and healing, perfect for chasing down enemies or running away if needed.

Trundle W
Trundle W


Trundle creates an ice pillar at target location, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units.

His E, Pillar of Ice, is great for starting fights or stopping enemies from escaping by creating a block of ice that gets in their way. 

Trundle E
Trundle E


Trundle immediately steals a percent of his target's Health, Armor and Magic Resistance. Over the next 4 seconds the amount of Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance stolen is doubled.

His ultimate, Subjugate (R), steals health and defenses from his target, making him really tough to beat in longer fights.

Trundle R
Trundle R

Best Trundle build

When you play Trundle, especially in the top lane, you want to build items that make you strong and tough to beat. Start with Trinity Force because it makes you hit harder and move faster. Next, get Plated Steelcaps to protect your feet and make it harder for enemies to hurt you. Ravenous Hydra is a good third item; it helps you heal quickly as you fight and clear waves of minions.

For the rest of your build, Hullbreaker makes you even stronger when you're on your own, pushing lanes. Thornmail is great for fighting enemies that like to heal a lot because it hurts them when they hit you. Lastly, Spirit Visage is awesome because it makes all your healing even better and makes you tougher against magic attacks.

When choosing your spells, Ghost and Teleport are great. Ghost makes you run faster, so you can chase enemies or escape. Teleport lets you move quickly across the map to help teammates or defend towers. For your runes, pick Lethal Tempo because it lets you attack faster the longer you fight, and other runes that help you stay alive and hit harder. For jungler players, you can follow a similar building path but take Smite, obviously.

How to play Trund jungle

Playing Trundle in the jungle means you're the team's wild card. You can move around unseen and help your team by surprising enemies. Use your Pillar of Ice (E) to trap enemies or make it hard for them to run away. It's great for starting fights or saving teammates.

Trundle is really good at taking down big monsters like dragons and the Baron because of his ultimate, Subjugate (R), which makes him steal health and defenses from tough enemies. This makes him stronger in fights. When you're not fighting, use your abilities to clear jungle camps quickly and get stronger.

In team fights, aim to use your ultimate on the strongest enemy, making them weaker and you tougher. This can turn the tide of a fight. Remember, Trundle is great at catching single enemies out, so look for chances to trap someone away from their team.

Trundle counters

Here are three of the most known Trundle counters in LoL:


Facing Pantheon can be tricky due to his high burst damage and stun. To counter him, focus on farming safely and wait for jungle assistance. Use your Pillar of Ice to disengage when he jumps on you and try to fight him after he's used his stun.



Vayne is a tough matchup because of her mobility and true damage. When playing against Vayne, avoid one-on-one fights, especially late in the game. In team fights, try to use your Pillar of Ice to disrupt her positioning, and save your Subjugate for when you can engage on her directly with your team's support.



Gragas can be difficult due to his ability to displace you with his ultimate and soak up damage. When facing Gragas, dodge his barrels and engage when his explosive cask is on cooldown. Your Subjugate can counter his tankiness in fights, but be mindful of his ability to separate you from your team.


Trundle voice lines

Trundle's character comes out in his voice lines, which are funny and show off his confidence. Here are some of his popular voice lines:

  • "I'm troll judge, troll jury, and execu... troll!"
  • "The Freljord is mine!"
  • "King of trolls, coming through."
  • "I'm the troll with the plan."
  • "Not troll chief, troll king. King!"
  • “Time to start an ice age."
  • “I'm not ugly, but they're about to be!"
  • “Ohoho, they look angry!"
  • "The trolls are going to war!"
  • “I like my human with a bit of spice."
  • "Troll with the biggest club gets to be king. That's the rule!"
  • "It's alright Clubbems, we'll get to smashing soon."
  • "Have you seen this thing? Like really close."
  • "If you want me to hit you less, die sooner!"
  • "I'm gonna crush your dreams... They're in your skull, right?"
  • "You got a problem with me? Join the club!"
  • "They crossed the wrong troll."
  • "This will only hurt... a lot!"
  • "I'll show them frostbite."
  • “Smashing!"
  • "C'mon, entertain me."
  • "Run, Ashe!"

Trundle voice actor

Joshua Tomar is the talented voice actor behind Trundle. He's known for his work in games and animations, bringing characters to life with his voice. His work makes Trundle's personality really stand out in the game.

Joshua Tomar
Joshua Tomar

Trundle release date

Trundle was released back in December 1, 2010. He has always been a reliable pick for top lakers and junglers. Moreover, there were times when he was picked as a support too. Whether you're fighting in lanes or controlling the jungle, Trundle is a great choice for those who like a mix of strength, strategy, and fun in their gameplay.

Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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