Everything You Need to Know About Sona in League of Legends

Sona was the original musical Support in League of Legends and she is still one of the most fun once you master her, and here is everything you need to know to do so!
Everything You Need to Know About Sona in League of Legends
Written By Eddie Lemon

(Article Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJanuary 29, 2024 at 09:24AM
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Sona is the muse from days of old in League of Legends, being around since almost the very first iteration of the game, she has been heavily overlooked in recent years, due to the addition of newer champions that do what she does, arguably better - looking at you Seraphine.

But we still love our OG Maven of the Strings, so we thought we’d share our love for her and tell you everything you need to know about the Demacian Virtuoso.

Sona’s abilities in League of Legends

Passive: Power Chord

Sona Passive
Sona Passive

Sona’s passive gives her a stack of Accelerando every time she hits an enemy champion with her Q, or heals or shields allies. This stacks up to 120 times, which at max stacks reduces the remaining cooldown of her ultimate ability by 1.5s every time she gets a stack.

Sona also gets 0.5 basic ability haste for every stack, which goes up to 60, meaning her abilities have very low cooldowns later on into the game.

The second part of her passive is Melody, which means whenever she uses a basic ability, she empowers herself and nearby allies for three seconds. We will explain these empowerments when we explain the abilities, so don’t worry!

The final part is Power Chord, which requires Sona to auto attack three times, and the fourth one has her auto attack do bonus AP damage, and applies a bonus debuff based on her last ability used.

If this is her Q, she deals more damage with that auto attack. If it was her W, she reduces the size of the target and their damage done by 25% for 3s, and if she last used her E, she slows the enemy target!

Q: Hymn of Valor

Sona Q
Sona Q

Sona’s Passive is surprisingly complicated for an old champion, but luckily her Q is a lot simpler.

She sends our two bolts at the nearest enemies, focusing enemy champions, which do a chunk of damage and gain vision.

For her Melody passive bonus, her and her nearby allies deal bonus magic damage on their next auto attack.

W: Aria of Perseverance

Sona W
Sona W

Our one woman band heals herself and her most wounded ally within the range, meaning she really is designed be a Support!

Sona’s W has the Melody bonus of granting nearby allies a shield, as well as herself, for 1.5 seconds.

E: Song of Celerity

Sona E
Sona E

Sona really has it all, shield, damage, heal and now a speed boost in her E. She gains 20% movement speed for three seconds. This scales with AP, so you could be rapid if you build full AP.

Her Melody bonus for her E allied champions gain bonus movement speed as well as Sona.

R: Crescendo

Sona R
Sona R

Sona’s ultimate ability got brutally overtaken by Seraphine’s when she was released, as it is basically a carbon copy. Sona’s R throws a large chord forward, hitting enemies in a line, causing them to dance and be stunned for 1.5 seconds.

This has a range of 1000 and is basically an instant cast, so it is great if assassins are diving you, just press ult!

When was Sona released in League of Legends?

DJ Sona
DJ Sona

Sona was released in the early days of League of Legends, before most of us were playing the MOBA title. She was released on September 21, 2010, in Patch 1.0, so she has been out a while.

This means she has some awesome skins, so if you are thinking of picking up Sona, have a look and see the kind of music each skin plays.

Where is Sona from in League of Legends?

Odyssey Sona
Odyssey Sona

Sona is known as the Demacian Virtuoso, so that should give you a good idea of where Sona comes from, or does it? Sona is actually from Ionia, although she lives in Demacia and has since childhood. 

Sona age in League of Legends

Immortal Journey Sona
Immortal Journey Sona

Sona was born around 976 AN, so she is roughly 21 years old. This means she has her whole life ahead of her, and whilst Riot Games have seemingly forgotten she exists and haven’t updated her lore much since she came out, we have not, and we want to know more.

Sona’s Voice Actor in League of Legends

Sona Voice Actress
Sona Voice Actress

Sona’s voice actress is Erin Fitzgerald, a Canadian-American professional voice actress. Her voice has a hint of French in it, with Fitzgerald being bilingual, speaking both English and French. This really adds some subtle touches to the elegance of Sona’s character.

Sona is an awesome Support champion, but we have covered other champions too, not just the musical Supports! Below are some to list a few, but we have covered almost every champion in the League of Legends roster on our website.

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Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a full-time writer and short-form video editor, with a degree in Esports! My main games are VALORANT and League of Legends, so you could say that I am at the beck and call of Riot Games! I have worked previously for a few different websites, doing various roles, such as writing, editing, and even voiceovers, but here at THESPIKE, I am an out-and-out article writer, so I can really get as much content out as I can! I graduated with my Esports degree with a 2:1, and a desire to keep going, so this was a perfect step for me, but I still can't get enough of League of Legends when I'm free.

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