Skarner Abilities, Build, Runes & Guide in LOL

Skarner is a very scary jungler when it is used effectively and here are some tips and tricks about the League of Legends champion!
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedAugust 1, 2024 at 08:13PM
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Skarner may be one of the worst nightmares of ADCs and carry champions in League of Legends. Skarner’s ultimate makes it very hard for the opponents to position as this champion is very fast and can reach the backline pretty easily. If you want to know more about Skarner, keep reading. Here is everything you need to know about Skarner in League of Legends!

Skarner abilities in League of Legends

Just like any other champion, Skarner also has four skills and a passive. Here is a breakdown of how they work:


Skarner's presence causes crystals to spawn in set locations around the map. Crystals can be captured by either team by standing close to them. When near crystals his team owns, Skarner gains Move Speed, attack speed, and increased mana regeneration.



Skarner lashes out with his claws, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies and charging himself with Crystal Energy for several seconds if a unit is struck. If he casts Crystal Slash again while powered by Crystal Energy, he deals bonus magic damage.

Skarner's offensive capabilities are showcased through his Q ability, Crystal Slash, which allows him to deal physical damage to nearby enemies, further enhanced by bonus magic damage when powered by Crystal Energy.

Skarner Q
Skarner Q


Skarner gains a shield and has increased Move Speed while the shield persists.

His W, Crystalline Exoskeleton, provides him with a shield and a speed increase, adding a layer of survivability. 

Skarner W
Skarner W


Skarner summons a blast of crystalline energy which deals damage to enemies struck and slows them. Basic attacking these enemies within a short window will stun them.

The E ability, Fracture, slows enemies and sets them up for a potential stun, making Skarner a threat in both chasing down opponents and escaping tight situations.

Skarner E
Skarner E


Skarner suppresses an enemy champion and deals damage to it. During this time, Skarner can move freely and will drag his helpless victim around with him. When the effect ends, the target will be dealt additional damage.

His ultimate, Impale, truly defines Skarner's playstyle, giving him the ability to suppress and drag an enemy champion, which can turn the tide of any battle.

Skarner R
Skarner R

New Skarner abilities

Let’s move on with Skarner’s new abilities:

  • Passive - Quaking: Skarner’s Attacks, Shattered Earth, Upheaval, and Impale, apply Quaking for a period of time. At max Quaking stacks, enemies take percent health magic damage over the duration.
  • Q - Shattered Earth: Rip a boulder from the earth that empowers Attacks and can be thrown as a powerful projectile.
  • Q - Upheaval: Rip a boulder from the earth that empowers Attacks and can be thrown as a powerful projectile.
  • W - Seismic Bastion: Skarner gains a shield and creates an earthquake whose shockwave damages and slows foes.
  • E - Ixtal’s Impact: Skarner charges, passing through terrain. If he collides with a Champion or monster he can slam them into a wall to damage and stun them.
  • R - Impale: Skarner lashes his tails out to suppress enemy champions. During this time, Skarner can move freely and will drag his helpless victims around with him.

Skarner rework explained

The new Skarner rework is designed to make him a more active and exciting champion to play. Skarner needs to keep attacking to build up his power. He looks for the right moment to use his special move, Impale, to grab and pull back multiple enemies.

In the past, Skarner was a sad character who missed his own kind. Now, he has evolved into a leader and protector of his people, bringing them together and giving them hope. This change in his story not only makes his character more interesting but also hints at possible new storylines involving his homeland, Ixtal, in future updates from League of Legends.

Skarner new ult explained

Skarner's updated ultimate, Impale, lets him target up to three enemy champions at once. He damages and holds them in place, making him a powerful presence in team fights. This new ability is great for controlling multiple enemies at once. However, Skarner cannot use some moves like Flash while he is using his ultimate.

Best Skarner build

To get the most out of Skarner in the jungle, follow this build:

  • Summoner Spells: Flash and Smite
  • Runes:
    • Keystone: Phase Rush
    • Primary: Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Waterwalking
    • Secondary: Magical Footwear, Cosmic Insight
    • Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling
  • Items:
    • First: Trinity Force
    • Second: Ionian Boots of Lucidity
    • Third: Dead Man's Plate
    • Fourth: Force of Nature
    • Fifth: Thornmail
    • Sixth: Spear of Shojin
  • Skill Order: Q, W, E

Optional Build

  • Keystone: Conqueror
  • Items: Swap Spear of Shojin for Black Cleaver

How to play Skarner jungle

To excel as Skarner in the jungle, you'll need to leverage his strengths from the early game to the late game, focusing on farming, ganking, and objective control. Here are some tips and tricks for you to dominate the Rift with Skarner in your hands:

Early Game:

  • Prioritize farming to quickly reach level 6, as Skarner’s ultimate, Impale, is crucial for effective ganks.
  • Capture Crystal Spires in your jungle for extra speed and mana regeneration, which aids in faster clearing and sustainability.
  • When ganking pre-6, use your E (Fracture) to slow enemies, giving your laners a chance to engage.


  • After hitting level 6, look for gank opportunities where you can use your ultimate on high-value targets.
  • Approach from angles that allow you to close the distance without being seen. Use bushes and lane positioning to your
  • advantage.
  • Combine your W (Crystalline Exoskeleton) for the speed boost with your E to catch enemies off guard, then secure them with your R (Impale) for a guaranteed drag.

Team Fights:

  • In team fights, your role is to either peel for your carries or to initiate by catching key enemy champions with your ultimate.
  • Positioning is crucial; stay near enough to threaten the enemy backline but also close to your team to protect your carries with your E and Q abilities.
  • Remember, Skarner's effectiveness in team fights heavily depends on his ability to disrupt the enemy's formation and focus.

Objective Control:

  • Skarner is excellent at securing objectives like Dragon and Baron due to his ultimate's suppression, making it risky for enemies to contest.
  • Use your spire control around these objectives to gain the upper hand in skirmishes and secure captures with increased stats.

Skarner counters

Here are some of the champions in League of Legends that could possibly give Skarner hard times mainly because of their skillsets.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin’s mobility and early game damage can be troublesome. Play defensively and focus on vision to prevent him from invading your jungle. Avoid fighting Lee Sin alone early on. Call for team support when he invades. Post-6, you can turn fights around with your ultimate, especially if Lee Sin engages with his Q (Resonating Strike).

Lee Sin
Lee Sin


Volibear's tankiness and burst make him a formidable foe. Avoid head-to-head fights without backup. Use your mobility around Crystal Spires to kite Volibear. In team fights, wait for him to engage before using your ultimate on a key target, as he lacks a reliable way to interrupt your Impale.


Nunu & Willump

Nunu's objective control surpasses yours due to his Q (Consume) and Smite combo. Maintain vision around objectives and try to predict his movements. In skirmishes, save your E to disrupt Nunu's ultimate. During objective contests, focus on peeling for your team and catching enemies out of position rather than out-smiting Nunu.

Nunu & Willump
Nunu & Willump

Skarner voice lines

Skarner has a lot of interesting things he says in the game, reflecting his feelings and thoughts. These lines add to his personality, making him more than just a character in a game. Here are some of the ones that you may have heard before:

  • "On all legs."
  • "We think alike, summoner."
  • "I see the wisdom in that."
  • "I miss my kind."
  • "This world is so strange."
  • "We await our time."
  • "The battle approaches."
  • “The Crystal Scar is weeping."
  • “My stinger is ready."
  • "Time to fight!"
  • "Limb from limb!"
  • "I will tear them apart."
  • "In claw's reach."
  • "I'll show you monstrous."
  • "Fear my sting."

Skarner voice actor

David Lodge is the voice actor for Skarner, bringing his character to life with emotion and depth. He is also the voice actor of Ivern, another jungle champion in League of Legends.

David Lodge
David Lodge

Skarner release date

Skarner was added to "League of Legends" on August 9, 2011. Since then, he has been a favorite for many players because of his unique abilities and the strategic options he brings to the game.

Skarner rework release date

The updated Skarner is now available in League of Legends Patch 14.7. Before this patch, players anticipated the changes, which often bring older champions back into the limelight, making them popular in both casual and competitive play. Players have welcomed the new way to play Skarner since the update went live.

Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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