Shen abilities, build, runes & guides in LOL

This Shen guide will give you all the information you need to dominate on the battlefield.
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedAugust 16, 2024 at 01:45PM
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The ninja of League of Legends, “Shen” is a great tank and support. Since he joined the game in 2010, Shen has stood out on the battlefield. He uses defensive skills to support his team from anywhere on the map. Understanding Shen's abilities, best builds, and gameplay tactics is key to using him effectively. Shen is great at controlling his lane and helping his team from afar. His abilities protect and support his teammates, making him a valuable part of any team. Shen is one of the greatest support top lane champions in League of Legends and here is everything you need to know!

Shen skills in League of Legends

Check out Shen’s skills in League of Legends after the rework:

PASSIVE - Ki Barrier

Official description: After casting a spell, Shen gets a shield. Affecting other champions reduces the cooldown of this effect.

Whenever Shen uses an ability, he gains a shield that absorbs damage. This shield helps him stay longer in fights. If Shen affects other champions with his abilities, the time he has to wait to use his shield again decreases, allowing him more frequent protection.

Shen Passive
Shen Passive

Q - Twilight Assault

Official description: Shen recalls his spirit blade to attack with it, dealing damage based on the target's max health. The attacks are greatly empowered if it collides with an enemy champion, and all collided enemies are slowed while running away from Shen.

This ability calls Shen’s spirit blade to him, dealing extra damage to enemies based on their maximum health. If this blade passes through an enemy champion on its way, Shen's next attacks are much stronger, and any enemy hit by the blade is slowed when moving away from Shen. This makes it easier for Shen to catch up and continue attacking.

Shen Q
Shen Q

W - Spirit's Refuge

Official description: Attacks that would hit Shen or his allies near his spirit blade are blocked.

Shen creates a protective zone around his spirit blade for a few seconds, which blocks all incoming basic attacks. This can protect both Shen and his allies standing near the blade, providing crucial defense during team fights or when facing opponents with strong auto-attack capabilities.

Shen W
Shen W

E - Shadow Dash

Official description: Shen dashes in a direction, taunting enemies in his path.

Shen dashes to a target area, taunting all enemies he collides with. Taunted enemies are forced to attack Shen, allowing him to control the flow of battle and protect his teammates by drawing enemy fire to himself.

Shen E
Shen E

R - Stand United

Official description: Shen shields target allied champion from incoming damage, and soon after teleports to their location.

Shen's ultimate ability showcases his role as a global protector. He can shield an ally anywhere on the map and, after a short delay, teleport to their side. This can be pivotal in turning the tide of battle, saving allies from certain death, and initiating surprise engagements.

Shen R
Shen R

Best Shen build in League of Legends

The best Shen build can vary depending on the opposing team but there are some things that don’t change almost in every game. Here is a very common Shen build:

  • Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport are essential for Shen, providing mobility and global presence. 
  • Runes: The primary rune, Grasp of the Undying, enhances Shen’s durability and combat power. In the primary rune tree, Shield Bash boosts his shielding capability, Second Wind offers sustained healing, and Revitalize increases all forms of healing and shielding effectiveness. In the secondary tree, Cheap Shot improves his damage after using his taunt, and Ultimate Hunter reduces the cooldown of his ultimate, enhancing his global support capacity. 
  • Items: Start with Sunfire Aegis for health and area damage, followed by Plated Steelcaps for increased defense against physical attacks. Thornmail is crucial for countering healing-based champions. Later in the game, items like Kaenic Rookern and Randuin's Omen enhance Shen's survivability and crowd control capabilities, while Iceborn Gauntlet provides additional armor and enhances his ability to stick to targets.

How to play Shen top

We have a couple of tips for you:

  • Use the Passive Wisely: Shen's passive, Ki Barrier, gives him a shield after using an ability. Managing this effectively can help Shen win trades by providing extra durability at key moments.
  • Trading with Twilight Assault (Q): Shen’s Q is crucial for dealing damage and controlling enemy movement. Ensuring the spirit blade passes through opponents to enhance Shen's attacks is vital for effective trading.
  • Effective Shadow Dashing (E): Using Shen's E wisely is key to engaging in fights, escaping danger, or controlling enemy champions by taunting them. It's a versatile tool that requires careful energy management.
  • Maximizing Stand United (R): Shen's ultimate can dramatically influence the game by saving allies or turning around team fights. Being alert and responsive to the map situation to use this ability optimally is critical.
  • Map Awareness: Keeping an eye on the map is essential for Shen, especially given his global ultimate. Good map awareness allows Shen to make informed decisions about when to join fights and when to stay safe.

Shen counters in League of Legends

Shen has a great potential when its global ultimate but there are some champions that can give hard times to Shen, especially in the lane. Check out some of the biggest Shen counters in top lane:


Olaf's immunity to crowd control during his ultimate makes him a formidable opponent for Shen. He can ignore Shen's taunt and continue attacking, making it difficult for Shen to protect his teammates or disengage safely.



Trundle is particularly effective against Shen due to his ultimate, Subjugate, which steals Shen’s defensive stats, making him much easier to defeat in prolonged fights. This ability turns Shen’s strengths into weaknesses, especially in one-on-one situations.



Gnar poses a challenge for Shen with his ability to maintain distance and poke from afar. In his Mega Gnar form, he can outmatch Shen in direct confrontations with superior crowd control and durability. Shen must carefully choose when to engage, as Gnar can easily escape or turn the fight with his versatile abilities.


Shen voice lines

Shen's calm and focused nature is reflected in his voice lines. These include phrases like "With balanced steps," "Our wills align," and "Press on." Here is a closer look at some of the most known voice lines of Shen:

  • "With balanced steps."
  • "Our wills align."
  • "Press on."
  • "From the shadows."
  • "So I go."
  • "Tread carefully."
  • "Without a sound."
  • "There is no dispute."
  • "Immediately."
  • "It must be done."
  • “Enforced equilibrium."
  • "I find them unworthy."
  • "Target marked."
  • "With honor."
  • "Understood."
  • "If light travels so fast, how come it's never caught a ninja?"
  • "You're already dead, you just haven't caught up yet."

Shen voice actor

Keith Silverstein voices Shen. His deep and calm voice fits Shen’s personality. Silverstein has voiced many characters in games and shows, adding depth to Shen's character.

Keith Silverstein
Keith Silverstein

Shen release date

Shen was added to League of Legends on March 24, 2010. It received a rework after a couple of years and the latest version of this champion is highly liked by the champions.

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Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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