Everything You Need to Know About Ashe in League of Legends

Ashe is one of the OG League of Legends champions, but yet she still dominates on the rift. This is everything you need to know about Ashe in League of Legends to master the Freljordian Queen!
Everything You Need to Know About Ashe in League of Legends
Written By Eddie Lemon

(Article Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedJanuary 26, 2024 at 04:01PM
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Ashe is the queen of the Freljord, and over her long tenure on Summoner’s Rift, she has at times been the queen of the bot lane too. This is because of her simple, yet effective kit, and if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it, right?

Well, right indeed! Riot Games have kept Ashe a simple and easy to play champion over the years, especially with the majority of her kit being very beginner-friendly, as well as teaching new players the fundamentals of League of Legends.

Ashe’s abilities in League of Legends

Passive: Frost Shot

Ashe in-game
Ashe in-game

Ashe’s Passive actually has some complicated math behind it and how Critical Strike Chance works with Ashe’s auto attacks, but the main part you need to focus on is that every single one of Ashe’s auto attacks slow their target’s movement speed by up to 30%. This is great for helping her kite away from enemies trying to dive her!

Ashe’s critical strikes don’t actually do any more damage, but they instead double the slow time of her auto attacks, meaning she can slow a target’s movement speed by up to 60%.

Q: Ranger’s Focus

Ashe Q
Ashe Q

Ashe stacks four auto attacks, and when she reaches four stacks she can activate her Q, Ranger’s Focus. This allows her to get bonus attack speed and every auto attack fires five arrows instead of one.

This effect goes on for 6 seconds, and more importantly, each of these five arrows counts as a seperate auto attack, so her lifesteal and passive application is crazy when she uses her Q.

W: Volley

Ashe W
Ashe W

This is Ashe’s bread and butter poke ability in lane, which has her fire a cone of arrows forward, slowing enemies for up to 60% as each arrow applies a critical hit.

The higher the level of this ability, the more arrows she fires in the Volley, going from 7 at rank one to 11 at rank 5. 
This is also really good for beginner players to use to farm from distance if need be, meaning that enemies that are more dominant in laning phase can’t stop you from farming minions completely.

E: Hawkshot

Ashe E
Ashe E

Ashe’s Hawkshot teaches newer players to League of Legends the importance of vision, especially as an ADC, being able to scout out when you are getting ganked by yourself is incredibly useful in every game.

She fires a hawk along a path, revealing the location as it flies, until finally exploding at the target location in a large circle for 5 seconds.

Ashe can have two of these stacks at a time, although the cooldown to recharge a stack is between 90 and 50 seconds depending on the rank of the ability at the time.

We recommend using this to scout into the enemy jungle, scout out objectives such as Baron or Drake, or even for checking when your enemy laners are coming back to lane, so you can know when to push or freeze the wave.

R: Enchanted Crystal Arrow

Ashe R
Ashe R

This is arguably the best part about Ashe’s kit, as it allows her to engage fights, or disengage from them herself. This means she is not relying on any help from her Support or the rest of her team to get a pick, which teaches new players about having confidence to pull the trigger.

She fires a huge arrow which stuns the first enemy it hits for between 1 and 3.5 seconds, depending on the distance that the Enchanted Crystal Arrow flies.

Although the arrow only stuns the first target it hits, anyone else hit in the AOE around it is slowed as if they’ve been hit by Ashe’s Passive, Frost Shot.

Fun fact, Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow scales with 120% of her AP, as well as doing 600 damage at max rank, meaning that full AP Ashe is incredibly powerful if you build ability haste to get your ultimate off as fast as you can. 

When was Ashe released in League of Legends?


Our Freljordian markswoman was released on February 21, 2009, which was the second week of Alpha testing for League of Legends! A lot of champions released at this time have had a rework, so seeing Ashe stay true to herself is a refreshing blessing.

She was originally called Bowmaster in the Alpha, before becoming Ashe in the League of Legends we know today.

Where is Ashe from in League of Legends?

Championship Ashe
Championship Ashe

As we have mentioned many times in this article already, Ashe is from the Freljord, and is the queen of the ice kingdom too. She is very closely linked with a lot of other Freljordian champions in the League of Legends lore, such as Tryndamere, Olaf, and Volibear.

Ashe’s Age in League of Legends

Queen Ashe
Queen Ashe

Considering she is the queen of the Freljord, you’d assume Ashe is fairly aged, but no! Ashe was born in 973 AN, which makes her only 24 years old according to the League of Legends lore.

Ashe’s Voice Actor in League of Legends

Voice actress behind Ashe
Voice actress behind Ashe

Ashe’s League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra voice actress is Melissa Hutchinson, who has had roles in some other large titles such as The Walking Dead the video game and Lost Ark!

We have covered almost every champion in the League of Legends roster on our website, so if Ashe isn’t your champion, then we’ve got you covered!

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Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a full-time writer and short-form video editor, with a degree in Esports! My main games are VALORANT and League of Legends, so you could say that I am at the beck and call of Riot Games! I have worked previously for a few different websites, doing various roles, such as writing, editing, and even voiceovers, but here at THESPIKE, I am an out-and-out article writer, so I can really get as much content out as I can! I graduated with my Esports degree with a 2:1, and a desire to keep going, so this was a perfect step for me, but I still can't get enough of League of Legends when I'm free.

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