Everything You Need to Know About Ahri in League of Legends
Ahri is one of the most popular League of Legends champions and a lot of people tried to pick her up so if you're one of them this is everything you need to know about Ahri in League of Legends!Having been on the Rift for nearly 12 years now, there's no wonder why Ahri is so popular. In fact the player with the highest mastery points on Ahri has over 12 million in League of Legends.
Just because a lot of people play her and play her a lot it doesn't make her an easy champion to pick up. So if you're looking to pick her up you'll probably gonna know exactly how to use her abilities, what they do, and a bit of bonus lore to get you invested.
Well, that is exactly what you'll find in this guide So make sure to read through the whole thing and if Ahri doesn't sound like she's for you, we have a load of other League of Legends champion guides too!
Ahri’s abilities in League of Legends
Passive: Essence Theft
Whenever Ahri kills a minion or a monster she stacks an essence fragment, when she reaches nine stacks her next spell will consume these stacks and healer for between 35 and 95 HP plus 25% of her AP.
When Ahri gets a champion take down within three seconds of damaging the enemy champion, she'll also consumed their essence to heal for between 75 and 165 HP, plus 30% of her AP too!
Q: Orb of Deception
Ahri throws an orb in a target direction which deals magic damage before coming back dealing true damage when it's returning to Ahri. This will deal up to 148 magic damage which also scales with 45% of Ahri’s AP.
The true damage when the Orb is returning is the same damage numbers as it applied in magic damage on the way out.
W: Fox-Fire
When using her W, Ahri gains 40% bonus movement speed that decays over a period of two seconds and also summons three flames that circle her for 2.5 seconds.
after a quarter of a second each flame surrounding Ahri targets of visible enemy, or after 0.4 seconds targets the closest visible enemy in range which deals magic damage over 150 plus 30% of Ahri’s AP.
The priority of each flame goes enemy champions hit by Ahri’s E, then enemy champions in general, then minions that would die if hit, and then the target of Ahri’s last basic attack within the past three seconds.
E: Charm
Ahri throws forward a heart-shaped projectile that deals a small amount of magic damage to the first enemy hit. This also charms them and slows them by 65% drawing them towards Ahri’s current location.
At max rank this charm will increase to a duration of two seconds!
R: Spirit Rush
Ahri dashes to the target location and fires off essence to three nearby visible enemies, which each deal 120 magic damage plus 35% of Ahri’s AP.
This can be cast twice more within 15 seconds of activating the first dash, with aone second cooldown between the casts. If Ahri gains an enemy champion take down, then the recast duration is extended by 10 seconds and grants an additional dash, up to a maximum of three.
Recasting the ability dashes Ahri to the target location as it did with the initial cast.
When was Ahri released in League of Legends?
As we said, Ahri has been on the Rift for nearly 12 years now and she was released on December 13, 2011, alongside the 2011 Snowdown Showdown event.
This was in Patch, and she was released alongside Dynasty Ahri and Midnight Ahri…yes we know two release skins!
Ahri received a full visual update in Patch 13.3, which came with updated ability icons and a complete visual update across every skin. Her skins also had a new splash art for four of her older skins, with the rest of the Splash artworks being slightly adjusted.
This also gave Ahri new voiceovers sound effects and even a new lore!
Where is Ahri from in League of Legends?
With her brand new lore, the Nine-Tailed Fox is a Vesani, who are descendants of the Vastaya species and Ahri is actually her only Vesani alive that we know of. The Vesani come from Ionia and as a species that they are near extinct, so who knows if Riot Games are going to introduce us to another one.
Ahri’s Age in League of Legends
We only really have a very rough age estimate for Ahri in League of Legends, estimating she was born between 25 BN and 816 AN. this place is her approximately between 181 and 1023 years of age. we did tell you we don't know much about Ahri’s age!
Ahri’s Voice Actor in League of Legends
Ahri’s voice actress is Laura Post she also voices Star Guardian Ahri, K’DA ALL OUT Ahri, and Spirit Blossom Ahri as well as Ahri in Legends of Runeterra.
She also voiced Harley Quinn in Batman: The Enemy Within, and Azshara in World of Warcraft: Warbringers, the TV Mini Series.
Ahri is one of the best Mid Laners in League of Legends, and is one of the most popular champions in that role too, hence why a lot of professional League of Legends players have mastered her. Here are some more League of Legends champion guides if Ahri isn’t up your street though!