Is the CS2 left-hand command still working

While the right-hand viewmodel is default in CS2, some players want to have the left-hand viewmodel, like in CS:GO.
Is the CS2 left-hand command still working
Written By Eray Eliaçık

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024 at 02:54PM
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Want to switch to a left-handed view in CS2? Curious if the "cl_righthand 0" left-hand command is the key? Well, we have one good and bad news.

But why would you even want to switch to a left-handed view? Well, for left-handed players, it's about feeling more comfortable. And even if you're right-handed, trying out a left-handed view gives you a different way to see the game and helps you spot things you didn't notice before. 

So, is the CS2 left-hand command (cl_righthand 0) still working?

Unfortunately, if you were hoping to switch to a left-handed view in CS2 using the left-hand command "cl_righthand 0," you're out of luck. Despite players' requests, Valve hasn't included a left-handed option in the game. So, for now, you're stuck with the default right-handed perspective.

However, if you want to try it anyway or think Valve added it, here is what you need to know. 

How to switch to the left hand in CS2?

If the "cl_righthand 0" command were to work in CS2, switching to the left hand would be relatively straightforward. 

Image credit: Valve
Image credit: Valve

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Open CS2 and enter a match or training session.
  • Press the tilde key (~) on your keyboard to open the console.
  • Type in the command "cl_righthand 0" exactly as shown, without the quotation marks.
  • Press Enter to execute the command.

If the command functions properly, your in-game perspective should now switch to the left hand. Your character will hold weapons and equipment in their left hand instead of the right. Remember that changes made through console commands may not persist after exiting the game, so you may need to input the command again each time you play.

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Meet Eray, a tech enthusiast passionate about AI, crypto, gaming, and more. Eray is always looking into new developments, exploring unique topics, and keeping up with the latest trends in the tech industry, and gaming is the sweetest spot.

Eray has been rocking it as a news manager and content creator at spots like, TechBriefly, Gamelevate, Softonic, and various tech realms. Crafting over 2k tech articles, Eray captivated millions of readers for over three years.

Now, over at THESPIKE, Eray is a content writer, blending the love for spinning stories and helpful guides for all-things gaming.

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