Everything You Need to Know About Samira in League of Legends
Our stylish devil in the bot lane is one of the hardest champions to understand, so here is everything you need to know about Samira in League of Legends, so you can stomp on her!
The fearless Samira is a daredevil in lore and a daredevil on the Rift, not afraid to jump in 1v5 and come out without a scratch, but how?
Samira is a very complicated champion, so we decided to break down the Noxian by trade for you here. With every ability being explained in detail, as well as just some good old backstory about her, we know that this article will provide everything you need to know about Samira in League of Legends!
Samira’s abilities in League of Legends
Passive: Daredevil Impulse

Strap in, this is going to be a long one. When Samira uses damaging abilities or her auto attacks against an enemy champion that is different from the previous enemy champion she attacked, she stacks up Style for 6 seconds.
This stacks up to 6 times and refreshes every time she gets a new stack. With each stack comes increased movement speed and she can cast her ultimate ability when she has maximum stacks.
Her basic attacks are melee with a blade at 200 range or closer, whilst anything outside of this becomes a ranged auto attack instead. After using her W or E, attacking with the blade deals bonus magic damage based on the target’s missing health.
Samira also gainst an empowered auto attack against an immobilized target, and she can also knock up enemy champions if they are already airborne! She will dash into attack range if this is needed.
Fun fact, Samira can gain a stack of Daredevil Impulse by doing /taunt at an enemy, as she throws them a coin!
Q: Flair

So that was a lot, but luckily Samira’s Q, Flair is a lot easier to understand. Samira fires a shot in the direction she wants, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it hits.
If the enemy is within melee range, she will slash in a cone in front of her with her blade instead. During the use of Samira’s E, if she uses her Q, Flair, she will drop explosives that explode once she dashes.
W: Blade Whirl

Samira spins around with her blade, blocking any incoming damage - imagine a 360 degree Yasuo wind wall!
This lasts for 0.75 seconds, so you need to time it right, but you can block any incoming damage. Don’t worry, this doesn’t work with tower shots, however. Samira will also deal damage with the slash, which occurs at the beginning of the cast and at the end.
E: Wild Rush

Samira’s E has the shortest description of all of her abilities, as she dashes a set distance towards a target, whether it be champion or structure, dealing magic damage to anyone she passes through on the way.
Wild Rush also grants the daredevil bonus attack speed up to 40% at max rank for 3 seconds too. Her cooldown is also reset if she gets a kill or assist within 3 seconds of using Wild Rush.
R: Inferno Trigger

Samira fires a huge wave of shots in a large circle around her for 2.277 seconds, very specific we know, but at least she needs 6 style stacks to use it.
Each shot can land critical strikes and lifesteal, so Samira becomes very unkillable if you cannot crowd control her during her ultimate.
We recommend casting Inferno Trigger as you cast Wild Rush at max Style stack to gap close onto enemies. Although fair warning, Samira needs to be able to see an enemy to use Inferno Trigger, so maybe hiding in a bush could help survive the burst.
When was Samira released in League of Legends?

Samira came out on September 21, 2020, which was Patch 10.19, right before worlds of Season 10. She was released alongside the debut of the PsyOps skin, of which Samira got an Epic skin and her own set of chromas to go alongside it.
It has been three years and we still don’t understand fully what Samira does, but hey, who knows, maybe you could be the new Samira god on the block.
Where is Samira from in League of Legends?

Samira actually comes from a place called Amakra in Shurima, but after her home was destroyed, she found a new one in Noxus, becoming the showboat we know and love today. This is where she learned how to dispose of enemies in the flashiest fashion and honing her skill for showboating is idyllic in Noxus.
Samira’s Age in League of Legends

Samira was born in 964 AN, making her 33 years old. If that is older than you thought she was too, don’t worry, you weren’t the only ones. We thought she was around her early-twenties in League of Legends lore, but apparently she is a little more experienced than we gave her credit for.
Samira’s Voice Actor in League of Legends

Samira is voiced by Emily O’Brien, an English voice actress of Persian descent. This is where the beautifully represented accent we know Samira to have comes from. Riot Games did a great job with this casting, especially as Samira is really brought to life through her cocky voice lines.
Fancy learning more about other League of Legends champions on Summoner’s Rift? Well we have a load of other articles about champions in League of Legends, and here are just a few of those!