Internet issues plague Masters Tokyo teams' hotel; unable to practice against outside teams

Written By Sushant Jha Writer
Last UpdatedJune 11, 2023 at 04:55PM
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Internet issues have been the focal point of discussions at the VCT 2023 - Masters Tokyo.The first day of the competition got off to a rather smooth start with no major hiccups. However, there are reports regarding problems off the server concerning internet-related issues.

High ping and packet loss problems

Reports close to THESPIKE have confirmed that multiple teams have had to cancel their practice scrims due to a terrible state of internet at the hotel the teams are currently residing at. Players and coaches have reported high ping and a constant packet loss of up to 60% during their practice scrims. Some players even took to Twitter to share their frustrations.

The negative outcome of such a scenario is that teams are being forced to scrim on LAN against other teams residing at the hotel i.e teams participating in the same competition. This to many is far from an ideal situation as it often time leads to a leak in strats. Sources close to us have also confirmed that some teams have had to cancel their entire day of scrims that includes the likes of Team Liquid and T1.

A spokesperson from T1 told us earlier that, "We only scrim teams in the tournament because of the packet loss, the internet inside the hotel is really bad right now."

The other ill effect from such a scenario is that it leads to further reduction in scrims for the overall region. As we approach the tail-end of the season very few teams actually scrim this time of the year, particularly only the teams participating in the upcoming LCQ and Ascension events.

It is also reported that a similar situation occurred during the VCT LOCK//IN even in Sao Paulo earlier this year. Clearly, it seems to be a recurring issue that plagues every VCT international LAN event in the 2023 season. While we are not sure of the overall extent of damage or how far this has disrupted the practice regime of teams we can only hope that it is all resolved as fast as possible.

Sushant Jha is a hardcore data enthusiast. He loves to code and play competitive games and is currently a data analyst for a professional VCT Team. Sushant continuously attempts to explain game situations and metas through numbers, graphs, and more.

Sushant initially started off working as a scout and data analyst for a local football team. Later on, he made a valiant effort to translate his skills into esports and VALORANT in particular, something that really worked in his favor.

Sushant loves to spend his time working with data content and data-driven articles in his free time some of which are regularly posted on his Twitter. Sushant stronlgy believes that we can achieve the same impact data has in traditional sports in esports and beyond.

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