How to slide as Neon in VALORANT

Written By Marcelo Bensabath Writer
Last UpdatedFebruary 7, 2023 at 07:24PM
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Neon is a unique and highly agile agent in VALORANT. With her exceptional kit and in the right hands, she stands out as one of the most versatile and powerful Duelist agents in the game. Neon's abilities allow her to carry out actions and execute plays that no other agent can.

In this guide, we'll dive into and focus on how to improve your gameplay. Specifically, we'll be exploring the mechanics of one of one ability: her High Gear, or more known as the Neon slide. With the right techniques and knowledge, players can use this ability to outmaneuver their opponents, secure frags, and contribute to their team's success. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer to the game, this guide will provide valuable tips and tricks for mastering the art of the Neon slide.

First things first, lets get starting knowing more about her signature skill “High Gear”.:

How to slide using Neon's HIGH GEAR ability in VALORANT?

INSTANTLY channel Neon's power for increased speed. When charged, ALT FIRE to trigger an electric slide. Slide charge resets every two kills.

So, as you noticed, when High Gear is activated, you can press your (normally) Right Mouse Button to slide in a direction. This even allows for performing a backwards slide. The Neon slide can be extremely useful when used correctly through some corners to catch your opponent by surprise, covering long grounds faster and being able to get into bomb sites more easily.

To contextualize, good aimers in VALORANT usually get to this point by practicing and acquiring precise muscular memory, it is done by getting used to crosshair placement, to always aim at the correct height of other agents heads, and to track their movement speed to keep hitting bullets even when they are moving. Neon counters all of it. With her increased move speed and Mach 5 acceleration while sliding she can both move faster than the enemy aim, and beneath their sights. So in higher ranks, players must adjust their crosshair placement to be able to shoot at you, giving the advantage – in most of the cases – to you; sliding Neon of VALORANT..

Neon can use her abilities while sliding and she also can reequip her gun after the slide way faster than traditional gun swapping. So you don’t need to have your knife in hand while running with her “High Gear” because it will take only 0,26 seconds to have your gun ready to shoot after a slide instead of the traditional 1,01 seconds.

Neon Slide Peeking

Neon is known for her F22 Raptor peek – I mean – very very fast peek. As mentioned above, you can slide and be able to shoot in a short amount of time, making the agent very good for taking out your enemy in close combat. You can both do a long slide if your enemy is right behind a corner, causing him to have to turn around to be able to shoot at you, or just a short slide behind a wall to peek at someone unsuspecting.

Neon is a monster when played in Fracture, so here are a few examples of slides you can perform to take down some opponents

Fracture spots to take advantage of with the Neon Slide
Fracture spots to take advantage of with the Neon Slide

Neon truly shines on maps such as Fracture, Icebox, and the newly released Lotus, where her unique abilities can be fully utilized. These maps feature a high number of corners and long range paths, making them the perfect playground for Neon's increased movement speed and slide ability. With her nimble and agile kit, players can take advantage of the map design to outmaneuver and outsmart their opponents. Whether you're looking to make aggressive plays or provide crucial intel for your team, Neon is an excellent choice for players who want to make the most of these maps.

With the information provided in today's guide on how to properly use her slide, we hope that you players have a better understanding of the versatility and power that Neon brings to VALORANT with her slide. So, keep an eye out for more of our guides, as we continue to go deeper into the world of VALORANT and explore all of the sickest plays you can perform out there.

He have gone through all stages on his career within esports - player, coach, manager, business, and much more. Played CS:GO and Overwatch competitively during his teenage years and had the opportunity to coach several amateur and professional MOBA teams. He had the opportunity to contribute his two cents to some teams such as MVP, LOS, and DragonX and has worked with various gaming companies, including some well-known ones such as Level Up! and Epic Games. Currently, he is currently studying to pursue his master's degree in International Relations in Kyoto, Japan. "Full time on esports since Luminosity won that Major"

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