Are Hearty Durians in Tears of the Kingdom?
It’s been nearly a year since the latest Zelda game, Tears of the Kingdom, totally took over our lives, and fans of Breath of the Wild are still not over the loss of their beloved Hearty Durians...
It’s been nearly a year since the latest Zelda game, Tears of the Kingdom, totally took over our lives, and fans of Breath of the Wild are still not over the loss of their beloved Hearty Durians.
The Durian was easily one of BotW’s most helpful healing items… clearly so much so that the sinister folks over at Nintendo decided to remove the fruit from Tears of the Kingdom entirely. Not only that, but they stuck a bunch of Gloom Hands at Faron Tower, the former farming spot for Durians in BotW. Cheeky, eh!
So, if all you want is a straight answer: no, Hearty Durians are not in TotK, nor are there any plans to bring the beloved BotW fruit to the latest Zelda game anytime soon.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t alternatives. Sort of...

Why aren’t Hearty Durians in TotK?
Your guess is as good as ours. But smart money says it’s a simple case of the fruit being far too OP.
Cooking a single Heart Durian in BotW gave you food that restored three hearts and increased your total hearts by four temporarily. That’s no small boost! Consider that cooking five Durians would give you full health AND a mind-boggling 20 extra temporary hearts and it gets pretty clear why Nintendo axed the Durians from TotK.
Seriously, why would you even bother cooking any of the 228 recipes in TotK if Hearty Durians were around still?
What are TotK’s alternatives to Hearty Durians?
First up, set aside any dreams of finding food in TotK that’s as OP as the Durian. It doesn’t exist. Food in Tears of the Kingdom is more balanced than that. Now that’s settled, let’s move on…
Be on the lookout for any ingredient with Hearty in the name, like…
- Hearty Radish
- Hearty Truffle
- Hearty Bass
- Hearty Lizard
- Hearty Salmon
You get the gist, right?
If you find a BIG Hearty ingredient, even better. It’ll be much more effective in your next recipe.
Pro tip: don’t cook a Hearty Lizard with food ingredients. This critter goes best with monster parts to create a Hearty Elixir, instead.

Where to find Hearty ingredients in TotK
Hearty ingredients in TotK are, expectedly, pretty rare. Before we get into more detail, here’s a quick list of areas to explore for farming Hearty ingredients in TotK:
- Tabantha Frontier Sky Region
- Lanayru Sky Archipelago
- South Lanayru Sky Archipelago
- West Necluda Sky Archipelago
- Necluda region caves
- Hyrule Castle docks
- Gerudo Desert caves
- West Hebra Sky Archipelago
Legend has it that one of the best places to head to farm Hearty ingredients is Lightcast Island. You’ll find this sky island in the Tabantha Frontier Sky Region. There’s a shrine there at coordinates -3596, 0962, 1699. You can find a handful of Hearty Bass chilling out in the water at the shrine (plus 3 fairies spawn when you clear the shrine, so it’s a great spot for rare ingredients).
Go there with the Zora Armor and you can swim up the waterfall and reach the North Tabantha Sky Archipelago, where you should find even more Hearty Bass.
Explore any caves in the sky west of Tabantha and you should find a bunch of Hearty Truffles, too. Caves are a goldmine for this kinda stuff, so always be spelunking in TotK!
You can find Hearty Radishes in the Lanayru Sky Archipelago, the South Lanayru Sky Archipelago, and West Necluda Sky Archipelago, too.
In fact, the Necluda region in general is a great spot for Hearty stuff. You’ll also find Hearty Lizards in caves in this region, and Hearty Truffles in the East Necluda caves.
Take a dip in the Hyrule Castle docks and you can snag some Hearty Salmon. Or, head to the Gerudo Desert caves for yet more Hearty Truffles.
And if you’re still struggling to find the Hearty ingredients in TotK, maybe stop trying to fill that Hearty Durian-shaped hole in your heart and focus on sharpening your combat skills and getting the best weapons you can to defend yourself instead.